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Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Wheel of Time WW Game Thread

09-03-2010 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
You is every game, the others is only this game.
So you worship esse?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Why is leonid's titan vote bad when titan is a good wagon?
Originally Posted by derwipok
Here's where I'm at after reading through:

Titanrulez - slightly villagery

All in all I got lots of villagery vibes while reading the early pages.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
So you worship esse?
are you saying you don't? stone the heathen!
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
What do you want to tell us?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:24 AM
Aight guys drunk gf is bout to get home so ill be out and dont know if ill be back.

Lynch lxt 100% of the time
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
Swiitching my vote
I was one of the people you said not to lynch today, and now I'm getting your vote?

Just tell us the rest of the wolf team so we can lock the dark one back in his prison.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
People village shouldn't lynch today:


If you want to lynch me today doesn't seem that bad... there are to many players who enjoy lynching me so I would suck I am alive at the end of the game. I am powerless anyway...
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
Don’t Lynch today regardless of read imo:


Won’t be around at EOD.

Good Luck Dumb Village!
Wow, your do not lynch these guys lists changed a bunch, but that's not even what I was going to post about.

In your first post you say it wouldn't be that bad if we lynched you today. In your second post you say 'good luck dumb village!'

So you started saying it's not bad if we lynch you and then you call us dumb for you being a wagon? Really?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:36 AM
AF is > rand to be a wolf, imo.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:40 AM
He made his early entry post saying he'd do his drunk posting thing and then he posted 2 more times with one saying he'd post his reads and another quoting some people and calling them all wolfs.

AF, in that whole mess of crap quoting the people you think are wolves, you have no villagers? You call those reads?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:43 AM
To his credit, he did differentiate between "wolf" "wofl" and "olf" so there was at least some nuance to his reads.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:43 AM
The posts he quoted also seem to be quite random and not really wolfy.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
To his credit, he did differentiate between "wolf" "wofl" and "olf" so there was at least some nuance to his reads.
I don't know slown's wolf game but i know that when I'm a wolf I don't like calling people villagers, because I'm afraid to look wolfy when/if I rescind the read.

Coming into the thread, calling everyone a wolf and then quoting those posts as all being wolfs looks really shady to me. It's like he felt locked in to posting something because he said he'd come back and post drunk, but he didn't post much and in those posts he didn't even look like he was trying to say much, drunk or not.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
The posts he quoted also seem to be quite random and not really wolfy.
I don't think it's a coincidence that he called people wolves who had already been mentioned as wolfy by one or more other players.

Sponging, imo.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:54 AM
Swiitch's list of good wagons for today:


The band of merry men:

Bogan (pending acceptance)


Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I don't think it's a coincidence that he called people wolves who had already been mentioned as wolfy by one or more other players.

Sponging, imo.
That's possible, I'm curious to see how he continues when he comes back.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
What do you want to tell us?
I'm a good wagon although I'm slightly villagery? Do YOU have something to tell us?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
I'm a good wagon although I'm slightly villagery? Do YOU have something to tell us?
Reading comprehension ftw. I didn't say that I think you are a good wagon, I though UAw had said you are a good wagon.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:00 AM
My take on Vaya's opening post was that either

he does it as a wolf, so he can brag after the game is over how he claimed a wolf and still won the game

or he did it for reactions, whitch would be villagery, he actually was clearing Leonid because how he reacted to it, so this could be a possibility

or he mixture of both of these, he claimed wolf for bragging rights and masked it as a post to induce reactions

either way if he's alive at f3 he should be lynched, but isn't the best lynch today by a mile
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:01 AM
Swiitch, you don't have a read on me?
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Reading comprehension ftw. I didn't say that I think you are a good wagon, I though UAw had said you are a good wagon.
Ah. Then nevermind
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:02 AM
a lot busier with work today than I anticipated, but got caught up and didnt see much except the below:

Originally Posted by AirforceJB
lol @ this gam e. you are all vwolves imo. Tried to catch up, will post reads soon imo.
Originally Posted by bogan4life
This seems like a fake drunk post to me, and im adding him to a wolfie read
Bogan drilled my thoughts on this one. The vwolves is sooo fake, at no point can you stick a v in front of the W and still make the rest of the sentence understandeable.

Originally Posted by LXThrottle
I still don't understand, probably because I am dumb...

I am a villager. What will be cleared after I die and flip villager?
Bogan should answer this question, he ducked it last night.

Originally Posted by derwipok
The posts he quoted also seem to be quite random and not really wolfy.
and this...

Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
Swiitch, you don't have a read on me?
You're kind of in my not sure yet, but kind of villagery category (which isn't really a category, might as well just call it undecided).

I thought you were wolfy early, but have become more villagery since then.
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:05 AM




I know in my wolves are some combos that aren't very likely, but I haven't decided whitch of them is a villager yet and I don't want to keep a notebook this game
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
You're kind of in my not sure yet, but kind of villagery category (which isn't really a category, might as well just call it undecided).

I thought you were wolfy early, but have become more villagery since then.
I agree with 100% actually, I put him to wolves early, but then got unsure

although most of what he talked about was interacting with Leonid about how he shouldn't be so angry all the time so not sure what to make of that, and his list was kind of not so good, so dunno
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
09-03-2010 , 11:07 AM
I got too many wolves, I clear aao and globe based on poe
Wheel of Time WW Game Thread Quote
