A Color of the Rainbow
A Major League 20 game Winner since 2000
A Variety of Bread
A Majority Islamic Country
A multiple Oscar winning Performer
A long-running (more than 1,500 performances) Broadway Show
One of the 50 Founding Members of the United Nations
One of the 25 Top selling Beers in the World
Les Miserables - 4.5
ArcticKnight 2
eleanor60 1
kokiri 2
Wicked - 4.5
CrimsonFox 2
Precept2 2
True North 2
The Phantom of the Opera - 4.5
IBeDrummin 1
JMurder3 2
True North 1
Chicago - 2
eyebooger 2
xander biscuits 1
Rent - 2
Aaronk56's Son
IBeDrummin 2
ACES - 1:
Oklahoma - Booker Wolfbox 2 The Fantastics - CrimsonFox 1 A Chorus Line - e_holle 2 Beuaty and the beast - eleanor60 2 The Book of Mormon - eyebooger 1 Lion King - JMurder3 1 Mousetrap - kokiri 1