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Werewolf LC Thread Werewolf LC Thread

04-10-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
ianaww, two of the posts you quoted by monkey were from domer and obviously domer is a troll and monkey was responding in kind, perhaps he thought you were trolling as well i don't know

however i do know that if you had PM'd monkey and made it clear to him that you were sincere then he would have given you an equally sincere reply, he's actually a very decent guy and underneath his sometime brusque exterior he's a very sensitive soul
I oftentimes find myself in agreement with Domer. He's a bit self-righteous, but I wouldn't call him a troll.

I have engaged with Monkey oot before, and I agree with your assessment re: sensitivity. I highly enjoy having him around, in games and in discussions. I do not think he handled the situation appropriately, and the proof is in our pudding.

I know lolpolitics, but his political approach is startling, despite his personal sensitivities, and when he was modded I was sure that whoever made the decision did not read that board very closely. He's very much a "my way or the highway" kinda guy.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Say what you will about our grandfather mod moocher, but he runs some of the best interference I've ever seen. Most people have forgotten the KruZe issue entirely.

Gotta tip your cap to the soab
Redd, what's the Kruze issue exactly? He played poorly and then locked the thread when everyone started piling on him?
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Say what you will about our grandfather mod moocher, but he runs some of the best interference I've ever seen. Most people have forgotten the KruZe issue entirely.

Gotta tip your cap to the soab
We have been talking directly about KruZe and it has been duly noted that quite apart from apologising for your disgusting behaviour you won't even acknowledge you've done anything wrong.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
I would tell them to go and **** themselves whether I felt that the apology was warranted or not
That's not very nice. I think you should apologise.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I oftentimes find myself in agreement with Domer. He's a bit self-righteous, but I wouldn't call him a troll.

I have engaged with Monkey oot before, and I agree with your assessment re: sensitivity. I highly enjoy having him around, in games and in discussions. I do not think he handled the situation appropriately, and the proof is in our pudding.

I know lolpolitics, but his political approach is startling, despite his personal sensitivities, and when he was modded I was sure that whoever made the decision did not read that board very closely. He's very much a "my way or the highway" kinda guy.
I think the word 'startling' is a very appropriate one to use when describing Monkey's political views but if you don't realise that domer is a troll then you need to get better at the internet stat.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
I hear you, but you wouldn't believe the ridic spots your mods get put into sometimes, it really is absurd
hee hee
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
If someone tried to force me to apologise to someone I would tell them to go and **** themselves.
I don't think you would say that irl if you were in front of me *******
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:44 PM
it would help if at any point MB appeared to have any semblance of a sense of humor

also ww should just be banned completely
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jar Jar Bakes
I don't think you would say that irl if you were in front of me *******
Is that a killer quote?

And yes LKJ, I deserved that.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
it would help if at any point MB appeared to have any semblance of a sense of humor

also ww should just be banned completely
If LKJ proved anything during his time as a POG mod it was that you don't need a sense of humour to do it.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
btw domer, you obviously either don't have the first clue about the totality of what went down between me and BATM, or you do know and you're willfully lying about it to smear me and/or stick up for BATM

either way, you're on notice that you're full of **** on that subject and it's no longer going to be tolerated
Here is what you said to BATM in case you forgot:

"I hope social services is able to help your daughter before it's too late."

"like, if I knew where you lived I'd be calling them to rescue her from an unfit situation"

I don't need to smear you. You've accomplished that all by yourself.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
You're still a sucker for agreeing to do it in the first place.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Redd, what's the Kruze issue exactly? He played poorly and then locked the thread when everyone started piling on him?
I am biased so I don't want to describe things in a biased manner. You go read the thread and see the post game and determine for yourself.

But to truly know how I and others who support my side feel, you have to have experienced multiple turbos, gone through the post games that never get locked, and also experience the KruZe factor.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
You're still a sucker for agreeing to do it in the first place.

Anyway, I like Mooch a lot, but I just can't help but enjoy some of his frustration here too.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:53 PM
Oh, we're all enjoying it.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:54 PM
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:55 PM
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
Here is what you said to BATM in case you forgot:

"I hope social services is able to help your daughter before it's too late."

"like, if I knew where you lived I'd be calling them to rescue her from an unfit situation"

I don't need to smear you. You've accomplished that all by yourself.
Yup, I typed it, and regretted it immediately, and self-deleted it like two minutes later. Sometimes when we're in a heated argument with someone you say things that you don't really mean just in an effort to be as hurtful as possible. That was one of those times.

I also ate a VERY healthy infraction for it, which shows that the "mods just let people get away with it" part of your argument is a lie. I accepted that without bitching and moaning about it to everyone, because I was wrong for my actions that were part of the argument.

But to act like BATM was an innocent party to it all is either a lie on your part or you being terribly underinformed. So, get better informed or stop lying about it, your choice, because continuing with it as you are is not going to be tolerated.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
ianaww, two of the posts you quoted by monkey were from domer and obviously domer is a troll and monkey was responding in kind, perhaps he thought you were trolling as well i don't know

however i do know that if you had PM'd monkey and made it clear to him that you were sincere then he would have given you an equally sincere reply, he's actually a very decent guy and underneath his sometime brusque exterior he's a very sensitive soul
So I am a one-note troll, and MB is just a decent, normal dude. Makes sense.

Glad your true colors are coming out in this thread just as you're about to ride off into the sunset. Nobody ever trusted my read on you, but I could smell it a mile away.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Here is the skype conversation Killer is talking about
lol killer
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
Glad your true colors are coming out in this thread just as you're about to ride off into the sunset. Nobody ever trusted my read on you, but I could smell it a mile away.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
So I am a one-note troll, and MB is just a decent, normal dude. Makes sense.

Glad your true colors are coming out in this thread just as you're about to ride off into the sunset. Nobody ever trusted my read on you, but I could smell it a mile away.
Didn't say he was normal but POG is very lucky to have him as a mod and I've always been clear about how I've felt about both you and monkey so it's not like my 'true colours are coming out'.

Also given you're bringing up past posts to try and push Dwetzel's buttons do you remember this one? Always been a favourite of mine, for context domer subbed into this game and then had to be modkilled for something that the previous player had done, rather than take this like a man he made the following deadpost which ofc hadn't been approved by the mods:

Originally Posted by domer2

In what I suppose was a fitting end to my brief time in this weeabo realm, the mods trolled me tonight with a modkill. Because of something I posted or did? Well, no. Because of the person I subbed in for, officedog. They in fact knew of this action - which did not occur in the thread - right around the time I was subbed in (which begs numerous questions), but let me waste a few hours trying to begin to repair horrible gameplay by my predecessor (I doubt I was successful). Meanwhile, they I guess consulted with some werewolf brain trust about the verdict for the modkill, as their wont.

But to make matters worse, I was about to go to sleep tonight having already waited up and the both of them tell me to "wait 15-20 minutes." I demur. They insist that I wait. 35 minutes pass, and they inform me that they're removing me from the game because of officedog. Why did I need to stay up for that? Who knows. My response was not pleasant, as expected, but upon reflection I must say that in some ways I admire them. I can't help but commend the unashamedly asinine way in which they handled themselves throughout this ordeal as they wasted my time not once, but twice. A+ trolling you two.

Anyone who has seen your work in any DVC will be familiar with this attitude, a one-note troll indeed.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Might be because I don't come from a poker background and don't care about my $tat$ or winning or losing as much as you guys seem to, but I think you're all taking it too seriously.

Firstly, its a ****ing hour long game on the internet. Plenty get run each week, it isn't worth getting mad about. Leave it on the field and move on with your life. It doesn't look good to see that kind of ****. Maybe if you had actually invested something serious into a game which you can play sucessfully on your phone for an hour you might have something to be angry about but ****, who cares about a turbo, just play another one.

The postgame treatment of players is ****ing bipolar too, Movin ****ed up at f3 in one recently and he wasn't that badly berated (compared to normal standards) but in other games they're told to kill themselves and all that kind of ****. I mean, yeah you guys don't mean it but you're not going to attract people with a cliquey and hostile playerbase.

I agree mostly with crimson fwiw. Some of you blokes are great and I'll happily play a game with you, others just get too into it and take things too far.

chill the **** out

people play turbos when they're drunk, tired, stoned, whatever

some people are just stupid

if you take them too seriously, you're not going to have a good time and it's you that's the problem, not the drunk/stoned/stupid people
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:09 PM
A couple truths:

1. the thread got locked so that KruZe wouldn't have to ban killer, which has been a behind-the-scenes issue for reasons, as Moocher alluded to, that we will not discuss but are no longer going to insulate killer from a significant ban

2. there is even less leeway to go off on the awesome new posters who have never done anything to you than there is to go off on the people you have history with, and as a clarificatory reminder, there is already no tolerance for that anyway

3. that is the last time killer is going to be extended leeway to blow up and drop expletive bombs on people because he's MAD about a turbo; that ends, you will not do it anymore killer, I have warned you here and on Skype

4. killer is not the only person who goes free-for-all in turbos and/or their post-games; this is a global warning that the asterisk-laden turbo vitriol is going to reduce itself or be reduced by me, there is no further tolerance for this (rawrs, read this)

5. you can troll in post-game all you want, but you cannot take personal shots at people, this is such a simple rule and the frequency with which people must be reminded of this is absurd

6. it is almost impossible to play a worse game than KruZe played in that turbo, and for this we lol at him heartily and then let it die
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
04-10-2015 , 01:15 PM
A few more truths:

1. this has been a pretty good example of the POG Escalation Rule, which is that any incident that can be escalated will immediately be escalated by numerous posters for various reasons

2. the point is to deescalate when POG decides to go full blown POG, that is a work in progress and we will continue working on it

3. crimsonfox was believed to be a troll account actively bombing a game when he was temped; when it became clear he was a real and new person who didn't understand what had happened, his temp was immediately rescinded, it was my understanding that he knew this since I told him this in that thread; that process took about 5 minutes
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
