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Werewolf LC Thread Werewolf LC Thread

06-29-2014 , 03:49 AM
Not sure I even understand how a sticky for turbo games would be good?

The problem stems from people signing up for games and then not outing when they dont want to play anymore, causing confusion and typically leading to a new sign up thread being started.

How would a sticky solve that issue?
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
too complicated for kruze anyways
we already had a dedicated thread to turbo sign-ups and it was worst of all time and failed hard

kioshk complained about the sign-up threads

you are obv reacting to that

how about you take kioshk's advice and push for a werewoof sub forum

i have never found a problem with too many sign-up threads

like my sign-up thread i made today

it failed so i locked it

it falls to the bottom of the barrel

you are trying to fix something that isn't broken
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Not sure I even understand how a sticky for turbo games would be good?

The problem stems from people signing up for games and then not outing when they dont want to play anymore, causing confusion and typically leading to a new sign up thread being started.

How would a sticky solve that issue?
it wouldn't just because you sticky a perma turbo sign-up thread

doesn't make it different than the other perma turbo sign-up thread
lol moocher

go to sleep or something
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:51 AM
what threads are missing out on the action because turbo sign-up threads get posted and drop pages

you should be happy there are 17 turbo sign-ups in 2 days

that just shows there is a lot of interest and activity

nobody is making turbo sign-ups to cause problems

but you are making a problem out of this
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
kioshk complained about the sign-up threads
lol really?

SHOCKED he complained about something
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
we tried this before

we didnt try it for very long, but it didn't really work. some pros and cons were stated in that thread if you want to skim it.
ya but a sticky would always be the top thread in POG so if people got used to it then it could become standard, just asking to see what people think and i don't think it would take much effort to get it to work

for instance kruze/gambit could write up a really nice OP with all the standard turbo rules and instructions for how tatiana tiger works, it would be good for newcomers and then all the turbomonkeys could have their own signup/pub thread without covering up half the forum with their threads
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:54 AM
I think all games would lose players with different forums. I mean ww, sheep, mspaint, walrus etc.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:54 AM
i mean turbo signup threads fall to the bottom on their own

how many are on page 2 isnt a great measurement since there are more ww games than sheeps or other games

and the popular other games stick on the first page by themselves

im struggling to see how this is an issue, but im willing to brainstorm and help try and solve it if needed.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by kioshk
Separate WW subforum time. These turbo threads litter the front page like roadkill armadillos by a rural Texas highway.

Originally Posted by The Moocher
Turbo players, please make an effort not to fill the front page of the forum with multiple signup threads, ty.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
ya but a sticky would always be the top thread in POG so if people got used to it then it could become standard, just asking to see what people think and i don't think it would take much effort to get it to work

for instance kruze/gambit could write up a really nice OP with all the standard turbo rules and instructions for how tatiana tiger works, it would be good for newcomers and then all the turbomonkeys could have their own signup/pub thread without covering up half the forum with their threads
if this were to happen (and its something id be down to try again), i think it should just be for signing up and out'ing turbos. fluffing in a thread thats continuous makes it hella hard to figure out who is actually in.

honestly i wish there was a mod that was more active in turbos, but thats another discussion.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
we already had a dedicated thread to turbo sign-ups and it was worst of all time and failed hard

kioshk complained about the sign-up threads

you are obv reacting to that

how about you take kioshk's advice and push for a werewoof sub forum

i have never found a problem with too many sign-up threads

like my sign-up thread i made today

it failed so i locked it

it falls to the bottom of the barrel

you are trying to fix something that isn't broken
Originally Posted by KruZe
it wouldn't just because you sticky a perma turbo sign-up thread

doesn't make it different than the other perma turbo sign-up thread
lol moocher

go to sleep or something
Originally Posted by KruZe
what threads are missing out on the action because turbo sign-up threads get posted and drop pages

you should be happy there are 17 turbo sign-ups in 2 days

that just shows there is a lot of interest and activity

nobody is making turbo sign-ups to cause problems

but you are making a problem out of this
ya i saw his complaing i checked it out, just like i do for every single one of you people that complains about something which, i'll have you know, happens all the time

and he has a point, 17 signups on the first 2 pages of the forum is way too many and you guys could easily sort it out between you but ofc your first reaction is to spazz out about it for no good reason becasuse?

because why exactly?
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:57 AM
lets face it, kioshk complains more than anyone else

any dumb idea he has imo

Last edited by gambit8888; 06-29-2014 at 04:05 AM.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:58 AM
Main problem is IMO these lame titles where some idiots call themselves goats or post some lol xx or xxx woat and stuff like this and we have like 5 threads with idiotic titles that scares normal people away. Just ban these 3ers and idiotic stuff like this. You can play these in skype or w/e.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
Main problem is IMO these lame titles where some idiots call themselves goats or post some lol xx or xxx woat and stuff like this and we have like 5 threads with idiotic titles that scares normal people away. Just ban these 3ers and idiotic stuff like this. You can play these in skype or w/e.

agree on all points
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
lets face it, kioshk is a ****ing idiot that complains more than anyone else

**** him and any dumb idea he has imo
so only people like you and kruze should be listened to when you complain and not people that you don't like?
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
if this were to happen (and its something id be down to try again), i think it should just be for signing up and out'ing turbos. fluffing in a thread thats continuous makes it hella hard to figure out who is actually in.

honestly i wish there was a mod that was more active in turbos, but thats another discussion.
I will try it again to since why the hell not but I dont see how it will change the actual problem of people trying to get a turbot to run, it taking a while to fill, people deciding not to play anymore but not outing
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
so only people like you and kruze should be listened to when you complain and not people that you don't like?

why are you pairing me in with anyone?

If I wanted to complain about something I would just do it on skype with you instead of making a big issue in the forum
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
ya but a sticky would always be the top thread in POG so if people got used to it then it could become standard, just asking to see what people think and i don't think it would take much effort to get it to work

for instance kruze/gambit could write up a really nice OP with all the standard turbo rules and instructions for how tatiana tiger works, it would be good for newcomers and then all the turbomonkeys could have their own signup/pub thread without covering up half the forum with their threads

the worst part about a dedicated standard bland turbo sign-up thread

is it is a standard bland turbo sign-up

the best part is seeing someone make like


and proceeding to get players that way

it brings in different types of players at diff times and the excitement, intent and flavor of the game is right out there in your face

it just is more customizable instead of

ok today i will again try to get turbo game number 345 started on page number 500 lets see how many robots will join
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:32 AM
As a new player to the forums, I will say it's hard to find things with all the turbo threads. They seem to take over the front page and the threads I am interested in get lost. Maybe I just don't know my around yet, but if I didn't care to put an effort in sticking around, it'd be something that would push me away.

I'm currently finding it hard to find normal WW games to sign up for/read.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by nolemonplease
As a new player to the forums, I will say it's hard to find things with all the turbo threads. They seem to take over the front page and the threads I am interested in get lost. Maybe I just don't know my around yet, but if I didn't care to put an effort in sticking around, it'd be something that would push me away.

I'm currently finding it hard to find normal WW games to sign up for/read.

once you start playing turbos

you won't be able to find the turbo sign-up threads because you will be surrounded by real ww games/sheep/walrus/others

and will be like where all the turbo threads
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
the worst part about a dedicated standard bland turbo sign-up thread

is it is a standard bland turbo sign-up

the best part is seeing someone make like


and proceeding to get players that way

it brings in different types of players at diff times and the excitement, intent and flavor of the game is right out there in your face

it just is more customizable instead of

ok today i will again try to get turbo game number 345 started on page number 500 lets see how many robots will join
i can't remember if people that start threads can delete them or not, if they can then it would be cool if they did that for signup threads
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i can't remember if people that start threads can delete them or not, if they can then it would be cool if they did that for signup threads
can't delete even with the mod group status or whatever it is

can only lock

i've tried

i guess the best solution is to green me and put me on sign-up thread patrol
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:46 AM
How many turbos happen at a time?

On the other site I play, we have a single thread that we organize the "turbo" games (same thing, I think; we don't call them that). See who's around, gather a signup list. Then when there's a roster, we redirect to a new thread. Otherwise we end up with extra threads lying around. But we only ever have one game going on a time. No more than 10 people interested in playing at a single time. So seeing who is around in one thread isn't a big deal.

It's not a big deal to me; I'll deal just fine. Just sharing how I'm viewing the forum at the moment. Didn't know if a newbie perspective would be interesting, so I'm offering it up in case.
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by nolemonplease
How many turbos happen at a time?

On the other site I play, we have a single thread that we organize the "turbo" games (same thing, I think; we don't call them that). See who's around, gather a signup list. Then when there's a roster, we redirect to a new thread. Otherwise we end up with extra threads lying around. But we only ever have one game going on a time. No more than 10 people interested in playing at a single time. So seeing who is around in one thread isn't a big deal.

It's not a big deal to me; I'll deal just fine. Just sharing how I'm viewing the forum at the moment. Didn't know if a newbie perspective would be interesting, so I'm offering it up in case.
One turbo runs at a time. Usually we will have like

Turbo #1 Sign-up

game runs

Turbo #2 Sign-up

game runs

Turbo #3 Sign-up

game runs

everything runs its course and falls in time

there isn't anything after page 2 worth clicking anyways because it usually isn't active unless you just go look for threads you like i dunno

the good threads bump themselves

the bad/stagnant threads fall

the circle of life

i just don't see the big deal

i haven't felt like i have missed out on anything because there are turbo sign-up threads and i spent way too much time here as it is

fu kioshk for starting all this ****
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
06-29-2014 , 05:08 AM
whatever kruze says do the opposite
Werewolf LC Thread Quote
