Originally Posted by Thingyman
What do people think of this idea:
We run a bunch of crossover games like Hitch arranged in 2009. 457 people started playing ww in 2009 - that accounts for 34 % of everyone who's ever played ww.
I guess we've already run a mod forum crossover. SE and Politics have games somewhat regularly. But I wanna reach out to all those other subforums too. So preferably poggers who also hang out in other subforums would volunteer to host games for these forums - I could maybe host one for OOTV for example.
Originally Posted by soah
What would be the motivation behind this? In 2009, POG was struggling to keep werewolf games running regularly. Now, the forum is more than healthy. Bringing in all of those new players was not something that came without its downsides. The community was shaken up quite a bit and we ended up with 2 separate LC threads from it. Not all of the new additions cared much about werewolf itself, they just played games because their friends were in them and they screwed around. People who spend time on 2p2 are going to hear about werewolf sooner or later, and I am very hesitant about trying to shove it down the throats of people who lacked enough interest in it to come play on their own. POG vs SE causes enough tension all on its own. Adding several more cliques to the mix does not sound very appealing to me. I would much prefer that any attempts at recruitment are targeted at small groups of people who would be likely to be positive additions to the forum, rather than just carpet-bombing all of 2p2.
To be fair, I don't necessarily disagree with soah here with the underlined. I wouldn't want to do this for every subforum out there :P
But the argument that the games "are more than healthy" seems to not hold AS strong today as when I originally suggested this. Well, I mean, we're still doing perfectly fine and obviously loads better than before the 2009 crossover era, but it does seem that the majority of players and mods would like it if the player pool increased? No?
Good notes from Chips Ahoy:
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
I ran a game in politics last week: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/41...-game-1236366/
Some thoughts:
* Running the game there was better exposure than running it here. I got PMs from people not in the game who were entertained. The players know they are being watched by the regulars, which is good.
* No majority lynch for new player games. When there's majority lynch they just don't vote. Bad dynamics.
* Put work in on flavor. It's the weakest part of my mod game. I kept it up because when somebody is reading their first game, flavor helps the game make more sense, and flavor is fun.
* There will be 100 "zomg angleshooting" moments. Except if the players don't "know" that X is lock clearing, then it's not. So don't freak out, and don't modkill half the game.
A few people from that game are trying out POG now.
I wouldn't want to run a game in a forum where I didn't know the regulars and the culture.
TimeLady, you were indeed in favor of it:
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I think this is a good idea because we do get a lot of good players from the other forums, there are lots of SEers that are really solid now, and we've had some good Politics crossovers, and well, most of 2009 POG starters were crossovers really.
If people do want to do this, I would suggest a few things:
Pace yourself. Don't hit all the forums all at once. As fun as it would be, it's entirely possible you end up with like, 30+ new people who are all ZOMG WW. Which is great, and all, but 30 brand new players as a sudden influx is going to be interesting to run games for, as well as a dynamic ingame. Some of them will realise they don't want to play anymore, and ya know, cause problems
Run Newbie/Mason Games. Honestly I think this is really important. You give them a little bit of the drug, but you've got to get them that second taste to get them really into WW. If, say, after a month or two of crossover games being run, someone throws up a signup for either a brand newbie game (<5 total games ever played) or a mason game (partnered with an experienced player who doesn't post), I think that'd really help them feel more comfortable.
But then I started with a Mason game ( Aries) so I may be biased
Pick the Forum. I agree that strat forums are probably going to get the most solid % of decent players coming over, but there is the side of, people who post in strat forums prolly play poker significantly, and those who player poker significantly probably don't have time for WW. I personally think that Politics is a mine of good players, as well as OOT, or the other more Community feel forums. 4life I ran a game for, and it turned out...not so fun.
Now that we have some mods interested in the game from the Mod forum, it's possible they could go back to their Home Forum and maybe start a signup thread for that forum. It's entirely possible that's a good way in, even if they don't mod the game themselves.
p.s This is just me as a poster saying this, not me as a POG mod. I'm very rarely speaking as a Moddy mod
Originally Posted by soah
Each subforum on 2p2 has different demographics. In 2009, the majority of the influx of players came from BBV4L, which is a forum which exists exclusively to celebrate acting immaturely. It was a major clash with the preexisting climate in POG and it hastened the retirement of a number of the old school players. The new players surely didn't notice the changes that they were pushing upon the forum or the old players who were disappearing, but trust me that the people who were here beforehand saw the revival of werewolf as a VERY mixed blessing, even if they still stuck around playing.
Any big campaign to bring in hundreds of new players is going to change the forum. And hundreds of players who don't know each other, all playing a game that brings out the worst in people, is going to create more drama and headaches.
And what I want to know is, what's the benefit?
Originally Posted by gtpitch
I don't have a problem with a bunch of crossover games so long as we choose the forums carefully I guess. I wouldn't want to do NVG, BBV and 4L even though I believe those forums have their place.
The SNG forum, HUNL etc have all been good additions to POG.
As far as running them in their home forums - meh. I don't really see the point. The point is to draw people to POG and have them interact in our forum.
Expert counter-argument to not including BBV from Chips
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
From the BBV game player list:
Chips Ahoy
Iron Tamer (BitchiBee)
J.D. (lynched as seer, ha!)
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
a lot of old poggers left; but not because of the infusion of new ones. real life happened. if the infusion of 09 didnt happen, pog may not exist today
Originally Posted by soah
I never said that I had a problem with POG having more people. I just have concerns about blind mass-recruitment, and especially in a proposed format that won't integrate the new additions very cleanly.
Ok, I'm just gonna stop quoting here. We've reached an agreement :P
We will do crossover games, but we'll go about it delicately :P