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04-23-2012 , 01:28 PM
TL that's not what I'm saying. I'm talking about numerous conversations I had during that time about this specific issue, following by endless posts re: same.

EDIT: The reasons I wasn't made a mod are very obvious and also have nothing to do with this thread. However, if you feel like confirming what I've already been told, feel free to PM me.
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04-23-2012 , 01:29 PM
bsball is right about everything he said itt
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04-23-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
TL that's not what I'm saying. I'm talking about numerous conversations I had during that time about this specific issue, following by endless posts re: same.

EDIT: The reasons I wasn't made a mod are very obvious and also have nothing to do with this thread. However, if you feel like confirming what I've already been told, feel free to PM me.
ah alright, misunderstood
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04-23-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
Regarding the Halfway rule

I think its anti villa made up by scared and or lazy villagers

Can someone prove me wrong?
I disagree.

There are certain players who can be legitimately halfway ruled, but the list is really, really short.

It also shouldn't be applied in a vacuum. If people are being NKed who have been lolobvious or peeked villas, or have been PRs, then the halfway rule shouldn't necessarily be applied, just because strong player A is still alive.
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04-23-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
No you're right, halfway rule is ******ed and extremely exploitable
wrong on both counts
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04-23-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
Player X is the sickest villager to have ever walked the planet. He's always taken out n1 by wolves, and if' he's not dead d2 he will get lynched cuz it means he's a wolf. always. This is because wolves know he will solve the game d2 no matter what.

Can we agree that villagers should NEVER lynch player X on d1?

If so, what if he we change it so that he gets nk'ed n1 or n2 80% of the times?

Half-way rule isnt always exactually halfway through, but just an expression of the above theory
This is correct.
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04-23-2012 , 01:39 PM
Halfway rule should just never ever be uttered in a mish mash

It should really only be used in very very rare situations
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04-23-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Systolic
Arguing != wolfing

you should read the rest of my post

Your subjectivity displayed in your post basically completely proves my point
We're all puppets and Systolic is the puppet master.

Systo, based on what you have posted here, you're no longer allowed in any games I run.
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04-23-2012 , 01:40 PM
re: halfway rule, as someone against whom it is often mentioned as a reason to lynch me, I think I've actually seen that happen like one time

EDIT: The point not being that I'm AWESOME YO, but instead that for all the press it gets, the "halfway rule" basically never gets applied.

EDIT2: And swiitch is absolutely right that high value NKs having been made before halfway makes the "halfway rule" really dumb in that scenario
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04-23-2012 , 01:40 PM
Seeing Swiitch post made me ponder about maybe writing an article about clearing yourself as a villager which I think I've done pretty succesfully throughout my ww career. But maybe Swiitch or someone else (I can think of a couple of people) wants to write that article.
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04-23-2012 , 01:43 PM
the halfway rule is stupid

is it a good idea to consider why certain players are alive at later stages of a game?

of course

rules can never replace thinking
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04-23-2012 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Seeing Swiitch post made me ponder about maybe writing an article about clearing yourself as a villager which I think I've done pretty succesfully throughout my ww career. But maybe Swiitch or someone else (I can think of a couple of people) wants to write that article.
no offense to swiitch but the way he clears himself as a villager is mostly by getting lynched by d2 every time he's a wolf
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04-23-2012 , 01:45 PM
was going to say the same thing
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04-23-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I disagree.

There are certain players who can be legitimately halfway ruled, but the list is really, really short.

It also shouldn't be applied in a vacuum. If people are being NKed who have been lolobvious or peeked villas, or have been PRs, then the halfway rule shouldn't necessarily be applied, just because strong player A is still alive.
The rule only exists to be applied in a vacuum. If you're lynching people for actual reasons, then you're not using some stupid "rule" as your justification.
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04-23-2012 , 01:52 PM
As somebody who gets misread quite a bit, I have a quick 2 cents on clearing yourself:

-Make an effort
-Play well

It's either that or get seer peeked or draw a NK before you can get mislynched. Other than that, once your wolf game is at a certain level it's really hard to get people to clear you on tone. Pretty much any time I'm under pressure I can't say anything that can help me, because everything I could say people would also imagine being in my wolf range, so all I can do is feed people's confirmation bias.

FWIW a pleasant side effect of not bussing is that when I hard push a wolf as a villager, I can normally get people to clear me for it. If I didn't have that meta, getting people to ever clear me would be pretty f'n hard, as I'm sure Hoya can attest.
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04-23-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
Already doing it

plox don't steal my article idea after I've already written a ton on it
Um, OK.
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04-23-2012 , 01:55 PM
Reality is you don't need to be clear, you just need to not be lynched.
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04-23-2012 , 01:55 PM
I think there is far too much noise in this thread for it to be a good value down the road.
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04-23-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Um, OK.

You be the expert then.
I'd rather him not...
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04-23-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Halfway rule should just never ever be uttered in a mish mash

It should really only be used in very very rare situations
Agree, but even in a mish mash, it can be uttered, but should probably be applied less than 1% of the time.
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04-23-2012 , 01:57 PM
It'll be fine. I'm sure krayz will be able to help people improve this aspect of their games a lot; after all, it not like it's being done well by too many people right now.
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04-23-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
no offense to swiitch but the way he clears himself as a villager is mostly by getting lynched by d2 every time he's a wolf

This is probably the most true statement ever.

If I'm not a lolobvious wolf, I'm a villager. I think people usually say the opposite, but this is really it. I'm not always on my A villager game, but I don't even have an A, B or even C wolf game.
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04-23-2012 , 01:59 PM
Anyway, I think you can argue that my perspective on seer protection as a vanillager is strongly colored by my own meta — what is best for me to do is not what is best for most players to do, and I may not be fully cognizant of the exact differences.
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04-23-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Reality is you don't need to be clear, you just need to not be lynched.
This isn't fully true as a villager. There are a number of upsides to being clear in everyone's eyes

1) Once people are comfortable writing you in as a villager and using pen, it gives them one less possible wolf to worry about. They can focus on finding the real wolves
2) It makes it harder for wolves to pitch false realities to the village. The more possible wolf teams in the eyes of the village, the easier it is to wolf.
3) Sometimes I might have a really good point to make, but if one person is erroneously convinced that I'm a wolf, not only will they not be receptive to my ideas but they might read it as pre-emptive spew.

All that matters as a wolf is not getting lynched. As a villager, the more obvious you are the better.
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04-23-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by soah
The rule only exists to be applied in a vacuum. If you're lynching people for actual reasons, then you're not using some stupid "rule" as your justification.
This is true, I guess the way I apply the halfway rule is to look and see who 'should be' dead by a certain point in the game and if they aren't dead, figure out why. So I guess even I don't apply the halfway rule in a vacuum.

So basically, just disregard my previous posts
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