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01-01-2018 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Hmm. I can't group all 5 of them together since Solo and The Last Jedi are clearly different. But I'd hear arguments on grouping in another way.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:43 PM
I think the groupings are good. Star Wars should refer to a movie in the main series, unless otherwise specified.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:43 PM
Pending any compelling arguments to the contrary, I'm ok with the grouping. And it doesn't affect the podium anyway. Sooooo

Second Place: 
Aaronk56's Son14
3rd Place:
Other Awesome People: 
True North10
Booker Wolfbox6
xander biscuits3
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:44 PM
Grats eb/podium. Thx for running irtm.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:44 PM
Yay! Thanks IRTM.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:45 PM
BTW, would have grouped Solo with the generic Star Wars ones and left The Last Jedi (which isn't a 2018 movie) as an ace.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:47 PM
Nice job! Thanks Irtm
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:48 PM
Congrats, eyebooger. Good start this year, Aaronk56's Son. I'll take a third place on the first day of the year.

Thanks, IRTM.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:49 PM
Thanks for the game and grats winners
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:50 PM
I'd put all generic Star Wars answers to the Star Wars title that applies to the question. If you're asking for a movie that will take first in box office sales for a year then I'd assume the general answers would be referring to a movie being released in the referenced year. I said Jurassic World. I didn't mean the one that was already released.

I agree with eyebooger.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:51 PM
I hope spurs' end of the year $tat$ include like 4th through 10th place finishes. Pretty sure I crush that range regularly, & I think I'm 3/3 this year.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:53 PM
Congrats booger. Thx for running, IRTM.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
BTW, would have grouped Solo with the generic Star Wars ones and left The Last Jedi (which isn't a 2018 movie) as an ace.
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
I'd put all generic Star Wars answers to the Star Wars title that applies to the question. If you're asking for a movie that will take first in box office sales for a year then I'd assume the general answers would be referring to a movie being released in the referenced year. I said Jurassic World. I didn't mean the one that was already released.

I agree with eyebooger.
I accept.
I believe it only changes TN -1 and Willi +1.
Adjusted question scoring and final scoring.

Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
0 Points 
True NorthSolo
JMurder3Star Wars
xander biscuitsStar Wars
Booker WolfboxThat Star Wars one
3 Points 
Aaronk56's SonJurassic World
rtspursWhatever the new Jurassic Park one is called
3 Points 
ArcticKnightAvengers: Infinity War
eyeboogerAvengers: Infinity War
1 Point Each 
aaronk56Beauty and the beast
eleanor60Black Panther
carolinacoderOceans 8
DarkMagusSome boring remake/prequel/sequel of a superhero movie
Precept250 Shades Freed
Carl_SpacklerWonder woman
WilliLadt Jedi
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Pending any compelling arguments to the contrary, I'm ok with the grouping. And it doesn't affect the podium anyway. Sooooo

Second Place: 
Aaronk56's Son14
3rd Place:
Other Awesome People: 
True North9
Booker Wolfbox6
xander biscuits3
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-02-2018 , 05:28 AM
Joint top after first question

No more points gained in any other question

At least this is a stand alone game and not part of a.... oh

Thanks for the game irtm and congrats to the winners
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:48 AM
Probably should have read that movie question more carefully.

gg EB + the podium gang, thanks irtm
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-02-2018 , 11:14 AM
thanks for running irtm
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
01-02-2018 , 11:53 AM
Thanks for the game and congrats to the podium. I forgot what game I was playing and thought it was emu, so I'm counting this as a win.
Weekly Heep Series - Week 1 - Reveal Quote
