Somewhat like D1iab, I did a drunk listen sometime last week (though I was hardly at "Mel Gibson" levels). Did a more serious listen yesterday. I'll post my notes for both.
Drunk: WTF Santana is from Mexico. Hang on, let me check out the Wikipedia page for Rob Thomas and make sure he wasn't born in Tegucigalpa or some ****. Oh, right, Germany. I actually knew that for some reason. Anyway, this is a near-lock for last place for completely ignoring the category.
Drunk: Avenged Sevenfold? What the ****? I like a bunch of their songs, but did you even look at the category? Anyhoo, this is a lot more thrash than a lot of stuff I'm more familiar with. The drums absolutely kick ass here, but this will nodium for category reasons.
Sober: I like them better when M Shadows isn't barking into the microphone. Anyway, they're from California. Next.
Drunk: I'm drunk, not high or on E. What is going on with this? This doesn't rock at all.
Sober: I don't know how this qualifies as rock in the slightest. I'll rank it above anything that was a geography fail, but outside of that, it's getting the lowest ranking possible.
Drunk: Not feeling the beginning. Is this going to pick up? Ahh, there we go. Sort of. Feel like the tempo needed to keep pace with the increase in loudness. And now it's slow again. Ugh, this is frustrating. I wanted to like this, but it's too damn difficult to.
Sober: This is just alternating between trying to put me to sleep and annoying me by almost rocking out.