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Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Viking Village GameThread 10/2

02-15-2011 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
Start a riot....

After 4 cocktails I'm in no mood for funny statements or things like that.
It wasn't a joke.

I'm serious - suspecting you is not a crime. Your response to "vote me or take me off your list" is outrageous, and that's ignoring Elliot's voting limitations.

It's double-lol since I'm fairly sure you've suspected more than one person at a time all game
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
i hope nobody is buying this. it costs a clear villager if we let tom live and we are wrong.
it doesn't cost us a lynch though and that matters a lot more than an extra clear villager dying. we have 4 clear villas now and they arent exactly providing any stability.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
not at all

anyone quietly calling duckburg a wolf is very weird because if you think the king is a wolf you need to be yelling it from the rooftops. it is a thought i have pondered but i have no real reason to think he is a wolf other than I can't fully clear him.
Elliot didn't even call him a wolf; he said one of these three is probably a wolf.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
not at all

anyone quietly calling duckburg a wolf is very weird because if you think the king is a wolf you need to be yelling it from the rooftops. it is a thought i have pondered but i have no real reason to think he is a wolf other than I can't fully clear him.
What do you need to clear me?

Killing Tom vs not killing Tom?
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
What do you need to clear me?

Killing Tom vs not killing Tom?
i remain against it for today but i generally lcear people on tone not actions, and i am undecided on your tone.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
i hope nobody is buying this. it costs a clear villager if we let tom live and we are wrong.
You're already costing yourself a villager.

At least my way you get a wolf if something goes wrong, which if we invite cleared players it won't.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
It wasn't a joke.

I'm serious - suspecting you is not a crime. Your response to "vote me or take me off your list" is outrageous, and that's ignoring Elliot's voting limitations.

It's double-lol since I'm fairly sure you've suspected more than one person at a time all game
So why do you suspect me?

Cause I didn't listened and lynched Thamel?

Cause I selected Rollwave as heir?

Cause I refused to say if I had chosen a bodyguard?
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
i remain against it for today but i generally lcear people on tone not actions, and i am undecided on your tone.
You can't clear me on tone, I'm Danish.

Have a look at the NFL game, the CoA game and HP2.

It's the same ****.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
Elliot didn't even call him a wolf; he said one of these three is probably a wolf.
i mean he said at least one of a list with someone he considers a lock wolf

it is just a silly comment regardless i guess.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
You can't clear me on tone, I'm Danish.

Have a look at the NFL game, the CoA game and HP2.

It's the same ****.
i can read thingy on tone sometimes

and chris on tone almost all the time.

i have a danish setting on my tone machine
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
So why do you suspect me?

Cause I didn't listened and lynched Thamel?

Cause I selected Rollwave as heir?

Cause I refused to say if I had chosen a bodyguard?
I don't suspect you

I've said at least 3 times today I think you're a villager

I just think you've gone about being one of the clearest non-peeked villagers, with an extraordinarily important power, very badly.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
it doesn't cost us a lynch though and that matters a lot more than an extra clear villager dying. we have 4 clear villas now and they arent exactly providing any stability.
the important part of that was not the relative gain/loss - it's the fact that tom is lying and calling it a freeroll.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:06 PM
Eating dinner right now, but I'm here and will be here until EoD.

Duckburg, what are your thoughts/is your decision Re: TomVeil?
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:07 PM
If you kill me, you lose the mansion.

If you keep the mansion, the wolves are forced to kill me.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:08 PM
Through page 17 and I have to get ready for a call at 330pm that will extend through night and power role night.

You people should think about something: Rollwave lied to me on d1. For basically no reason. The most likely explanation is that he is a wolf that ****ed up.

Now, that may end up being true, or false. BUT IF IT IS TRUE, then he is much, much greater than rand to be the berserker.


Good luck, village. Don't let the wolves mislynch me.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
Other Rules

There are plenty, the most important ones are the Wolf Powers so I'll post them here as well:

Wolf Powers: 1 Team NK each night that can target any player spending the night at a place where the Traitors have access (at least 1 Traitor is present). The King can be targeted on any night, but the Bodyguard can angel the King.

The Traitors also have a Team Roleblock so long at least 2 Traitors remain alive.

They also have a one-off unblockable/unangelable NK that will substitute the normal wolf-team NK, that can be used on anyone except the King, regardless of Traitor access to the location where the target spends the Night.

Finally, each traitor may execute one Solo-NK when invited to the Mansion, the Tavern, or the Raiding Expedition, up to a Team total of 3 between all the wolves. The Traitors may only NK a maximum of 2 players on any given Night. The traitors have 24 hour wolf-chat.

All the Traitors are vanilla except for 1 of them that is a Double Voter


Here is why you should execute tom today.

There were 5 wolves to begin with:
each with a one-off solo-NK.

Each night they has been an extra NK one of them has used up - one of their solo-NK.
Keanu probably used one when he was in the tavern ( unless there were two wolves in the tavern).

Their has not been a NK in the mansion - so its Tom if he is a wolf - still has his NK.

Of the extra NK on the other night we do not know which of the wolves used their extra NK.

If Tom Veil - dies today via execution and is a wolf - one solo-NK dies with him unused.
If Tom Veil dies as villa - all we have lost is one villa and not a protection function - because 2 players will likely die tonight anyway.

So it is not a freeroll - because Tom can use his solo-nk in the mansion if a wolf.
Which is one extra wolf based kill vs all village lynches.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:10 PM
Didn't bsball die in the raid, not by a nk?
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
i can read thingy on tone sometimes

and chris on tone almost all the time.

i have a danish setting on my tone machine
Chris is bad ;o)

And my English is limited compared to them and Toga.

Originally Posted by Zurvan
I don't suspect you

I've said at least 3 times today I think you're a villager

I just think you've gone about being one of the clearest non-peeked villagers, with an extraordinarily important power, very badly.
Then why on Earth do you keep telling me that I'm a bad villager?
I've played this role to perfection imo.

(if you don't put too much in that I haven't been around for a couple of days)

Would you like a list?
Even though I'm not in to doing list, I could possible make one...

But normally I ask questions and thereby extraction information.

Say garbage
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:11 PM
Which is a nitty point and completely sidesteps the substance of Digger's post, which is that leaving Tom alive ends up with an extra nk, not to mention the possibility of lynching a villager today.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg

Would you like a list?
I for one would prefer more transparency from the Royal Administration and vote for a list. You have been a good King, regardless of alignment, and it would be nice to have some information from you either way, list please.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Eating dinner right now, but I'm here and will be here until EoD.

Duckburg, what are your thoughts/is your decision Re: TomVeil?
I'm undecided atm.

but look below...

Originally Posted by TomVeil
If you kill me, you lose the mansion.

If you keep the mansion, the wolves are forced to kill me.
And if you're a wolf?
You don't speak of you being villager or wolf, just the mansion...

Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Here is why you should execute tom today.

There were 5 wolves to begin with:
each with a one-off solo-NK.

Each night they has been an extra NK one of them has used up - one of their solo-NK.
Keanu probably used one when he was in the tavern ( unless there were two wolves in the tavern).

Their has not been a NK in the mansion - so its Tom if he is a wolf - still has his NK.

Of the extra NK on the other night we do not know which of the wolves used their extra NK.

If Tom Veil - dies today via execution and is a wolf - one solo-NK dies with him unused.
If Tom Veil dies as villa - all we have lost is one villa and not a protection function - because 2 players will likely die tonight anyway.

So it is not a freeroll - because Tom can use his solo-nk in the mansion if a wolf.
Which is one extra wolf based kill vs all village lynches.
Originally Posted by Zurvan
Didn't bsball die in the raid, not by a nk?
The wolf have a max of 2(3?) Solo -NK's.
1 is already used and the last two wolf would then have a solo-NK each.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:17 PM
Re: Wolf Solo-NKs,

They only exist so long as their are multiple resting locations. With Tom dead the threat of solo-NKs will be a thing of the past.
Viking Village GameThread 10/2 Quote
02-15-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
And my English is limited compared to them and Toga.
i didn't know that. might partially explain those weird incomplete posts i complained about on d1. sorry bout that, didn't mean to poke fun, i thought you were shrooping.
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02-15-2011 , 07:18 PM
there* are, I hate it when i mistype there/their/they're, though I do it all the time...
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02-15-2011 , 07:20 PM
If Tom is a wolf - he has a solo - NK because noone has died in the Mansion.

Thus he has not used his solo-NK which means if he dies that solo -NK function dies with him
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