Originally Posted by TomVeil
I see what you're saying and still disagree.
If you still disagree with this. If we don't harbor today then we should just not use to the harbors at all, the entire game.
Reasons being
If you fail to use the harbors tonight you say a villager in early game (most likely a vanillager) is worth more then the information down the road which will be HUGE. As Zurvan stated earlier this is assuming (BIG assumption) that a. you actually end up inviting a wolf and b. they use the solo nk (probable imo if you do invite a wolf).
If your to apply this same logic tomorrow you won't suddenly have 3 - 4 cleared villagers to invite. You'll have 3-4 65% villagers (as opposed to 60%) or even worst assuming a seer dies 1 cleared villager and 2-3 65% villagers. Your sacrificing lots of information today for an even more risky situation tomorrow. I say more risky because your still likely to eventually invite a wolf and you might be killing off cleared villagers easily by doing so.