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The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD

09-10-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
what a bunch of ****ing fail

the wolves could literally decide a lynch by themselves on d1
Explain this post at :30
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:18 PM
I want krayz lynched

A - it will clear me
B - he's been wolfy
C - last post of the day awful
D - if he were a villager the cfd would have likely suceeded
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:20 PM
Think about it

He was close to getting successfully cfded
Its averted
Im the only one left on him
And he berated the village for getting off of him



Do I need to do more?
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:21 PM
Im fine with a thunderdome even
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
I can agree with that post Jim.

But I don't award you village points
If you agree with the post, I guess you think Anarchist is village.

How can building a complex defense of a villager who might be lynched (and given my case and the support it's gotten, it's certainly a live possibility) not be worth village points?
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:24 PM
Atak thoughts on kray
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
If you agree with the post, I guess you think Anarchist is village.

How can building a complex defense of a villager who might be lynched (and given my case and the support it's gotten, it's certainly a live possibility) not be worth village points?
Becuase that is completely and totally in Jim's range. And if he knows anarchist is a villa then that is the easiest case in history to make, becuase there is substantial evidence of spew.

So Atak case vs Jim.

Atak has more weight, more poeple will listen to you.

Jim, not a lot of weight, if Anarchist flips villa, Jim looks like a hero.

Where's the downside to making this case if your Jim? No ones gonna call him a wolf for it.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I want krayz lynched

A - it will clear me
B - he's been wolfy
C - last post of the day awful
D - if he were a villager the cfd would have likely suceeded
For me, and players who think like I do, to buy D, you'll need to show which players were in position (present itt, votes in places where it mattered, not locked in by previous posts) to switch.

Also, it won't tend to clear you unless he's a wolf.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
For me, and players who think like I do, to buy D, you'll need to show which players were in position (present itt, votes in places where it mattered, not locked in by previous posts) to switch.

Also, it won't tend to clear you unless he's a wolf.

If he's villa and I get him lynched im essentially toast
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:29 PM
It's hard from my phone to analyze

But u think no wolves were around

Who jumped on krayz?

Me you Anarchist who else?

Likely all villas
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Becuase that is completely and totally in Jim's range. And if he knows anarchist is a villa then that is the easiest case in history to make, becuase there is substantial evidence of spew.

So Atak case vs Jim.

Atak has more weight, more poeple will listen to you.

Jim, not a lot of weight, if Anarchist flips villa, Jim looks like a hero.

Where's the downside to making this case if your Jim? No ones gonna call him a wolf for it.
No downside to him directly, but the downside would be if it works, they lose the putative mislynch today and maybe forever. And it's strong and well written and researched; it definitely might work, and it's not like there ar emany other players who are likely to put together as strong a piece in Anarchist's defense.

I don't deny that he's capable of doing it as a wolf; I don't knw what he's capable of as a wolf. I'm saying that because it could be costly to a wolf to do it (assuming Anarchist is a villager, which you implied you believe), then it is more likely that a villager than a wolf would do it — a wolf might not because it could easily cost, but a villager who believed Anarchist was innocent and knew how to prove it always would. Not conclusive, but awarding him no credit at all is unfair.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It's hard from my phone to analyze

But u think no wolves were around

Who jumped on krayz?

Me you Anarchist who else?

Likely all villas
It was like 5 4 4 at one point

And a krayz "mislynch" gets a free guaranteed mets lynch

But I think no wolves bit

Wonder why
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:31 PM
hi there.

mets, don't you think that krayz reaction to thinking he was getting lynched, was at least, not wolfy?
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
hi there.

mets, don't you think that krayz reaction to thinking he was getting lynched, was at least, not wolfy?
His reaction to being saved was worse
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
hi there.

mets, don't you think that krayz reaction to thinking he was getting lynched, was at least, not wolfy?
Or maybe togas a wolf too and he had no idea how to react
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Atak thoughts on kray
I have given me thoughts, but apparently you need them again. I was unhappy with him last night — obviously I thought he was wolfy to some extent or I wouldn't have risked helping to lynch him. I think he seemed to be playing an intentionally carefree-appearing game, which reminded me of drunken-silly wolf krayz from rand one. This may be normal for him — I have no idea and no one has offered an answer that I have seen.

And I'm also somewhat concerned, as are you, that the wagon didn't roll, but I by no means think it's as damning as you say it is. There is much resistance (misplaced imo) to CFDs per se, and that could have made it harder. People on Obama had a decent case (CPH's) to go by; wolves would have been willing to move if krayz is village only of they hadn't already locked themselves in (and maybe still would have thought it too risky). Without a specific list of possibilities, which I'm not going to do at this point because frankly I'm getting tired and I think someone else should do some work for a while rather than the half dozen who have been carrying most of the load, I cannot reasonably assess this angle of it.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:36 PM
I have remarkably little to say about toga and which way i lean on him this game, other than he's awesome obv
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:40 PM
I have remarkably little to say about toga and which way i lean on him this game, other than he's awesome obv
Who do u vote in a me krayz dome?
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:40 PM

Has toga ever had a bad wolf game on pog?
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It was like 5 4 4 at one point

And a krayz "mislynch" gets a free guaranteed mets lynch

But I think no wolves bit

Wonder why
The highlighted is baloney.

You are really, really hard to lynch, in either role but what's relevant is your claim that it would be a mislynch, so I'll focus on that. You've bragged several times in this game alone about how rarely you've been mislynched. The principle reason for this is that you make it so unpleasant for anyone to go after you that I think people avoid it unless they're certain (if they're village) or they know they have to (if they're wolves).

I hate that this aspect of your meta works for you, that basically you get a free pass a lot of the time simply because people know that if they push you you'll be an insufferable baby about it, but it does. You are never an easy mislynch.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
The highlighted is baloney.

You are really, really hard to lynch, in either role but what's relevant is your claim that it would be a mislynch, so I'll focus on that. You've bragged several times in this game alone about how rarely you've been mislynched. The principle reason for this is that you make it so unpleasant for anyone to go after you that I think people avoid it unless they're certain (if they're village) or they know they have to (if they're wolves).

I hate that this aspect of your meta works for you, that basically you get a free pass a lot of the time simply because people know that if they push you you'll be an insufferable baby about it, but it does. You are never an easy mislynch.
I think if krayz dies villa I'd be tough to save sans peek

But I don't believe he's villa
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
Don't worry Duck

mets and atak are so good at this game

you should follow

they are super pros
Now that you're both in the thread even :P(<- uh oh!) i just feel this is so villagery. I don't know krayz at all and he could be someone who just posts like this a lot, but this condescention is just kinda going out on a limb and feels like a genuine sign of irritation that you guys are doing it wrong. Of course you can argue that the fact that he doesn't take into account that you could be wolves(for this post in a vaccum) weighs a little the other way, but still
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:43 PM
And I can't see what's hilighted on app but I get ur gist
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
And I can't see what's hilighted on app but I get ur gist
Sorry, I forgot. I've beens witching over to highlight (when I remember) because bold is verboten in werewolf, italics (which I would otherwise use) get lost in quotations, and colors show up funny on some skins. I guess there really isn't a good solution.

Well, underlining, I guess, but that seems so sloppy. And all caps is something I really hate to do — only when I'm in a hurry.
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Has toga ever had a bad wolf game on pog?
Yea in a recent game i nailed him after 2 posts, and then his partner right after. Thanks for asking :P - But to be serious, no i don't really think so, his wolf game is pretty damn sick when he turns it on, and this is the kind of game where he would really like to show it, him being more laid back would probablymake him more likely to be a villager if not for this game having not been outside of a weekend yet
The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 9--NEW THREAD Quote
