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The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 8 The VD Vanilla Game of Sept 8

09-08-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I'll say something that has to be said: Wolves angling for a rerand because Monkey didn't read his PM carefully is lame.

The time of day thing is a legitimate thing to be unhappy about, but the time to complain was when she asked in the signup thread.

The cover role problem was a legitimate concern until OD addressed it in the thread.

the rest of it is so weird I cant understand anyone complaining about it.
09-08-2011 , 02:11 PM
Here's my PM to the mod regarding the problems:

The reason. . .

. . . no one knows what their role is is threefold. It's not a reading comprehension failure, as you state in your mod post.

First, the rules of WW are wolves win when they achieve parity with the village, not when they eliminate all villagers.

Your PMs apparently all say "when you eliminate all _____." So everyone naturally concluded they were a villager because under the rules of vanilla WW "eliminat[ing] all _________" means you're a villager. The only hint that we were wolves was that we could see the names of other recipients of the same PM, which made me unsure if you had made a mistake with the second round of PMs or if we must be wolves. Eventually, of course, we worked it out.

Second, it's customary for the PM to also say "you are the wolves" or "you are a villager" in addition to all the stuff that is just theme.

Third, though this is fine, you made the "bad things" good and the "good things" bad in your theme, which given the above 2 issues has unfortunately heightened confusion.

FTR I really appreciate the time you've already put into this and will wind up putting into this, and I look forward to you getting it sorted so we can get this show on the road for real.

At the moment Monkey is lock outed if people think about it at all, which kinda sucks.

- Hoya
Note that Monkey reads PMs via email and doesn't see the recipient issue, upon which he shouldn't have to rely.
09-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
i mean monkey was pretty much spewed wolf if anybody thought about his post at all, but other than that i don't really see why a re-rand was necessary. we were good enough to win down a wolf, and it's really not that hard to figure out which team you were randed to.

i'm actually kind of annoyed that the game went on pause before i had a chance to clear myself. fwiw going after new players is not a wolf tell for me, going after villagers is and i had a pretty sound logic for thinking barack was wolfy that i had yet to clarify. sanga may have been onto something with the wolfiest person itt thing bc it might just be my laziness finding one mislynch to latch onto, but you obviously can't lynch me for it because i would totes say it as a villa too

fwiw i just requested that OD modkills anybody who claims their disease in an attempt to not get lynched, roleclaiming shouldn't be a factor in vanilla games. i didn't raise a big stink over it so i'd hope that it wouldn't factor in the re-rand decision.
09-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
I'm gonna pull my jerk card here and say I'm right and you're wrong, end of discussion.
09-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
MB read his PM clearly

the mod never said he was a wolf

and gmail doesn't show multiple recipients

there was no way to know he was a wolf besides reading the useless flavor text in OP.

There was more indication that he was a villager in that pm than a wolf.
09-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
I also happen to know that officedog consulted with the greens before making a decision.
09-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I'm gonna pull my jerk card here and say I'm right and you're wrong, end of discussion.
lawyer logic > u
09-08-2011 , 02:14 PM
I am frankly amazed how Mets managed to give me the 2nd highest grade in his classroom (after himself ldo) when most of everybody else had me as one of their top wolf reads

Props to you good sir

Not surprised that most of the heavy pressure on me early all came from other villagers. I must be doing something wrong

My early lynch must have been a foregone conclusion in this game, so the wolves set up some groundwork to push other village wagons down the line
09-08-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Rerand was correct. Mistakes were innocent and understandable, but were still made.
Originally Posted by Krayz
MB read his PM clearly

the mod never said he was a wolf

and gmail doesn't show multiple recipients

there was no way to know he was a wolf besides reading the useless flavor text in OP.

There was more indication that he was a villager in that pm than a wolf.
Read the ****ing OP, its not useless.

Heck it might even tell you what role you are if your confused.
09-08-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
In particular the "you reach parity when you eliminate all __________" error in a PM that said nothing else to identify your role caused Monkey's mistake. It wasn't failure to read carefully, it was succeeding in reading carefully and being misled by the content.
Not in a PM that also said "you have 24 hour chat starting now", and when the OP is incredibly clear about who is who. Just because something isn't worded in exactly the standard way doesn't mean it's a mistake. Wolves do win when they eliminate all villagers, so that isn't even right — it's a convention that we end the game when they reach parity, as elimination is inevitable, but it is absolutely not wrong ot word it as she did. When I got mine I looked at that, said hmm, and moved on... and that's what anyone should have done.

Monkey outed himself. Had he read the OP, he wouldn't have. the consequence should have been a lynching.
09-08-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Read the ****ing OP, its not useless.

Heck it might even tell you what role you are if your confused.
why are you so pissed
09-08-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
My early lynch must have been a foregone conclusion in this game, so the wolves set up some groundwork to push other village wagons down the line
Lol, frankly. I'd likely have switched off you (maybe to another villager — at the dentist this morning I was puzzling over Barack Obama).
09-08-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by officedog
Monkey Banana
And you guys thought the 1st wolf rand team was stacked


09-08-2011 , 02:17 PM
So I had this post written up while the thread was locked. I'm posting it anyway because it would tilt me if I thought it went to complete waste and nobody got to read it:

Thread is closed so I can't quote.

1. REuckburg and chrja in the "I will be myself" vs "No, you should be a villager" thing, I think both sides have a point but I tend to agree more with Duckburg. I believe one's villager game should be that person's most honest/genuine/sincere attempt at solving the game by outing wolves and clearing villagers. A villager game seems to be by definition honest, while a wolf game is dishonest. If Duckburg goes to great lengths to artificially modify his villager game according to the expectations of others, he is moving into dishonesty territory. Yes, it is one of his responsibilities to avoid being mislynched but it is also one of our responsibilities to recognize his personal villager tendencies and avoid mislynching him.

I agree that is is bad to merge one's villager game into their wolf game (instead of the other way around, which some have claimed Duckburg is doing) and if someone does that then they deserve to be mislynched more often than others. I just don't think I agree that Duckburg is doing that.

On the whole, I think Duckburg's series of posts about this subject have come across as very honest and genuine which me give him a villager lean. Monkey also sounded genuine when responding to why he'd voted Jim and then in responding to the heat he got from Toganim, but I feel more strongly about Duckburg's posts.

2. RE:Anarchist joking about me being a wolf. I'm glad you've come around, and I think testing me like that is a valid way of trying to get a read on me since I don't know if I would have responded the same way as a wolf. I see you're still pretty certain about chris and have a few reasons why you think so. I'd like to caution you about the "thin reads list" thing. Wahoofan gave a thin/fluffy reads list on d2 of the Inception game and a few people thought it was wolfy (Telco and I at least). He turned to be a villager. Here, chris posted super early on d1 at a time when I wouldn't expect him to have more than thin reads. I'm not saying you're wrong about Chris, just be wary. If the line on chris being a villager is something like +7000, I'd gladly take it.

I'd say this makes Anarchist more likely to be a good villager since he's actively and deliberately trying to identify wolves. However, I think he was too busy joke-reading me wolf and therefore forgot to joke-peek aicirt villager.

3. Here's a thought I had about Monkey. He came in posting about how he was a wolf the first time around but said he had only checked his e-mail for the PMs since they were sent to his AliceMod account. The fact is he was not a wolf the first time around. This makes me wonder if Monkey got a wolf PM and got his PMs confused which led to him making a slip in his first post. We know he was a villager the first time around, why would he think he was a wolf if both PMs he got were villager PMs? It seems very plausible that he got one wolf PM and one villager PM, and we know he didn't get a wolf PM the first time around which would mean he got one the time that counts.

I've seen a lot of slips recently that wound up being from wolves, so I feel I had to bring this up.

4. Mets, have you explained what your list with letter grades means? A=villager and F=wolf?
09-08-2011 , 02:17 PM
Also it's not angling to "get" a rerand, it's day 1 of a ****ing 25'r that the village apparently thinks it had totally in the bag - which it didn't, for obvious reasons.

I suggested a rerand to officedog precisely because the impact was minimal on day 1 of a long game that was going to be tarnished for its entirety otherwise.
09-08-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
And you guys thought the 1st wolf rand team was stacked


it's going to be pretty hard to rand a wolf team that isn't scary with this player list tbh
09-08-2011 , 02:18 PM
I can understand both sides of the argument upon reading that explanation Hoya. While I'm still on the "read op -> profit" side (though much less so than prior to reading that), lets not worry about it now and just play some ww and have fun. It was a few hours only, no huge deal.
09-08-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
why are you so pissed
I have no idea if he's pissed, but if he were a mod he ought to be. they spend time — sometimes a hell of a lot of it — writing their OPs; for you simply to call it useless is both rude and shortsighted. Sometimes, as you've just seen, even the "flavor" text is important.
09-08-2011 , 02:19 PM
i had a lot of things to say too sanga.

i might just do a nice big multi-quote at some point

FFUUUU mets c- wtf were you thinking bro?
09-08-2011 , 02:21 PM
You should also all understand that there was not a concentrated campaign to get a rerand here. The wolfchat on the issue was between me and Dean, and was "let's bus the living crap out of monkey," with the response being "word."
09-08-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I have no idea if he's pissed, but if he were a mod he ought to be. they spend time — sometimes a hell of a lot of it — writing their OPs; for you simply to call it useless is both rude and shortsighted. Sometimes, as you've just seen, even the "flavor" text is important.
The integrity of the game was not good 2 hours in to d1. Regardless of whatever happened. Rerand was the correct choice.

I appreciate officedog's work here but the PM was extremely ambiguous and I can't fault MB for not understanding it completely. I can't claim either that MB would be the only one not to get what it said. I was confused for a while also.
09-08-2011 , 02:23 PM
Other choice PMs from unnamed wolves who are not MB and not the same person are:

"LOL me I thought I was a wolf LAST rand and a villager now!"

"So are we wolves or wtf is going on with the rand?"
09-08-2011 , 02:23 PM
I was confused for a little, but I am not a good barometer of whether something is confusing or not.
09-08-2011 , 02:25 PM
The salient point here:

I suggested a rerand to officedog precisely because the impact was minimal on day 1 of a long game that was going to be tarnished for its entirety otherwise.

I suggested a rerand to officedog precisely because the impact was minimal on day 1 of a long game that was going to be tarnished for its entirety otherwise.

I suggested a rerand to officedog precisely because the impact was minimal on day 1 of a long game that was going to be tarnished for its entirety otherwise.

I suggested a rerand to officedog precisely because the impact was minimal on day 1 of a long game that was going to be tarnished for its entirety otherwise.
09-08-2011 , 02:26 PM
Wait I'm confused what's the salient point?
