Originally Posted by bsball8806
@esooa the odd thing about that in particular is that he had actually been voting kawamii before that, right?
like it would be one thing if he thought kawamii was a villager, or getting unfairly pushed as an AFK. but nothing she had done up until that point was villagery.
and jmurder comes in with a drive by on kawamii that - yeah did it look weird and wolfy? sure. but it definitely looks convenient now that we know kawamii is a villager that just at that point, he conveniently drops his mindmeld line
yes that's my point
His vote was obligatory; it didn't feel real, had nothing to do with anything (as I said, this is unlike his votes on Ender/Filthy, who he gave reasons for, or IRTM, who he said it was a reaction test and actually did get something out of it)
When he's voting Kami, he doesn't care about her... at all
When he unvotes, it is so ****ing undramatic as to be laughable
the vote was for show, and every single word in his entire ISO from the point he voted her to EoD provides evidence for such