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Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War

06-17-2010 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by aao
Anyone notice a change in SHs game between d1 and d2?

I did.
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Hell yes.
last post d3:

Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Who did POG sub in for? He might be a wolf.
worth noting at least because of lack of other n2 peek candidates besides globe.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:31 AM
just because it was kind of a throw away statement. seems like he might have not found a good spot to leave his peek and felt like he had to since he gets killed a decent amount.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:33 AM
Ok so,

Cleared villas:
VoraciousReader (if we assume Digger was his n0 peek)

Villa leans:

Not sure:


Going to devote today to reading all of my unsures.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
just because it was kind of a throw away statement. seems like he might have not found a good spot to leave his peek and felt like he had to since he gets killed a decent amount.
Yeah I could see that.

POG or Globe.

Or none.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:44 AM
I'm going with my d1 read. Leonid.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:50 AM
ok I guess n1/d2 was probably bsball afterall. there is just too much pushing and assuming (makes raeds on other players based on bsball=wolf, "do u always fluster like this as a wolf".
"last few posts have been villagery" is standard seer backing down a bit after he had been too obvious. his reaction to the aces claim wasn't immediate, so his "is there any reason not to believe aces?" post could have been thought out levelling.

and other d2 candidates are herbie=villa. so we'd have dead peek either way.

or maybe usc=wolf because of that one post. but I would think he would have made mroe posts about it. and he was on him for basically the whole day d1 too, so I think he's just continuing his read.

globe today seems decent.
atleast wagon him for reactions. he might just stop posting if he's wolf and gets some votes.

I still think Panda is probably wolf as well.

and I'm glad I don't have to continue with my Titan=villa fake anymore. that was painful.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:50 AM
I've just reread the first 20 pages of thread, mike is my new clearest villager

aao looks villagery

pbal didn't peek me cause if he did he wouldn't have voted for me
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
and I'm glad I don't have to continue with my Titan=villa fake anymore. that was painful.
That is why you don't pick someone at random as your fake peek, but instead pick someone you thin is villagery.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:52 AM
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
That is why you don't pick someone at random as your fake peek, but instead pick someone you thin is villagery.
yeah whatever, I most definitely didn't pick him at random. and no, you don't just pick someone you think is villagery all the time. wolves won't believe that.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
I've just reread the first 20 pages of thread, mike is my new clearest villager

aao looks villagery

pbal didn't peek me cause if he did he wouldn't have voted for me
This is like 10 on the Richter(sp?) scale wolfy.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
yeah whatever, I most definitely didn't pick him at random. and no, you don't just pick someone you think is villagery all the time. wolves won't believe that.
Believe what?
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:55 AM
like I think if my titan, leo, wahoo villa peeks had been correct I would or at least should have been nightkilled.

you've got to give yourself a chance to draw the kills over the seer.
if I would have had like chips n0, digger n1, plz n2 villa, nobody would ever believe it.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
This is like 10 on the Richter(sp?) scale wolfy.
why? does he not point that out as a villager?
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
Believe what?
that I'd peek him ldo
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
that I'd peek him ldo
If you fake-peeked a villagery person the wolves wouldn't believe that you would peek him because he is villagery? Either I don't understand what you are saying, or you are not making sense.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
why? does he not point that out as a villager?
nevermind, its not as bad as I thought it was.

thought he was saying if he peeked him wolf he wouldn't vote him there.

but he's saying if he peeked him he wouldn't of voted him cause he'd have known he was villa.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:00 AM
yes, I won't peek someone I thought was villagery the days before.

btw your snippy comment doesn't even apply here. I thought Titan was villagery on the first few pages, which is all I read d1. then I made him my fake peek shortly before EoD.
the "painful" is referring to the days after that, when I obviously couldn't change it and I didn't think he was villager anymore.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:03 AM
in general it's better to think about: who would I peek here if I'm the seer, which peek makes sense. and then make a decision if you give the peek as villa or wolf.
not pick a random person you think is villager or wolfy and then make him your peek.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:10 AM
just stupid. I'm probably one of the people who thinks the most about his fake peeks and you say "I pick at random". so annoying.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:15 AM
post numbers on the left. thought this would be cleaner than multiquotes

1300- finds uscpf wolfy. Plz be quotes some his day 1 posts where he wants to vote uscpf, again suggests uspfc should be voted, says uspfc is his vote until eod at least, changes from his uscpf vote but adds a disclaimer. Calls digger a villager again. Wont read anything into who he suspects on the systo wagon.

1301 questions bsball about not voting for uscpf.
1308 more bsball questioning
1311 zomg vote
1351 asks gotgame about bsball
1358 tells gotgame that bsballs post was really, really wolfy
1365 soft accuses bsball
1366 notes that derwipok has posted a lot in another game but not this one (means nothing in reality, but for completeness, I added it here)
1394 talks to bsball telling him he and birdman are potential w/w
1432 says leonid is probably a villager,don’t vote for him
1474 votes bsball and says don’t vote leonid
1477 it was announced I was subbing for derwi, then plzbe said 'in before scott claims seer'.
1594 indicates uscpf is a wolf noob. Talks to bsball about if leonid flips villager he will be suspect of bsball

At this point I want to note that im torn between leonid and bsabll being the peek

1598 votes zomg
1599 criticizes bsball
1601 says "If I'm completely on the wrong level and bsball is a villager I'm sorry. I'm going to keep my mind open and try not to get tunnel vision, but that's the way I feel at the moment. "
1634 at 739pm votes bsball
1639 replies to bsball with more soft accuse
1641 more accuse of bsball, little harder this time
1647 says "Okay moar bsball votes. If you think I'm a villager and trust me at all vote for him. ". this is at 746pm
1650 suggest herbie is a villager
1655 puts more pressure on bsball
1664 more pressure on bsball
1679 tells aces to vote bsball
1688 more bsball = wolf
1709 says 'I will be incredulous if we don't lynch bsball today. His last ~20ish posts have just been god awful howling.'
1753 mentions titan as a possible vote. Wonders if it would look bad for him cause bsball is voting titan
1904 relplies to aao if anybody noticed a change in SH beteen d1 and d2, 'hell yes'
1914 says 'first time ive ever been able to read bsball

So, clearly bsball was a big topic for him this day. But, although he applied a lot of pressure to bsball, I don’t think plzbe gets killed if leonid is a wolf. probably we can take away from this that leonid is likely village, regardless of whether we think he was peeked or not.

gonna do day 3 later
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
just stupid. I'm probably one of the people who thinks the most about his fake peeks and you say "I pick at random". so annoying.
So you are a wolf?
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:21 AM

lock wolf imo
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:21 AM
probably makes zomg a wolf, too.
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
06-17-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?

and I'm glad I don't have to continue with my Titan=villa fake anymore. that was painful.

you mean youre horrible (i wont say retarted) fake?
what i wanted to discuss with you yesterday?
Vanilla 6/14 ww Game Thread ~ Breakfast Cereal Mascot War Quote
