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Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up

02-04-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
i cant figure out if this is serious or not
Did you "keep reading" yet?
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
That was me.
I haven't finished re-reading. But after page 1 he looked pretty bad. Why do you think he's villager?
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
btw i disagree with cphoya saying thread is unreadable on d1 because his villager game is easy to imitate

it might be true for turbos but this is nearly impossible in a long game unless you are extremely utr d1 or spend a ridiculous amount of time on the game
actually i forgot whether his argument was just that thread was unreadable at the point people were calling him a villager which i can see so i guess nevermind if thats what it was
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Yeah, you're not the only one.

I'm waiting for the "CPBus" nickname.
i think yours'll be CPS
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Did you "keep reading" yet?
no tbh
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:35 PM
wrt kwami, i think he's kinda wolfy in either role so thinking he's a wolf early doesn't mean he is
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
btw i disagree with cphoya saying thread is unreadable on d1 because his villager game is easy to imitate

it might be true for turbos but this is nearly impossible in a long game unless you are extremely utr d1 or spend a ridiculous amount of time on the game
Okay, fine. Here's more proof. In the still-ongoing Indie Rock game, which I am modding, the following post was made near the end of Day 1.

Originally Posted by traz

Thread Cat, imo

traz is widely renowned for having the best day 1 reads, and best reads generally, in POG WW (and some in POG think he is probably the single best WW player on the internet - I've heard this twice). Moreover, traz believes he has a soulread on TC, and began thinking of TC as his protege, of sorts, some months ago. If there is anyone who should be able to reliably read TC, it is traz.

I obviously cannot comment much on the above post. However, as everyone is now aware, TC was a wolf in that game (who is now dead), and the person with the best reads in POG, who has a soulread on TC, got it wrong on day 1. I hate to use the "traz argument," but there it is.

TC cannot be determined to be a villager on day 1 unless you make him play other than his normal game. People who cleared him before his out-of-character interactions with me - those posts were very valuable and forced TC to reveal thought processes - are wolves, are lazy, or are too confident of their "tells" on him. His early game doesn't have any reliable tells, and this should be painfully obvious to everyone.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
actually i forgot whether his argument was just that thread was unreadable at the point people were calling him a villager which i can see so i guess nevermind if thats what it was
ding ding ding
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
no tbh
I said TC is probably a villager not long after the post you quoted.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
i think yours'll be CPS
I don't think I get it. CPs00ted?
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I said TC is probably a villager not long after the post you quoted.
ok cool
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
aao, why no "aao is villa iyam," or "aao is a pointy knife iyam," or "aao is Aldo Raine iyam"?
Did you read d1 of the Indie Rock game? Traz and I specifically had about 10-15 posts (iirc) on the subject of people having staple entrance posts and whether it was good or bad.

Originally Posted by well named
yeah but I'm calling aao a wolf.

aao is a wolf


I want to sigh here but I respect well named too much to do that to him.

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
very villagery entrance by ewalsh imo
Disagree, unless this was sarcastic... in which case, agree.

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
Good vote too.

I'd say ewalsh is probably the wolfiest player in the thread so far. Take that to the bank too.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
I haven't finished re-reading. But after page 1 he looked pretty bad. Why do you think he's villager?
I wolfed with him in the recent Jack Bando game and his wolfing was a lot less pushy than he is already being. As a wolf he asked a lot of little questions and nudged discussion around. He didn't jump on anyone even once.

Meanwhile, I know his villa game is "balls to the wall" - his words - and this seems to be exactly that.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
i think you're not playing your villa game. Tone seems different to what it was in SOAP or was it KtK ? I forget, but i remember that game and this seems different.

Kwami i think is greater than rand to be neutral ( i.e. could be villa could be wolf) i would not be one bit surprised if he turned wolf

CPHoya leans villa for me, but one way or another he's probably gonna be killed tonight or tomorrow. if he's not dead by the time d3 starts, we can lock him in as a certain wolf.

Well Named looks villagery - Game is different than it was in KtK draft game. He actually looks happy in his situation and not wolfy

I have no idea what to make of BBB or AAo right now. Umaine could be anything for me either. TE needs to get his ass in here and making posts imo!
I'm not caught up but this is awesome
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:42 PM
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:43 PM

your point may be valid that i shouldn't be cleared early d1. however, as you just showed, "good villagers" don't know that, so villagers are just as likely to clear me

basically you may be right but i don't think it's going to lead you to any wolves. and frankly your fixation on this is weirding me out
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:43 PM
aao, how so?
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:43 PM
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I don't think I get it. CPs00ted?
like FPS. but with a C
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by aao
Did you read d1 of the Indie Rock game? Traz and I specifically had about 10-15 posts (iirc) on the subject of people having staple entrance posts and whether it was good or bad.

As a rule I tend to not read the games I mod especially thoroughly, so I didn't really pay attention to that. Still, this is a good response.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:45 PM
oh aao i was serious about ewalsh entrance being villagy

my vote was kind of a joke
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:45 PM
work stuff came up.

I haven't caught up with the last 50-60 posts or whatever it is but I see something about kwami asking me a question: I'm pretty sure I answered it. I didn't quote the question when I did though. Anyway, check it out.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo

your point may be valid that i shouldn't be cleared early d1. however, as you just showed, "good villagers" don't know that, so villagers are just as likely to clear me

basically you may be right but i don't think it's going to lead you to any wolves. and frankly your fixation on this is weirding me out
Well, actually, now "good villagers" do know that. What are the chances traz clears you early ever again?
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
aao, how so?
In my opinion, you've failed to make any villager posts or said anything of content, yet. All your posts are quick, simple and 'to the point' - exactly how a wolf would be posting.
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by aao
In my opinion, you've failed to make any villager posts or said anything of content, yet. All your posts are quick, simple and 'to the point' - exactly how a wolf would be posting.
i could post the reads in my notes if you want
Vanilla 13'er - Tarantino Mash-up Quote
