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11-21-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Are you exaggerating when you say this?

What roles did you look at and think that maybe they could be involved with the reveal?
I did this too. When I saw Phel's flip, that was really the first thing I thought about especially given's Phel's insistence that the village lynch me next after him.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by merk_sa
I remember manipulating you all throughout Game 3 to kill the wrong people and vote the wrong people. You were easy to convince and your opinions changed frequently; I'm not feeling it this game.
thingyman, how does the above post read to you?

does it sound like wolf-merk complaining that it's more difficult for him to convinve you to do what he wants in this game?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I would have thought athexx, who "definitely" should be lynched if Phel flipped villager, would be the first name out of a good villager's mouth
that's next lvl

most ppl should be thinking tappo. Its quite sad ppl are not.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by traz
that's next lvl

most ppl should be thinking tappo. Its quite sad ppl are not.
sad because it shows poor village thinking imo
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by dbmurph22
I sat in my car in the parking lot on my phone. I pushed the clutch and shifted into reverse at 5:01. There was one car that passed behind me first. Then I pulled out and a very rounded angle. Wipers went on, but only in a burst fashion because they are old and made a fwaaaaaag noise after the initial moisture was removed. I managed to get a very low amount of pedestrians around me as I left the hospital so I exited quickly. Got to the exit, saw Hoya had posted but it was just the vote correction thing. Here I sort of sat up jusssst a little in my seat to adjust my pants. I had these golf type slacks and they were sort of clumping and clenching my balls. I felt better after. Pulled out left in a one way and got over quickly. Freeway entrance was just in front. Pretty miffed at that point because I saw the line on the onramp was backed up almost to street. Mumbled an obscenity. Then realized I could check my phone in the line though.... but still too early. Dammit. Tossed my phone to the floorboard. Immediately regretted it because I wanted to check in 5-10 mins. Figured I could when I exited the freeway. Looked around to see if someone was watching all this.

I can recall more if you'd like. Continue from there.

I'm asking because you said that you would be driving home before EOD. So why were you at stoplights after EOD.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by dbmurph22
Athexxx, traz seems to be the one most eager to lynch you in the wake of Phelanpt. If you think you were being "set up" why haven't you involved or discussed him w this issue?
Because traz makes sense here. He was after me before, he's still after me now. I disagreed with him on Tommy; he was wrong, I disagreed with him on Phelan, I was wrong. He still seems villagery to me and wrong about me.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by dbmurph22
I sat in my car in the parking lot on my phone. I pushed the clutch and shifted into reverse at 5:01. There was one car that passed behind me first. Then I pulled out and a very rounded angle. Wipers went on, but only in a burst fashion because they are old and made a fwaaaaaag noise after the initial moisture was removed. I managed to get a very low amount of pedestrians around me as I left the hospital so I exited quickly. Got to the exit, saw Hoya had posted but it was just the vote correction thing. Here I sort of sat up jusssst a little in my seat to adjust my pants. I had these golf type slacks and they were sort of clumping and clenching my balls. I felt better after. Pulled out left in a one way and got over quickly. Freeway entrance was just in front. Pretty miffed at that point because I saw the line on the onramp was backed up almost to street. Mumbled an obscenity. Then realized I could check my phone in the line though.... but still too early. Dammit. Tossed my phone to the floorboard. Immediately regretted it because I wanted to check in 5-10 mins. Figured I could when I exited the freeway. Looked around to see if someone was watching all this.

I can recall more if you'd like. Continue from there.
this is an incredible post
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
btw athexx, you may not have noticed but i was leading the counterwagon to phelanpt yesterday, how does that factor in to your read?
Not knowing anything about Tappo, it doesn't really factor in at all. But yes, I was aware. Why did you vote Phel at the 8:01 slot?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman

I'm asking because you said that you would be driving home before EOD. So why were you at stoplights after EOD.
Okay, this is getting ridicolous, because he's obviously just gonna make up an excuse if he's lying anyway.

I choose to trust this.

It's just that I wanted to give you village points for including a detail that made me believe your story about checking the role list (being at stoplights).
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:24 PM
I actually don't trust Len that much. Having some trouble there. Will have to put that into some detail.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
this is an incredible post
Originally Posted by dbmurph22
Yeah it was probably 10-15 min in all, total. I looked at each role maybe 2-3 times thinking I might have missed something. And I was doing it at stoplights
So normally I would've just noted this post down as villagery and move on without anyone knowing how this impacted my reads, but since at least two people (traz and The Moocher) have expressed a dislike for me asking questions, I'd like to make it clear that at least I actually do get something out of them a lot of the time - and I believe that any tone reader should as well

so take this post

The underlined. If we believe this to be the truth (he would otherwise have to be a wolf lying and including such a detail just for the heck of it), then he's also telling the truth about checking the roles and thus he is a villager.

I choose to believe it.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Okay, this is getting ridicolous, because he's obviously just gonna make up an excuse if he's lying anyway.

I choose to trust this.

It's just that I wanted to give you village points for including a detail that made me believe your story about checking the role list (being at stoplights).
this reminds me of "why do you need air conditioning, it's 59 degrees in Ireland" catch

that worked poorly for me
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by traz
that's next lvl

most ppl should be thinking tappo. Its quite sad ppl are not.
I would absolutely like to know more about tappo in order to be able to figure out what happened yesterday but I have seen nothing to indicate it wasn't two villagers up for lynch and I would rather not just lynch him to figure that out because that's wasting lynches. We need to hit a wolf.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by traz
that's next lvl

most ppl should be thinking tappo. Its quite sad ppl are not.
traz, if and when tappo flips wolf the people who are alive can go back and look through that EOD and it's all gravy

however i'm trying to think about what it means if tappo is villa, specifically the people who were spazzing all over the thread during a v/v lynch

also i would feel that i had wasted an entire week were i to mislynch tappo on sunday so i'm really trying to put more into it than just 'good villagers should be voting for tappo' because it doesn't really mean anything and is in no way helping to work out the roles of other players in the game

when i village i try to play each gameday as if it could be my last, because it usually is, i'd like to see more urgency from you in this regard
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Okay, this is getting ridicolous, because he's obviously just gonna make up an excuse if he's lying anyway.

I choose to trust this.

It's just that I wanted to give you village points for including a detail that made me believe your story about checking the role list (being at stoplights).
Just having fun with you. Saw the reveal after I exited freeway. First light. Then I checked the role list after. I get off work 30 min to lynch, but I left slow so stayed for EOD in my car
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Athexx
Not knowing anything about Tappo, it doesn't really factor in at all. But yes, I was aware. Why did you vote Phel at the 8:01 slot?
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i had a phelanpt vote lined up in another browser and i spazz clicked it instead of closing the tab after the deadline

i always line up bolded votes of the main wagons in other tabs in case i feel the need to use them
to the bolded, you're making a case on me being a wolf because i encouraged you to mislynch your boy phelanpt, however i was leading the counterwagon, how the **** do you think this doesn't factor into your read?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Athexx
I did this too. When I saw Phel's flip, that was really the first thing I thought about especially given's Phel's insistence that the village lynch me next after him.
How common are such mechanics on BGG?

Originally Posted by The Moocher
thingyman, how does the above post read to you?

does it sound like wolf-merk complaining that it's more difficult for him to convinve you to do what he wants in this game?

the thought did occur to me, but well... Hmm. Actually, if he did feel that way as a wolf, would he want to address it? merk is very arrogant, very confident in himself and likes to be superior (I say nothing of this as an insult - I would be shocked if merk would disagree with this characterization of himself), so I feel like that would be not in tune with him to sort of be admitting defeat.

But I treat it as null.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:35 PM

until tonight, bitches
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
How common are such mechanics on BGG?
Not common in "standard"/newbie friendly games but increasingly common in more complex games. I feel like especially in the past few years.

Alternately it's also somewhat common in basic games to have zero reveal on death. It used to be more so in fact but that's diminished in recent years.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
to the bolded, you're making a case on me being a wolf because i encouraged you to mislynch your boy phelanpt, however i was leading the counterwagon, how the **** do you think this doesn't factor into your read?
Well obviously it depends on what tappo is. If tappo is a wolf then it pretty much clears you IMO. If tappo was just another villager then it emphasizes the possibility that you are doing exactly what I was saying (but certainly isn't conclusive evidence).
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:57 PM
Timewarping. I probably will use this day to be privately constructive and work on my notes after I'm caught up.

Originally Posted by well named
doesn't seem that good to me
This is my opinion on all of them as well. I find it intriguing that you got a bunch of yamato voters as part of your wolf list for one. I'm aware bussing is a thing, but I don't think it was a team effort.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 02:58 PM
bah I forgot theres no multiquotes here. Above post was to traz's wolflist and well named rating each likelihood and I agreed with every rating he gave.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 03:00 PM
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
traz can you go into detail on your athexx read and talk some about your previous game together?

it seems pretty clear to me that athexx is far less likely to go after phelanpt for 2 days were he a wolf

however from what i recall you saying about the guy you seem to think he's good at this game and given his reasoning for voting me, if he's villa then he clearly isn't, thoughts about that too plz
If athexx is a failasaurus rex for mislynching one villager, then I can only imagine what that says of the people that mislynched the doctor, just saying.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-21-2014 , 03:04 PM
Saber you're my favorite player from BGG

**** you murph
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
