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TvTropes Mish-Mash Event Thread TvTropes Mish-Mash Event Thread

10-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
mmm puffy lava
10-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
The map has taken you to the entrance of a cavern. It is full of a lava except for some trails of rocks. You need to jump from rock to rock to get across. Some of these rocks, however, are unstable. If you land on an unstable rock you are out of the event.


After I call a Round 1, post JUMP in bold in this thread. A Round ends when all people have jumped or after 2 minutes, whichever comes first.
If the post in which you JUMP has an EVEN postid, it means you have jumped on an unsafe rock, meaning you are out. An ODD postid, on the other hand, will mean you have jumped on a safe rock.

We keep going on (naturally, I will call another Round every time) until only one players remains in the event. This player will receive a prize. If there are two people left, and both fail, the prize will be randed among them. If all the remaining people fail, and their number is 3 or greater, I will call another round for all of them.

5 minutes to read the rules, then we'll go.
10-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
Test bump
10-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
it's so good it's literally melting
10-26-2015 , 02:09 PM
Oh boy. Run good one time
10-26-2015 , 02:09 PM
How delightfully unstrategic
10-26-2015 , 02:09 PM
ohh luck based.
10-26-2015 , 02:09 PM
ahh good a skill game.
10-26-2015 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
ahh good a skill game.
1v1 me Hearthstone
10-26-2015 , 02:10 PM
let's find out if my luck from MTG translates here
10-26-2015 , 02:10 PM
I drank a lava potion so immune
10-26-2015 , 02:10 PM
im probably winning glgl
10-26-2015 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
1v1 me Hearthstone
after this
10-26-2015 , 02:11 PM
Im just glad I have 5 minutes to formulate my strategy
10-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
Fair warning if someone is dozing off: the first round will start at :13.
10-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
howling_wolf is out?
10-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
:16 BAD
10-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
have fun swimming in lava
10-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
Queue the terminator thumb gif btw
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
Round 1
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
10-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
