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Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised

06-26-2015 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by UofU2010
Also, maybe people shouldn't lynch the person that peeked them on d1 also.
meh. too exploitable for me. plus then i couldn't have helped lynch NR which may have won us the game if others didn't switch
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
i mean, wolves can, that's fine
surprisingly it seems like this never happens
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by News Reporter
if UofU was anything other than the seer I would have drawn the NK with my correct fake peek of benneh v a large percentage of the time
i thought of it when i first started too so i asked about it. I was bombarded with good reasons not too. Trust us it hurts the village in most situations and sometimes directly forces a loss
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:49 AM
NR, me being SHC'd by you isn't really a factor worth considering

1) i am absurdly villagery and have a quitelow mislynch rate when I try and i was never gona get lynched this game if i didn't want to be
2) no one believes SHC when someone hard claims seer to end day 1 because if I was a wolf it is essential I kill you anyway

the biggest upside is you'd have been Nightkilled rather than remaining mislynch bait. a problem also solved by just being villagery that isn't nearly as detrimental as lynching the seer, even if on accident.
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by News Reporter
sorry guys i know i was part of the loss just not the entire loss...

i'll try to fix that next time, i just didn't know what to say on d1 and was getting heat for not posting... congrats wolves and cya guys around
close enough...
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 12:56 AM
LOL Village AIDS running strong the past couple days.
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
06-26-2015 , 01:14 AM
It's not fun being on the wrong side of it
Turbo: The Villager Rand that was Promised Quote
