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The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca

10-14-2009 , 02:39 AM

why the hardon for me before i posted?
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:40 AM
I promised that I wouldn't let myself get mislynched, so I will take full responsibility I guess. The ugly things I said were purely "in the game" and I still love you guys

Props to Elliot for getting the right soulread on me. I do not understand Bingo coming after me d2 with the Elliot thing though, and McAvoy voting me for no apparent reason was very irritating too, so I just thought **** it and switched to him. I btw thought night was a bit later than it was and that we had more time to discuss.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:40 AM
ok, well gg all and gn. I need to take how-to-get-villagers-lynched lessons from mets/
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
well im biased cause i was a wolf ldo.

but yeah, there were enough inconsistencies in your posts that i fully understood why bingo voted you
Point out the inconsistensies please.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

why the hardon for me before i posted?
it was a joke because you got me mislynched in lost.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:42 AM
ok thats what i figured

thats why i was planning to fakepeek you to keep you off my back.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Props to Elliot for getting the right soulread on me. I do not understand Bingo coming after me d2 with the Elliot thing though, and McAvoy voting me for no apparent reason was very irritating too, so I just thought **** it and switched to him. I btw thought night was a bit later than it was and that we had more time to discuss.
you kept jumping around calling everyone wolfy without wanting to commit to anyone. You looked wolfy until the very end when you just got super aggro
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by BingoBango
you kept jumping around calling everyone wolfy without wanting to commit to anyone. You looked wolfy until the very end when you just got super aggro
You do not understand my style then, cause this is how I work

But we haven't really played together before, so it's alright, but Elliot very quickly had me down as a villa, and I was extremely dissapointed that McAvoy did NOT. I practically begged for him to take the game seriously and assist me, but instead he rambled on about my mom, strange connections between me and mets etc.

Also, I DID commit to mets on d1 (after voting some people for reactions and to kickstart the game - this is pretty standard) and I reluctantly changed to Mr. Smaug in order to save myself.

On d2 I voiced suspicions against mets, A.E., you and McAvoy. I never did vote you though because you seemed like a misguided villa - I still do not understand the thing with Elliot which I do not perceive to be an inconsistensy, seeing as I merely asked if others would perceive his pushing the wagon as suspicious and I later explained why I personally would not. You disagree that it is helpful to wolf hunting to get people's opinions on such matters?

And as I said, A.E. started getting suspicious from the way he was backing me up (and then he ends up voting me - how do you not suspect him after this when he had me as a lock villa?) and started getting quiet after not being suspected by anyone else.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:54 AM
heres the point.

if you were a wolf u would have played it differently? Stop acting like "oh he is good he read me as a village"

if you are that easy to read as village, that means you suck as a wolf
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
heres the point.

if you were a wolf u would have played it differently? Stop acting like "oh he is good he read me as a village"

if you are that easy to read as village, that means you suck as a wolf
I would have played it differently, yes. I will not point out how exactly.

I have never claimed to be a good wolf, and my heart always races when checking out my role PM in fear of becoming a wolf
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:01 AM
Thingy, I never had your back d2, that was d1 when you were my fake peek. d2 I was saying that mets or you should go.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:01 AM
Some things are simply hard to fake. The pacing and what I would hope is truthfulness from my posts should hopefully be enough to clear me as a villa.

I can say this: this was my first mislynch as a villager
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
bingo, IMO.

agreed that thingy is a bad vote
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
And yes, this is on d1. But isn't it strange how you go from this to voting me on d2? There were no true process in how you ended up voting me imo. You never provided any reasoning for your choice.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:05 AM
I was prepared to be cool about it, but I think you guys are lousy for blaming me on my mislynch in the way you do. I made sure to post a lot and give my reads on players - I didn't make any votes without giving my reasoning. How is this not a villagers job? And it was you guys who voted Mr. Smaug for NO REASON on d1, while I gave plenty for mets...
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I was prepared to be cool about it, but I think you guys are lousy for blaming me on my mislynch in the way you do. I made sure to post a lot and give my reads on players - I didn't make any votes without giving my reasoning. How is this not a villagers job? And it was you guys who voted Mr. Smaug for NO REASON on d1, while I gave plenty for mets...
the first couple of votes to kickstart the thread obv doesn't count. No one can have a good reason for their vote 2 min into the game.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
And yes, this is on d1. But isn't it strange how you go from this to voting me on d2? There were no true process in how you ended up voting me imo. You never provided any reasoning for your choice.
no, I didn't. Bingo made the case and I was happy with the mislynch. Also I will almost never go back on my d1 peek at d1, so if asked I would just say i had to keep up my seer cover.

I did state why it was down to you or mets though, as on d2 I was semi-clearing a lot of people. I will always say that mac shouldn't go on d2, bingo and elliot were easy to read as villas (when you know they are), so it is down to mets or you. I think i had myself covered there.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Some things are simply hard to fake. The pacing and what I would hope is truthfulness from my posts should hopefully be enough to clear me as a villa.

I can say this: this was my first mislynch as a villager
No one should know you are 100% villa d1 (except if seer peeks you ldo). As mets said, it means you're not good at other roles if people are able to do that. Its a turbo, theres very little to go on the first day. Everyone gets mislynched some time.

I assumed you were a noob because I had not played with you before and you are a relatively new member. You did some things that noob wolves do. Therefore, I thought you had a greater than rand chance of being a wolf. It's as simple as that. With the information available, there was no obvious better choice.

Finally, you can't blame the village for mislynching you d2 when there is nothing that tells us you are villa. You helped get the seer lynched the first day and you were all over the place with your reads which drew attention to you. Us not having our seer or a seer peek makes d2 a crap shoot for us and there was no good reason for us not to lynch you. The village will mislynch there the majority of the time.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by BingoBango
No one should know you are 100% villa d1 (except if seer peeks you ldo). As mets said, it means you're not good at other roles if people are able to do that. Its a turbo, theres very little to go on the first day. Everyone gets mislynched some time.

I assumed you were a noob because I had not played with you before and you are a relatively new member. You did some things that noob wolves do. Therefore, I thought you had a greater than rand chance of being a wolf. It's as simple as that. With the information available, there was no obvious better choice.

Finally, you can't blame the village for mislynching you d2 when there is nothing that tells us you are villa. You helped get the seer lynched the first day and you were all over the place with your reads which drew attention to you. Us not having our seer or a seer peek makes d2 a crap shoot for us and there was no good reason for us not to lynch you. The village will mislynch there the majority of the time.
I HELPED GET THE SEER LYNCHED????? Are you kidding me... I was trying to get mets lynched? :S:S:S

If you define giving my opinion on everyone as "being all over the place", then fair enough - ofc I make sure to comment on everyone. I write what I feel and see - it's as simple as that. With you I wrote "Would a wolf be this stupid?" (meaning I thought u were misguided villa), with McAvoy I wrote that he was acting strange which he was (but it's prolly my bad for not realising this is just typically Mac), with Elliot I was merely asking others opinions (I did not suspect him myself and I did NOT hint at this - it was a question for other people to answer). And I will repeat that there are no friggin inconsistensies and you still haven't pointed any out.

Btw read d1 and d2 and look at which votes are most committing - which votes I feel confident are votes for wolves. d1 for mets, d2 for A.E.. Tell me if you disagree with this.

Out of curiosity - which "noob wolf" things did I do?
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
if thingy is a wolf I'd be impressed
Even Dustin had a good read on me. That's two players who know my wolf game who is clearing me - tsk tsk :P
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 04:00 AM
nvm about the A.E. part on d2. It couldn't have affected your perspective of me as the vote came in right at EOD. I thought it ended 3 minutes later at the time :/
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 11:51 AM
holy **** you guys lynched thingyman this game


he was %100 villa

for realz
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I HELPED GET THE SEER LYNCHED????? Are you kidding me... I was trying to get mets lynched? :S:S:S

If you define giving my opinion on everyone as "being all over the place", then fair enough - ofc I make sure to comment on everyone. I write what I feel and see - it's as simple as that. With you I wrote "Would a wolf be this stupid?" (meaning I thought u were misguided villa), with McAvoy I wrote that he was acting strange which he was (but it's prolly my bad for not realising this is just typically Mac), with Elliot I was merely asking others opinions (I did not suspect him myself and I did NOT hint at this - it was a question for other people to answer). And I will repeat that there are no friggin inconsistensies and you still haven't pointed any out.

Btw read d1 and d2 and look at which votes are most committing - which votes I feel confident are votes for wolves. d1 for mets, d2 for A.E.. Tell me if you disagree with this.

Out of curiosity - which "noob wolf" things did I do?
Jesus ****ing christ don't get so defensive. You helped the seer get lynched because you voted for the guy who was the seer. Is that not obvious? Stop taking this so seriously
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by BingoBango
Jesus ****ing christ don't get so defensive. You helped the seer get lynched because you voted for the guy who was the seer. Is that not obvious? Stop taking this so seriously
What was I supposed to do? I had 2 votes on me at the time of my vote switch and was a competing wagon and mets weren't gonna happen. You honestly think that I am to blame for Mr. Smaugs mislynch? I decided in good time before EOD that mets was my prime suspect.

Anyways, it's fine that you end up lynching me, but I do not appreciate you blaming ME for it as that's just a childish and ridicolous way of throwing away responsibility.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
What was I supposed to do? I had 2 votes on me at the time of my vote switch and was a competing wagon and mets weren't gonna happen. You honestly think that I am to blame for Mr. Smaugs mislynch? I decided in good time before EOD that mets was my prime suspect.

Anyways, it's fine that you end up lynching me, but I do not appreciate you blaming ME for it as that's just a childish and ridicolous way of throwing away responsibility.
I did not blame you for the smaug lynch. I said you were on the wagon. I'm not gonna go back and check but the chances of there being no wolves on a late villa wagon are very low. My point being that by the beginning of day 2, you were not looking so good.
The Turbo Started by Mr. Smaug and Randed by LuckayLuck with a really long name wow how long ca Quote
