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Turbo With Hidden Voting Turbo With Hidden Voting

11-25-2007 , 08:19 PM
Since voting mode choices have been added to the software, we're trying a new concept. Votes and vote counts are hidden until the day is over. They only display with the dusk writeup.

Secret Ballot Signup

This may or may not be balanced. This may or may not be a lot of fun.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:21 PM
Also, feel free to discuss the idea in this thread. I'm not overly keen on it, but it was a very simple feature to add (mostly for when human mods want to change the voting mode). We used to do this for final 3s in turbos.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:36 PM
seems like it would help the wolves a little, but not too too much

perhaps something to consider if village has been dominating, which isn't the case atm
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:38 PM
I'm not sure how much it matters, given everybody will probably indicate who they'll be voting for during the day anyway. But, maybe it would matter more than I'm giving it credit for.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:39 PM
im not sure i like this idea, but obviously ill play.
so much of the game, especially in turbos, is reacting to wagons as they form. off the top of my head i think it would hurt the wolves quite badly, and to a lesser extent also the seer(s).
im assuming that this concept relies on players not being allowed to say who they are currently voting for? otherwise it seems pretty pointless as villagers could just decide to lynch anyone who either refuses to say who they are voting for, or who is found to have lied about who they previously voted for.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:43 PM
If you keep players from saying who they will or will not vote for, the game seizes to be WW IMO.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:45 PM
If you keep players from saying who they will or will not vote for, the game seizes to be WW IMO.
i dont disagree, but i do think that, in that case, the concept becomes pointless.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:46 PM
otherwise it seems pretty pointless as villagers could just decide to lynch anyone who either refuses to say who they are voting for, or who is found to have lied about who they previously voted for.
That's a valid point and I guess it's why we never did this before until the final 3.

Hiding the vote counts all game would solve that, but I'm not sure how much of a solution it is. Also, there'd need to be a method set up to record them for (at least) post-game viewing.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:53 PM
The proper village strategy is to say who you are voting for when. Anything else is pretty insane.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:59 PM
i think secret voting is best kept to games where you are playing as an individual with only your own agenda to further. but im still in if it goes
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:00 PM
and chims post sums up why.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:08 PM
actually, that gave me an idea. a WW game where everyone is a neutral with their own win condition. there would be a lynching each day, and some people would have the ability to perform night actions, but no nightkills. masonries could be formed between blocs of players who would ostensibly have a mutual agenda but whose true intentions would be their own. THEN secret voting, with no reveal or limited reveal, would be applicable and probably essential.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:08 PM

One thing we're forgetting is -- last second vote changes.

"I know I said I was going to vote for xxxx, but I changed my mind with 5 seconds left."

Wolf statement or villager statement?

More metagame!
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:09 PM
actually, that gave me an idea. a WW game where everyone is a neutral with their own win condition. there would be a lynching each day, and some people would have the ability to perform night actions, but no nightkills. masonries could be formed between blocs of players who would ostensibly have a mutual agenda but whose true intentions would be their own. THEN secret voting, with no reveal or limited reveal, would be applicable and probably essential.
This sounds a lot like Vendettas
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:10 PM

One thing we're forgetting is -- last second vote changes.

"I know I said I was going to vote for xxxx, but I changed my mind with 5 seconds left."

Wolf statement or villager statement?

More metagame!
You say that like more metagame is a desirable and good thing
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:10 PM
actually, that gave me an idea. a WW game where everyone is a neutral with their own win condition. there would be a lynching each day, and some people would have the ability to perform night actions, but no nightkills. masonries could be formed between blocs of players who would ostensibly have a mutual agenda but whose true intentions would be their own. THEN secret voting, with no reveal or limited reveal, would be applicable and probably essential.
This sounds a lot like Vendettas
Not that that's a problem. Vendettas-style games rule.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:11 PM
i started to try and read Vendettas a couple of times. it looked hopelessly complex, so i gave it up. i think a lot of the games with highly involved powers and rulesets are almost impossible to make sense of when reading it cold. if you're experiencing it dynamically its probably much easier.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:12 PM
paging durron
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:13 PM
if you're experiencing it dynamically its probably much easier.
I played Vendettas 1 and didn't like it much (can't speak for any sequels). Anyone who already won, or who had the game locked up, had no incentive to keep going. Hell, I didn't even have a lock (was maybe 80% to win) and I stopped caring after day 3.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:14 PM
It's impossible to appreciate the awesomeness of Vendettas unless in the game.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:15 PM

Vendettas 2 took care of that with an "ultimate" champion (StephenH), so there was always something to play for.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 09:28 PM
It's impossible to appreciate the awesomeness of Vendettas unless in the game.
yeah i just looked up the game summary on wiki, it seems very cool. i really like playing "all against all" games. Vendettas 3 anyone?
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 10:04 PM
I rememeber pwning this concept at some point.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 11:01 PM
Let me throw this idea out:

Secret ballot, only thing revealed at end of each night is who was lynched, nothing else, but each night each player gets to peek a player and learn his/her vote from the night before.

Wait, wolves couldn't fake this. Hmmmm ... I feel like I'm on track for a good idea but haven't fleshed it out yet.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
11-25-2007 , 11:30 PM
It's impossible to appreciate the awesomeness of Vendettas unless in the game.
yeah i just looked up the game summary on wiki, it seems very cool. i really like playing "all against all" games. Vendettas 3 anyone?
Bring it. I'm a big fan of Diplomacy, so I'm in for cutthroat manipulation games.
Turbo With Hidden Voting Quote
