Idea: I will provide questions that have 10 answers each. For every question you can give me up to 12 answers, trying to get as many correct as possible.
Format: I will post one question every day. Every question will be open for 3 days. There will be 10 questions total.
Submitting: For every question PM me a list of answers, one row per answer please. (like you'd submit for a sheep game)
Scoring: You will score 1 point for every correct answer. If your first 10 answers are all correct you get 2 bonus points, if your first 11 answers contain the 10 correct answers you get 1 bonus point. So order matters, put your most confident answers at the top and least confident at the bottom. There is no penalty for wrong answers.
Feel free to announce your participation in this thread but to enter you'll just need to PM me your answers.
Don't discuss answers in this thread before the reveal of the question.
Disclaimer: I have never hosted a trivia game before so the difficulty might be all over the place.
Name the ten female Shakespeare characters with the most lines in any single play.
1. Cleopatra (679) Antony & Cleopatra
2. Imogen (574) Cymbeline
3. Juliet (544) Romeo & Juliet
4. Portia (509) The Merchant of Venice
5. Helena (459) All's Well that Ends Well
6. Isabella (409) Measure for Measure
7. Queen Katherine (376) Henry VII
8. Emilia (372) The Two Noble Kinsmen
9. Desdemona (365) Othello
10. Rosalind (361) As You Like It
Lady MacBeth
Nurse from Romeo and Juliet
Merry wife of Windsor 1
Merry wife of Windsor 2
The Shrew
Witch 1 from Macbeth
Witch 2 from Macbeth
Witch 3 from Macbeth
Romeo's mum
Lady Macbeth
Juliet Capulet
Kioshk's mum
Someone named Elizabeth
Margaret Thatcher
Queen Victoria
The partner of the Hound of the Baskervilles
Mrs. O. Cromwell
Meghan Markle
Dame Judi Dench
Laura Davies
Whoever the shrew was that got tamed