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Triplechain Triplechain

05-21-2012 , 11:06 AM
If I keep up like this I´m going to lose my daily expert status.
Triplechain Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Paul101
What are people's thoughts on my play in Round 7 yesterday? Basically there are three fairly decent plays, each of which has a losing combo:

6 top of centre zone and 2 in bottom zone;
6 bottom of centre zone and 2 in bottom zone
6 bottom zone and 2 bottom of centre zone.

I didn't actually see option 3 at the time, but think now that this is probably/definitely best. I actually played option 1 because I thought 2s were more valuable than 5s, blocking 5s and causing me to give up a win. Grim, I actually thought about this for a minute or two, and still didn't see option 3. I think I initially dismissed it as it loses with no 2 in Round 8 and a 2 in Round 9, but have since realised the other options lose with one 2 in Round 8 and none in Round 9!
I would have chosen option 2, but 1/2 seem fairly equal since any superiority depends on getting two 2s or 5s in the next rack. I don't like option 3 since it leaves you with a stranded 2 if you don't get a 2 in the next rack.
Triplechain Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:30 AM
i like #2, chiefly because #1 gives up on a 5, whereas there's still some chance of #2 being connecting all bar the one 4 in the rhs, given a perfect roll.
Triplechain Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
i like #2, chiefly because #1 gives up on a 5, whereas there's still some chance of #2 being connecting all bar the one 4 in the rhs, given a perfect roll.
I don't get this, #1 would actually give you a chance to snake 4s if you get three in the next rack and one in the last.
Triplechain Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:40 AM
ok, rephrase: i think there are more scenarios in which #2 is 'perfect' (close to perfect) than #1 - essentially #2 you need to roll twox5 vs threex4 plus another one.
Triplechain Quote
05-21-2012 , 02:08 PM
Wow can't believe I won yesterday. When I was playing I was getting angry at myself for playing bad and was sure I'd be bottom 10.
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05-22-2012 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by ibavly
Wow can't believe I won yesterday.
QFT. 40 DCs without a win between this win and the last one. During those 40 games ran almost 4 wins below expected last rack wins, so it wasn't only about playing poorly. Also compared some quick estimation %s with actually calculated %s, and based on the small sample size (ten-ish) it seems like the quick odds estimations might be just slighty lower than the actual percentages on average, but the difference was total just 3 percentage points more for the exact calculations in all of the games combined, with a simple game never being more than 3 (rounded) percentage points different. So the average seems so close that without further evidence to point otherwise I'm going to assume the quick estimations are just about right over the long term even though single estimations might not be that accurate.
Triplechain Quote
05-23-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by TH10
If anyone cares, based on DC stats and the rating calculator it would seem that the average player in DCs has a rating of about 1378, which is lower than I would've expected.
Nobody probably cares, but this is actually wrong. 1378 would be the average rating of the players I have played against, since the number is based on my results. So including my rating, the average for all players playing DCs is around 1382.

Started yesterday from 1499, finished 5/27, which means my rating is at least 1499.67 after yesterday, should be even higher, since I'm pretty sure I got to 1499 before everyone had played the day before, so I'm guessing it is now at around 1499.8. Which makes the last rack mistake a few days ago really costly, would be Master now without that. To makes things worse I seem to have lost the ability to play even a single game well.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:19 AM
drought broken. Phew.

I thought it was a classic snipable DC yesterday, too.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:53 AM
It's not letting me play my advanced, bug won't let me start new games or undo. My advanced is therapeutic. I need my advanced.

And thanks for letting me know how below average I was at DC's. I should have quit sooner. Y'all are just mean.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:56 AM
i'm getting problems, too.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 07:42 AM
I've got 99 problems, and TripleChain advanced is one.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 08:23 AM
I should quit DCs, I can't seem to post even a competitive score anymore.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I should quit DCs, I can't seem to post even a competitive score anymore.
Join the club. If I continue like that, Zac needs to create a new category - the Daily ******.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 10:05 AM
I demand pink colour for the Daily ****** category.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:10 PM

Finally got the Daily Master! It was a LONG grind. A few weeks ago it seemed I would never make it after going from 1498 to 1491 in a 12-day downswing, but after two days of stalling at 1491, an upswing for 13 days with an average head-to-head win % of about 82, I got there! (should've been 83 % if I hadn't been a Daily ****** in the one DC with that unnecessary last rack mistake) For comparison, the h-2-h win % during the downswing was under 48, huge difference.

For me, this ranks pretty high in TC achievements, probably 2nd behind Timed Invincible. Now the big challenge is trying to stay above 1500, which requires a head-to-head win % of at least 67, Daily Invicible is impossible, requiring a win % of 73+ over the long term, that is clearly too much, during 2012 it is currently at 69.56 %. Finally, if I could only get that 60k+ normal mode score (without losing the Daily Master status), the Grand Slam would be perfect.

Originally Posted by kioshk
It's not letting me play my advanced, bug won't let me start new games or undo. My advanced is therapeutic. I need my advanced.
Originally Posted by kokiri
i'm getting problems, too.
Sorry about these, obviously my fault, I wasn't meant to win another DC, now that I did, the game is falling apart, since it cannot understand how something like this could've happened.

Originally Posted by kioshk
And thanks for letting me know how below average I was at DC's. I should have quit sooner. Y'all are just mean.
The number was meant for anyone who does rating calculations, so they can use the correct number, didn't think anyone else would care about it, certainly wasn't the goal to point out how anyone would have below average rating, apologies if it came across like that. But having a below average rating is no reason to quit, on the contrary, it is reason to become a better player and getting your rating above the average!

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I should quit DCs, I can't seem to post even a competitive score anymore.
I know this feeling, 40 days without winning, and the 12-day downswing where everything went wrong. Quitting is the easy way out, better way is to keep your head up, learn from your mistakes and do better in the future!

For those interested in puzzles, I've made two with a different concept, using RNG to place the first three racks, then starting the puzzle from rack 4. This way you have to play very different situations than you are used to in normal gameplay. Starting from rack 4 might make them seem like easy, but I don't think either of them are that easy, no idea if the 2nd has been even properly solved yet.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
It's not letting me play my advanced, bug won't let me start new games or undo. My advanced is therapeutic. I need my advanced.

And thanks for letting me know how below average I was at DC's. I should have quit sooner. Y'all are just mean.
Note sure what's going on, I just managed to play some advanced.

I do know that ads are starting to tilt me though. Think I'm going to nuke them again before too long.
Triplechain Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:29 PM
Congrats TH10! Wasn't sure if we'd ever see someone ranked that highly in the DC, very impressive.
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by zac777
Congrats TH10! Wasn't sure if we'd ever see someone ranked that highly in the DC, very impressive.

What is the situation with the home game? I see there are still only 5 people (and based on location one probably can't play?). Iirc Gaby and Paul were interested too, but haven't joined yet. There was some talk about playing other games, so would the idea be to play 8-game? There seems to be only two options for stakes in that. I wonder why more aren't offered, since there are more stakes available in public games. Anyways, if the idea would be to play 8-game, $0.20/$0.40 has a buy-in of $10 and $0.50/$1 has a buy-in of $25. Would people be fine with those? Normally, if I was playing 8-game, I'd play either $0.50/$1 or $1/$2, but for a friendly game I'd prefer the stakes to be lower, so I guess the $0.20/$0.40 would be best imo.
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 03:40 PM
I'm not playing games for money - I have just restarted playing poker with a 10$ donation I got for helping some dude in CTH. I am playing plo2, and my BR is currently a meagre $51 (jay I quintupled already)
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I'm not playing games for money - I have just restarted playing poker with a 10$ donation I got for helping some dude in CTH. I am playing plo2, and my BR is currently a meagre $51 (jay I quintupled already)
I'll kick in 20 if you solve the undo problem for me!

TH10 and I just had an intense microstakes 8-game battle, lots of fun. Just glad timed mode isn't one of the games. Would be fun to get a few more people in next time, although then we'd have to stop 3-bet bluffing the river in limit games quite so often, which would be unfortunate.
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 07:34 PM
I've been getting into the puzzles lately. They are a lot of fun, but some of them are pretty tough.

I wasted my entire afternoon trying to solve "Too many 1s: Decameron". It is IMO by far the hardest puzzle of the ones I've tried so far. I finally figured it out but wow was it a bitch. I hopefully can lose my addiction to these puzzles because if I run into a tough one I can't stop until I solve it.

Without TH10's score, I probably would have thought that the score that I got was impossible. I thought the way I eventually solved it was kind of interesting. I was able to determine a lot of things about TH10's game based off of his score and by ruling some particular die placings out. I was able to figure out his bonus and chains, and moreover I was able to figure out some required placements of some of the tiles.
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 07:36 PM
And yes, I am in the homegame but am from the USA so I can't play for money. Way lame. We should do a TC single table tournament or something sometime. That makes playing worth something even if you don't have any money down on it.
Triplechain Quote
05-25-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by zac777
TH10 and I just had an intense microstakes 8-game battle, lots of fun. Just glad timed mode isn't one of the games. Would be fun to get a few more people in next time, although then we'd have to stop 3-bet bluffing the river in limit games quite so often, which would be unfortunate.
Yep, was fun, we actually played almost 300 hands, but they went so quickly, I didn't even realise we played that much. Unfortunately I wasn't much of an opponent, I should learn how to play hu to provide at least some kind of challenge. That was pretty bad, made at least two huge mistakes, and probably dozens of smaller ones because I didn't know how to adjust to playing hu, had played less than 100 hands hu cash games before this in my life.

Originally Posted by Aicirt
And yes, I am in the homegame but am from the USA so I can't play for money. Way lame. We should do a TC single table tournament or something sometime. That makes playing worth something even if you don't have any money down on it.
So you can play play money games?

Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I'm not playing games for money - I have just restarted playing poker with a 10$ donation I got for helping some dude in CTH. I am playing plo2, and my BR is currently a meagre $51 (jay I quintupled already)
With the US situation and Gaby's situation in mind, I wouldn't have a problem playing a play money game sometime. Maybe we should make it a true TC homegame by playing Timed TC at the same time!

Originally Posted by Aicirt
I've been getting into the puzzles lately. They are a lot of fun, but some of them are pretty tough.

I wasted my entire afternoon trying to solve "Too many 1s: Decameron". It is IMO by far the hardest puzzle of the ones I've tried so far. I finally figured it out but wow was it a bitch. I hopefully can lose my addiction to these puzzles because if I run into a tough one I can't stop until I solve it.

Without TH10's score, I probably would have thought that the score that I got was impossible. I thought the way I eventually solved it was kind of interesting. I was able to determine a lot of things about TH10's game based off of his score and by ruling some particular die placings out. I was able to figure out his bonus and chains, and moreover I was able to figure out some required placements of some of the tiles.
Yes, they are fun, you are lucky, since you still have plenty of puzzles to solve.
Triplechain Quote
