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Transformers WW game Transformers WW game

08-25-2009 , 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by globetrotter
QF globe is clear

Originally Posted by TJT11
So, I'm gonna go ahead and claim Seer. I peeked Sun Tzu last night. He's a ptaradactyl.
QF he didn't die last night.

Originally Posted by XXsooted
TJT got randed crackhead again sick

However this has me curious, I didn't really pay attention to the last game with TJ, would xxsooted say this more likely about a villa or a fellow wolf?
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:40 PM
Mac...I don't think a vote on a wolf on page 3 clears anyone unless they are the lead wagon and that person votes them and says they're leaving for the rest of the day
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by xxaceshigh77xx
Originally Posted by globetrotter
that's cool. was reading through the rules at the time and felt I should post something at least. but lot's of game left to play.
from past experiences feeling obligated to post is kinda wolfy imo.....

but you def make good points with regards to why his post could be seen as villagery
Globe is super clear imo

Originally Posted by Scrubbo
xxs is probably a villager
This doesn't look good for Scrubbo. Combined with me clearing him.

Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
Whoa, totally forgot that I signed up for this Transformers game.

If this game was designed after the movies, I can guess that the main evil bad guy we are looking for is Michael Bay. Because he took one of my beloved memories of childhood and took a huge ****ing dump on my Transformers.

Transformers I was ok, because, well, it was Transformers! But Transformers II was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Am I right?
This post stood out to me as wolf faking enthusiasm / trying to fit in. He's on my watch list. I think JG picked up on it too or someone else.

ps JG after reading page 4, I'm starting to like your TJ read.
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

What do you think of Aces coming after me when its uber obvious to those that have played with me that I am a villa?
i haven't seen anyone saying this
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by globetrotter
i haven't seen anyone saying this
It's uber obvious Mac is a villa
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:49 PM

lean villager:

lean wolf:

call me crazy but i have a lingering suspicion hes a wolf busing his team:
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:49 PM
oh mcavoy is villager too forgot
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:50 PM
and xxsooted shouldn't of been in that category reserved for JG, ldo
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I still think Aao is probably a wolf, and it saddens me that his wagon looks like its dying.
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I'm not really seeing the wolfiness for Coordi
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
WinEveryRace is very wise. I sense villageryness from him

ZOMG, I'm down for an aao wagon. Isn't he usually more active on day 1s?
This sequence kind of creeps me out a bit.

I don't like how quickly he wanted to jump on. But then again, not many agreed with my case on aao at that point, so wouldn't it have been better to go with another wagon if he was a wolf?
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:50 PM
ILB is always wolfy cause hes always a wolf
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by tabako
call me crazy but i have a lingering suspicion hes a wolf busing his team:
you're crazy
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:51 PM
The quotes are out of order there, should be

"I'm not really seeing the wolfiness for Coordi"
"I still think aao is probably a wolf...."
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:52 PM
mac, JG and buttons are all spazzmonkey villagers
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:53 PM
I will not have time to read the thread until later. Sorry all.

Going by Tabako's reads, I will vote one of his wolf candidates.

Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:53 PM
I have a lingering suspicion you're still bitter about me ripping you a new one in RPS
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
I will not have time to read the thread until later. Sorry all.

Going by Tabako's reads, I will vote one of his wolf candidates.

this is crazy cause tabako is far from clear
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
mac, JG and buttons are all spazzmonkey villagers
this is correct, but why did you attack Mac?
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:55 PM
McAvoy, are you reading all of these posts your quoting in a vacuum or something?
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
I have a lingering suspicion you're still bitter about me ripping you a new one in RPS
who me?
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
this is correct, but why did you attack Mac?
and why did XXS die because of it? or did someone else kill xxs with a day action?

Our new wagons should be scrubbo and zomg
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
this is correct, but why did you attack Mac?
He called you my boy.

I have nothing against you but you're not my boy.
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:56 PM
********** EVENT *********

The decepticons, learning of the death of their comrade, Blackout, struck back fast.

Megatron himself killed Tom Banachek, a Sector 7 agent.

Jennifer Garner, you are Tom Banachek. As long as you are alive, Reggie Simmons cannot die.
*********** EVENT ************
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
who me?
no, tabako
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:56 PM
xxsooted's last three votes yesterday (after a vote for coordi) were bingo, kukra, bingo...

given that bingo was the 2nd wagon at the time, that seems to clear him somewhat imo
Transformers WW game Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by coordi
im not really seeing the wolfy in aao or kukraprout rite meow tbh. nobody is seeming super wolfy to me at the moment actually, this game seems to be moving slower than HP.


when is night in relevance from right now?
Originally Posted by coordi
didnt read up to those dannykgb posts though
"slight" villa points for aao, kukra and Danny, I don't think coordi has the experience to bus this early.

Originally Posted by Scrubbo
Originally Posted by globetrotter
This makes sense to me.

This struck me as wolfy at first though...

He did vote for Luckay for a pretty arbitrary reason,

"Luckay because you ignored me last game when I asked you to mason. Were you good / bad in South Park?

also because its where JG's vote is parked. "

But then again maybe as a wolf he'd prefer to wait and see where people were leaning. It's not like he was accusing Luckay of being wolfy, so I'm not sure...
so you thought he was wolfy at first and now you're not sure. what's the conclusion? what's the reason for this post? where you posting just because you felt the need to make a post?
More look bad for Scrubbo.

Aces / Scrubbo I don't think are ever w/w but I think one is definately a wolf and I'm starting to lean Scrubbo.

Why you ask, because of the exchange between aces and coordi:

Originally Posted by xxaceshigh77xx
Originally Posted by coordi
im not really seeing the wolfy in aao or kukraprout rite meow tbh.
are you a cat?
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
I hate to join the popular crowd, but if I have to choose between Kukra and Danny, I am picking Danny every time.

Given coordi's earlier opinion of Danny, and xxsooted (or was it scrubbo's), this post doesn't look good for books if scrubbo is a wolf.

Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
I don't understand the strategy of leaving fake signal posts as a villager. It's dumb.

Villager1: "Heh Heh, I'm a villager, but I'm gonna make some fake signals cause it will be funny. ha ha ha"

Random1: "Oh sweet. People are leaving fake signals. I'm searching for someone or someone is searching for me, so I'm gonna post a signal too, except mine will be more specific, because the person looking for me knows what to look for. But I'll just say I'm making a joke too! This is too easy!"

I wish people would have done this in the Harry Potter game. It would have been a lot easier looking for Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Another damming post by Beer. It looks like he's trying to fit in as a wolf, posting strategy stuff without talking about anyone in the game. 2nd strike against him.

Originally Posted by XXsooted
I used this same logic to wrongly clear ugh in South Park. Although I am leaning villa on globe, it's pretty light but in his first game we should be able to figure him out anyways.
zomg is a villager
The way he was talking to zomg here about Globe, I get the feeling that zomg is a villa and it matches what I read earlier.

Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
Ummmmm, isn't this against the rules (and the spirit of the game) to do this.
More trying to fit in imo without adding any opinions.

Originally Posted by DannyKGB
also, the more i read coordi , the less i like him
More villa points for Danny especially the way the other wolves talked of him.

Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
Think of it like this:

The wolves want to eliminate village/neutral power roles. Lets say that there are 7 of them out there. That means they have 7 outs to hit their hand. Let's assume that there are 25 people that they don't know their roles.

They have 7 outs with 25 cards unknown.

Now, it is 7 outs with 24 cards unknown.
Pure fluff

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