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11-19-2008 , 03:14 PM
Uggg. Please ignore the first two quotes in my previous post. I was attempting to respond to Zeturd - the other quotes were for my even previous post. I own this software.
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11-19-2008 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Not long lists like this last one. I don't think you've ever been noncommittal like that in a list as a wolf.

Maybe noncommittal is the wrong word. You sound pretty darn certain of your reads, based on the last couple of sentences, but you have very little 'backup' in the list itself. Wolf ZT would provide more reads in the list itself, not just a list followed by what amounts to "I think I am close to breaking this thing open" - that is what I considered to be very unlike wolf ZT.
Yeah, OK, I see that. I didn't want to get into specifics about individual players. It was mostly for purposes of process of elimination, which I don't think I've done so early as any role actually.
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11-19-2008 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Point taken, re my misstating what you said: equal is not the same as more. You're also right about the importance of the angel.

I still think the value of peeking wolves over villagers is overrated in vanilla games.

Doesn't this kinda depend on how many of each you have peeked already? Peeking a villa when you have already peeked 3 wolves is not as good as peeking a villa when you already have peeked 3 villas, imo. The converse is true, although probably to a lesser extent.
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11-19-2008 , 03:17 PM
Stop trying to talk me out of clearing you!
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11-19-2008 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
CAN we please decide if xxsooted is a good - decent lynch today?
i vote no on this motion.
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11-19-2008 , 03:17 PM
that last post was directed to ZT
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11-19-2008 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
See my response to WN's post where he called me more aggressive as a wolf and less so as a villager.

I see someone who I think is a wolf that escapes lynchings, you bet I'm going to keep my focus on him/her.
thisis why i hate being wagoned as a an AFK

i didn't say a damn word yesterday and i was wagoned and then it dissipates in favor of gus

it solves nothing because i provide no further info

my wagon was driven by diff people each day iirf

i think killing me is bad

if u want an information kill just do off xxsooted

if u want a wolf kill zeturd
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11-19-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Doesn't this kinda depend on how many of each you have peeked already? Peeking a villa when you have already peeked 3 wolves is not as good as peeking a villa when you already have peeked 3 villas, imo. The converse is true, although probably to a lesser extent.
I think this is right. You get a lock by having enough cleared villagers, or all the wolves, but half and half is not enough once the seer is dead.
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11-19-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I made the long post with all the Jeremy posts because I hate missing something, and I hate it when the village does. I've twice seen villages get a real seer's peeks wrong, once resulting in a village loss. If an entire village can get it wrong, wolves can too. If insisting that we look at everything moves me down your list, so be it.
But the time that village got the seers peeks wrong, and an unpeeked vilalger ended up being cleared, and that led directly to the village winning, that was awesome! Right, cald?
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:21 PM
this is deja vu and feels like yesterday where we wagoned two villagers
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11-19-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
But the time that village got the seers peeks wrong, and an unpeeked vilalger ended up being cleared, and that led directly to the village winning, that was awesome! Right, cald?
Um, right, that's how it went down.

I was thinking of Playboy, in which misreading a peek as Nez=wolf (he was, but was on the way to being lynched anyway) instead of Hitch=wolf, caused the village loss at f3. Because I was there and was one of the ones who missed it, instead accepting the conventional wisdom, I intend never again to let a peek list go unexamined.

this situation is different, obviously, but I think the same reasoning holds.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
this is deja vu and feels like yesterday where we wagoned two villagers
Ummm, what? We did? For sure? And you know this how?
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Everything I read leads me to this same conclusion. But I still know how good a wolf zeturd can be, especially from the 10K game, so he is in my "I can never really be sure about him" group, alongside atak and epi. So I am not voting zeturd anytime soon, but will read all his posts with the thought he could be a wolf. Same goes for atak at this point.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:25 PM
you guys are giving a ton of credit to m1ke if he is pulling this off as a wolf.
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11-19-2008 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
But the time that village got the seers peeks wrong, and an unpeeked vilalger ended up being cleared, and that led directly to the village winning, that was awesome! Right, cald?
All how we drew it up. My seer meta-game is so sick right now.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Um, right, that's how it went down.

I was thinking of Playboy, in which misreading a peek as Nez=wolf (he was, but was on the way to being lynched anyway) instead of Hitch=wolf, caused the village loss at f3. Because I was there and was one of the ones who missed it, instead accepting the conventional wisdom, I intend never again to let a peek list go unexamined.

this situation is different, obviously, but I think the same reasoning holds.
Oh yeah, that was awesome too. LOL at 64.

To be fair, we missed that too.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
My reasoning for you is that your alive. I know its not the best reason but I fully expected you to be Nk last night and I am very suspicious you are not.
Well, wolves were pretty clearly seer hunting with the Jeremy NK, and even if they weren't, my ego has not yet reached the heights where I think I'd be the obvious strong and/or clear player NK. I was wrong about both AKS and gus, and if I've got someone as a clear villager that's actually a wolf, the wolves might want to keep me around.

I laid out my points for Aries yesterday - I didn't like his entire exchange with Chim and don't see village Aries making what I perceive as an error in judgment. I should add that my suspicion of Aries was heightened by that one post by aard. I have them linked now and have yet to see a reason to think different. I also don't understand how/why several people have cleared aard.
OK, I agree slightly about the Aries thing as I think I noted myself yesterday. I disagree pretty strongly about aard . Wolf-aard never makes that post about Aries on his own volition if they're both wolves.

XXsooted is suspicious because he cleared me so early. I have only played one or two games with him and had not posted much by the time he declared me village. In Reno's game I demonstrated how naive I can be, and i wonder if he is attempting to play off that mistake.
This I agree with. OK, carry on.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:34 PM
this is the first game i've played where wolves had a N0 chat i think. The wolves probably all decided they'd not vote wagons or something. I can't even deduce much from looking at the voting from Day 1 and Day 2.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:35 PM
ZeTurd = probable villager
Mike = definite villager

Can we get on FCBL people? Or if not him, one of the UTR people? Seriously, Mike's the worst wagon ever.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
you guys are giving a ton of credit to m1ke if he is pulling this off as a wolf.
Pulling what off?

I don't get why some people think he's being villagery.

- Every single post of his where he is 'blowing up' reads as forced to me: Using all caps, calling the villagers tards and mongoloids, etc.

- He's calling me a wolf for focusing on him, when I do it as a villager all the time.

- His responses to the pressure he received yesterday wasn't very villagery to me.

What has he done that's so villagery?
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Um, right, that's how it went down.

I was thinking of Playboy, in which misreading a peek as Nez=wolf (he was, but was on the way to being lynched anyway) instead of Hitch=wolf, caused the village loss at f3. Because I was there and was one of the ones who missed it, instead accepting the conventional wisdom, I intend never again to let a peek list go unexamined.

this situation is different, obviously, but I think the same reasoning holds.
OK, I'll just spell it out then. We should consider Z 100% clear and force the wolves to kill him at some point. If the wolves want to play leveling games by keeping him alive, go ahead, but I'm not voting him ever anyway, so chew on that wofls.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
this is the first game i've played where wolves had a N0 chat i think. The wolves probably all decided they'd not vote wagons or something. I can't even deduce much from looking at the voting from Day 1 and Day 2.
This is why we need to resolve wagons and why I am in favor of m1ke/XXsooted today.

Should one of them come up wolf, it can help clear up the whole picture.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:37 PM
Mike's not like super villagery but I don't think anything he has done is particularly forced. It looks pretty standard really, hence neutrality in the read department. But there are better wagons today I think.
Toon Evolution Game Thread Quote
11-19-2008 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
this is the first game i've played where wolves had a N0 chat i think. The wolves probably all decided they'd not vote wagons or something. I can't even deduce much from looking at the voting from Day 1 and Day 2.
Another misconception about wolfchat, imo, is that all wolves are automatically there. In my experience, participation runs at less than 50%.
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11-19-2008 , 03:40 PM
Fine. wagon m1ke and xxsooted
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