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Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread

02-27-2021 , 12:21 PM
good morning
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 12:26 PM
this doesn't look good
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 12:29 PM
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:15 PM
Feels like we have to lunch the correct wolf or we lose; 3 left alive in the morning with the wolf dayvig power still around ends it, obviously
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:26 PM
I guess we're just waiting for Adam to show up
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:27 PM
Given the dayvigs happen at 10am exactly every day are we assuming they are scheduled?

Or do we think the day chat has anything to do with the vig?
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by accobra_kid
Didn't feel great about it.

But I thought it over long and hard and ultimately decided he was the better choice than Montecore, even though he was the counterwagon to UD.

Bakes/ladd's roles specifically says they get full roles but without affiliation. For Monte to be the dayvig it would have to be mysteriously withheld from the xander peek, which contradicts what we can read in the write-up. I can't get past this.

And now I wish I had given more thought to the other three.

I think this makes it more likely that there may not be a wolf dayvig role. Possibly. I am not certain.
Wish Cobra hadnt died.

What was his case on you Monte to think about Suq v you as opposed to Suq v Me v Monte

Who are "the other three"?
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Wish Cobra hadnt died.

What was his case on you Monte to think about Suq v you as opposed to Suq v Me v Monte

Who are "the other three"?
How are you this disconnected from the game? He was basing his shot choice on CT's flow chart from yesterday.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:36 PM
ok let's do this
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Feels like we have to lunch the correct wolf or we lose; 3 left alive in the morning with the wolf dayvig power still around ends it, obviously
4-2now, 4-1 at lunch, 1 NK, 3-1, 1 dayvig 2-1? Or do you think wolves have 2nks?
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Btw, I delayed Adam last night and there was only one wolf kill

Seems potentially relevant
missed this

Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:38 PM
Cobra has previous on leaving some vague info. I weep:

Originally Posted by accobra_kid
I've got about four people I want dead before UglyDelicious, maybe more.
Last 48 hour interesting posts:

Originally Posted by accobra_kid
I think so. I still have to assess which role is more powerful to them -- dayvig or UD's. Why else would they make the last second push to get Suqata8 lynched when we shifted to UD?

The dayvig half their remaining killing power, they've got to keep the role safe and send it deep. Monte checks both those boxes because he's on the Suq wagon already.
Originally Posted by accobra_kid
Monte simply being the dayvig would explain another key element. Xkf got the bopolis peek off on time, even with Monte claiming to delay him.

I think this is cobras case on Monte.

Cobras other substantive posts seem to be focused on confirming RJ and Sun clear (and

Also...Cobra does alot of conversations without quoting who he's replying to which makes tracking back even harder so im very likely to have missed something.

Cobra doesnt seem to ever refer to or chat with Adam which might be why he doesnt even consider him foe the shot
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:39 PM

1) You claimed to have shot IRTM with 10 IPs on night 4. When did you gain these IPs?

2) Name your role and full powers.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
4-2now, 4-1 at lunch, 1 NK, 3-1, 1 dayvig 2-1? Or do you think wolves have 2nks?
Well they only had 1 NK last night, but I delayed Adam

So I'm worried there's a missing kill that may pop up, though the "extra" n4 kill in comparison to n5 could just be a future wolf vig activated earlier in the game or something

Basically we have zero margin for error
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
How are you this disconnected from the game? He was basing his shot choice on CT's flow chart from yesterday.
You are cleared in CTs flow chart.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:42 PM
Sun Tzu droned striked irtm yesterday when he can simply silent vig a villager if he is a wolf. This shot is lock clearing.

2 wolves among CT/monte/LKJ/Adam/DRZ

CT is a peeked villager.
LKJ is a peeked villager.
They can only be a wolf godfather. Has such a wolf role flipped? I will check it up now.

monte claims village delayer, has been peeked delayer. He can only be a wolf delayer if he is a wolf.

DrZ claims vanilla villager.

Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:43 PM
If there is a wolf vigilante, regardless of night or day, it is one of Adam/DrZ.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:43 PM

For the 50th time, he was going off of CT's flow chart, which assumed the wolf dayvig had to be from West Berlin
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:43 PM
Adam needs to fully claim
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
- I have won 3 IP's now.
Day 1: Event 1
Yesterday:Won the picture event
Got another one now as I guessed Athens

- Guesses:
N0- New York
N1- South Carolina
N2- Kansas
N3- Britain
N4- Athens
N5- Athens WOO

- IP Uses
N3- 1 IP used, and given back, on UD
N4- 1 IP used, and given back, on angeling myself
N5- 2 IP used trying to angel Sun....Got them both back.

So I've got three now. Thats it!
these IPs all went back? why don't you have three? Did you hint anywhere to have targeted UD with an IP?
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:48 PM
Also trying to angel Sun seems a bit odd given the other available choices
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Time Travel Mod
captain binkles is dead.

captain binkles, you are the wolf Time Ninja. Each night beginning n0, you may choose a player on the wolf team and perform their actions for them, to the extent possible. The actions you perform for this player that night may not be tracked or watched.

Restrictions: You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights or more than twice in the game.

Your choice of the player whose action you will proxy does not count as an action and may not be roleblocked, tracked, or watched. If you are roleblocked on the night that you choose to perform another player’s action for them, the action will fail (but if that player is roleblocked, the action will not fail).

You have the following additional powers:

1) You will learn the identity (player name, not role information) of any player visiting you during the night.

2) Anyone peeking you will receive the same result as if they had been roleblocked.

captain binkles was not a full godfather, but some kind of.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

For the 50th time, he was going off of CT's flow chart, which assumed the wolf dayvig had to be from West Berlin
I get that.

But accobra is acting like its a difficult decision in his final post. It really isn't.

If it was, you'd be a much easier shot today; and everyone is targeting Adam///assuming the day vig is a team kill.

I dunno, seems like your covering for yourself too hard now.

Ill leave it for now see if anyone else picks up on it cuz im confused
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
these IPs all went back? why don't you have three? Did you hint anywhere to have targeted UD with an IP?
I only get my 3rd IP this morning.

And no
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
02-27-2021 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Time Travel Mod

a missread issue is dead.

a misread issue, you are the wolf Cradle Vig. Each night beginning n1, you may target a player for death by traveling back in time and attempting to kill them as an infant. If your action is successful, that player will be killed and will reveal the next morning as an innocent baby who looks like the player and who couldn’t possibly have any powers. That player’s powers and role, if any, will be given to a random vanillager that night. (Any night action the target player had that night will take effect as normal, and the player who assumes the role will receive any information that the now-dead player would have received.) You may only use this power four times. Each time you successfully use this power on a player who is not Vanilla, a minor Paradox will be created.
ami was a night vig.
dyachei was a night vig.
UD was a vig after she wakes up.

I don't think there should be another night vig.
Time Travel 2 Mishmash - February 22nd Game Thread Quote
