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Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions.

11-09-2008 , 01:01 PM
If you can talk during night, and the wolves are also involved in their own night chat, won't people make assumptions that people who go quiet during the night period or elsewhere howling? Yet there won't be too much to talk about during night, so it forces stupid conversation? Or not?
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 01:23 PM
I think unlimited wolfchat is good, especially in games with a short night phase. I've played a few games that had this and wolves never really use it to micro-strategise (like "ill post this now then you can post this"), mostly it's used so all the wolves can get a chance to chat to each other when they happen to be online. Wolves getting frozen out of wolfchat because they're not around at the right time kind of sucks, you can PM them a transcript but it's not really the same. I think the only people who would say 24hr chat is a massive advantage to the wolves are people who have never had it; it is great in theory but merely useful in practice.

I think nightposting would be bad. There are too many situations where a player may be on the block and have useful information (like seer peeks) and decide to freeroll by not claiming until he knows if he's been lynched or not. It worked well in soah's game though but that was partly because there were several non-village factions with shills who made good use of it, normally it would be too provillage.

A limitation like "if you might be within one vote of the lead wagon don't talk at night" is a bit too artificial for my tastes.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
If you can talk during night, and the wolves are also involved in their own night chat, won't people make assumptions that people who go quiet during the night period or elsewhere howling? Yet there won't be too much to talk about during night, so it forces stupid conversation? Or not?

thats the point
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:06 PM
For nightposting to be anything other than insanely provillage, there needs to be super super short nights - like an hour - so the wolves can still make a kill without the person they killed being able to talk all night.

I'm a huge fan of 24 hour wolf chat, and whenever I run a game that's how I do it (if I think of it). I've been in 24hr chat a couple times, and it's really been good. It allows the wolves to make better strategies in mishmash gmaes, which makes the game more fun for everybody.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:24 PM
There should be a short period of silence so the person that got lynched can't say anything, but then I think night chat is a great idea. There's enough afk people in these games as it is and anything that helps that problem is a good thing.
I really doubt you will ever be able to say whoever isn't talking now is a wolf, at least in a long game. The most people ever talking at a time is like 3-4. If people just cleared night-talkers it'd be easily exploitable by the wolves. I wouldn't consider a wolf night-talking angle shooting. I don't really get why you would if night-talking was legal in the game.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:28 PM
if you played as many games as me or chim or zurvan you would understand. it forces the wolves to talk at night so the village doesnt clear just the villagers. its dumb, and adds nothing to the game
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:28 PM
hate the idea of night chat:

-plenty of time to talk during the day

-you knew what time zones were when you chose to sign up

-night is important to refresh and refocus your views as both player and wolf. Having a solid partition between days is incredibly useful. As a villager, it helps me sort reads and ideas and as a wolf, gives me time to actually think what I want to do instead of playing off the cuff.

-night chat just spams the **** out of these already huge and cumbersome threads that are like 1.5k+ posts in size after day 4.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:31 PM
If players were allowed to post random crap like d1 in Bobman's vanilla game 24 hours a day, I'd probably just sub out of frustration.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:47 PM
so far i agree with pretty much everything mets and chim have said.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 02:53 PM
I'm going to side with the conservatives here on the night posting. I think it's so provilla that you'd have to alter the balance of games then. In vanilla games, perhaps something like no n0 peeks, 1 more wolf, etc. Villa advantages from unlimited night chat:
- More posts, more information.
- When I'm a wolf, especially in games with short nights, most of the night time goes to rereading the thread looking for the seer and discussing with the other wolves. In the Euro-friendly games with short nights I actually think we get too little time with the typically 2 hours available. Now, with night posting allowed that makes everything a whole lot more difficult.
- As mentioned by others, allowing people that will be NK'ed to post after the lynch results are revealed is provilla.

Personally, I'd like to keep things as they are.

D1 wolfchat is OK I guess, though I generally think the game is difficult enough to analyze as is, and introducing D1 wolfchat opens up a whole lot more possibilities for wolves which makes it much more difficult for villagers to interpret available information. I think.

Last edited by ZeTurd; 11-09-2008 at 02:56 PM. Reason: I kinda like unlimited wolfchat in MM games though. Not so much in vanilla games.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:04 PM
"nich still thinks a seer in a 13er should get to peek a wolf if possible -- even though most of us decided it was too provillage"

i meant a 9er obviously. In a 13er, the seer should obviously get a real peek
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
if you played as many games as me or chim or zurvan you would understand. it forces the wolves to talk at night so the village doesnt clear just the villagers. its dumb, and adds nothing to the game
Regardless of wether you are right or wrong, this is really condescending, and makes you look a douchenipple.

(I still you though)
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by m1ke
hate the idea of night chat:

-plenty of time to talk during the day

-you knew what time zones were when you chose to sign up

-night is important to refresh and refocus your views as both player and wolf. Having a solid partition between days is incredibly useful. As a villager, it helps me sort reads and ideas and as a wolf, gives me time to actually think what I want to do instead of playing off the cuff.

-night chat just spams the **** out of these already huge and cumbersome threads that are like 1.5k+ posts in size after day 4.
Yes, you did -- and maybe you decided you couldn't play because of the timing, while with a less restrictive schedule you'd have been able to participate...

You can refocus your views at night anyway -- just don't read the new stuff. And the one game with nightchat that's run recently, there wasn't a whole lot of night posting, so it didn't add a lot of extra work.

I see that I'm in the minority here, and some of y'all have experienced the problems so I'm inclined to back off -- but I do think we need constantly to be working to make the game more accessible to new players and those in various time zones, so we shouldn't be dismissing structural ideas on bases such as that players knew2 what they were getting into.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:17 PM
I agree with your conclusion Atak.. and am all for molding the game to be more welcoming.

I just feel this change would sacrifice balance for accessibility.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by The_Hitch
Regardless of wether you are right or wrong, this is really condescending, and makes you look a douchenipple.

(I still you though)
it's not meant to be condescending at all. it's just that we are talking from experience.

im not a conservative that said the game cant change. I was one of the biggest proponents of the rand villager peek rule change because it made the game more balanced

also, i dont look anything like this
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I agree with your conclusion Atak.. and am all for molding the game to be more welcoming.

I just feel this change would sacrifice balance for accessibility.
If those of you who've done it say it changes the balance a lot, I believe you.

As for d1 wolfchat, I really think that could help new players ease into it (and ease the mods' task), and it sounds like most people don't think it will change balance much.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I agree with your conclusion Atak.. and am all for molding the game to be more welcoming.

I just feel this change would sacrifice balance for accessibility.
it's amazing how often chim and i are masons
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 04:14 PM
in a long game u don't clear/damn people for posting/not posting at night, so nobody is forced to post at night to look villa
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
in a long game u don't clear/damn people for posting/not posting at night, so nobody is forced to post at night to look villa
Bullcrap. You know perfectly that not everybody plays like you and base all their reads on vote patterns, NK's and other "hard facts" information available in the game. People also look at posting frequency and tone. It'd be an incredibly boring game if everything was just about guessing whatever the hell level everyone is on when voting. You're just wrong here. It does matter.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
As for d1 wolfchat, I really think that could help new players ease into it (and ease the mods' task), and it sounds like most people don't think it will change balance much.
I agree with this. Even if people don't like full time wolf chat (there are valid reasons, they just happen to be wrong ) allowing d1 contact is good.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 05:29 PM
Consider this last game only 3 wolves total ever made it to wolf chat - day 1 might provide some help at congruity.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 06:53 PM
I am in favor of 24 hour wolfchat. I do not like night posting as a default rule for the reasons everyone has stated. It's extremely provillage, not just because it forces the wolves to post more but because it gives villagers the opportunity for much more information, period. Information is king in werewolf. The village wins too often as it is.

Plus our threads tend to approach unmanageability for people with jobs anyway. If 24 hour wolfchat increases accessibility, 24 hour posting DECREASES it.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 07:51 PM
Plus our threads tend to approach unmanageability for people with jobs anyway. If 24 hour wolfchat increases accessibility, 24 hour posting DECREASES it.
Unless you're in a timezone were you'd really like to post at night.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-09-2008 , 07:51 PM
The OP leaves out some hugely important information about my game such as the fact that "night" only lasted 30 minutes, lynch results were uncertain up until I posted them even if you had an accurate vote count, and wolves had 24 hour chat. It wasn't so much that people could post as night as it was that days were 24 hours long with no nights.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
11-10-2008 , 06:12 AM
I really feel night posting is just against the spirit of the game. I have always felt like forum WW should be played just as if we were all playing in person for real. Night chat doesn't really go along with this...

For similar reasons I also hate when anyone talks about PM's, or forum functions, or basically anything that wouldn't occur in real life.

This is also why I feel the game as a whole isn't as fun anymore. It's not roleplaying anymore...when the game starts, people aren't pretending they are villagers in a game of werewolf, where as way back when we first started that's how it was. Now a days it's more about text-based observations and inconsistencies than roleplaying.
Thoughts on a couple of WW conventions. Quote
