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There's too much WW in POG There's too much WW in POG

03-30-2012 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by W.Wallace
It is not IMO fair that when you get randed a wolf you go to corner and sit there until you get villager role you wanted more and do pretty much nothing.
I agree. But some players do try as a wolf, but simply suck at it. Gotta live with that. You can´t force anyone to play better than (s)he is.
If swiitch signs up for a game, mod should balance the setup to be prowolf

Originally Posted by biggerboat
I have no idea what you did, but I was hated by everyone early on, and now there's like 2 or 3 people that don't hate me anymore. Give it time.
It is better to be hated than ignored.
03-30-2012 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I agree. But some players do try as a wolf, but simply suck at it. Gotta live with that. You can´t force anyone to play better than (s)he is.
If swiitch signs up for a game, mod should balance the setup to be prowolf

It is better to be hated than ignored.
I agree re: the first point, but it's sometimes hard to find the line between someone who's trying but can't physically wolf at all (swiitch is like this) and someone who's just plain not trying.

It also ties into the people subbing out as certain roles thing.
03-30-2012 , 07:14 AM
Maybe player who subs out can't play X amount of days.
03-30-2012 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
STOP IT RIGHT THERE. This thread is not going to be made.
The thread is obviously going to be made
03-30-2012 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
BASaint is a fine young man with dual personality. He tries and contributes here, while ****ting on POG in SE forum.
You make it sound like a secret. I wouldn't have made this thread if I thought that nothing needed to change in POG.
03-30-2012 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by W.Wallace
Maybe player who subs out can't play X amount of days.
also, there should definitely be a Sub one, Sub all policy
03-30-2012 , 07:34 AM
Regarding Sun Tzu.

The game that nobody has brought up yet was the Empire game that Andy ran. If I recall correctly, Sun almost completely ruined that one.

I could find it if I had to. I remember Zurvan was one of the main roles in that game.
03-30-2012 , 07:45 AM
Rival Kingdoms was the game.
03-30-2012 , 07:46 AM
A couple key quotes:
Originally Posted by Andynan
Mod Note

The other team is in disarray, Sun has avoided the thread all day and when I pm'ed him he said he'd like to be subbed out and didnt want to keep playing.

I offered them to surrender but they wouldnt either, and with Sun absent I couldnt resolve their Night Phase. Looks like they have decided to keep playing after all and I will process the Night Phases tomorrow at around 4 am EST and hopefully call day somewhere around 8 am EST.

I am sorry for the delay, its none of your fault, but I can't very well do much else.

Its 3 am my time and I gotta sleep. You can discuss anything in the meantime.
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Awesome game Andy!

I just finished reading the Tokugawa thread. Sun Tzu is not welcome in any games that I run in the future. Andy has a lot of patience. If it were me, I would have forcefully subbed Sun out at least a week ago.
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what did I do?
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Well, why don't you read your thread and see. Basically:

1) Did not like the way game was going early and committed sepuku in thread. I would have accepted that as mod.

2) Did not like the way game was going and blamed mod

3) Did not like the way game was going and threw a hissy fit

4) Did not like the way game was going and marched troops into certain death just for spite

5) Accused mod of cheating

6) Need I go on?
03-30-2012 , 08:49 AM
So Sun accused Andynan of cheating as a mod?

That explains those bad rands I got in the last Viking raid

Originally Posted by BASaint
The thread is obviously going to be made
Good luck with it. I don´t expect to see much good coming from it.
03-30-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
The thread is obviously going to be made
I think we've decided on a date too, the day after tomorrow.
03-30-2012 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
also, there should definitely be a Sub one, Sub all policy
I agree

Problem is sometimes you are forced to sub out due to becoming privy to info but mod doesn't want that said

You should have to sub out of ur other game?
03-30-2012 , 11:13 AM
I don't understand why having a troll-y, flame-y thread is considered to be a bad thing.

EDIT: It's way less passive-aggressive than what goes on now.
03-30-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
To all mods:
Don´t try and pass responsibility of your game to someone or something (a point based system) else. You are running the game, you are responsible. So you are the one that decides who can play your game, as per your own criteria.

You don´t like multitablers? You don´t like angleshooters? You don´t like suiciders? You don´t like Germans? You don´t like UTRs? You don´t like foulmouthed players? So why don´t you ban them from your game?

My personal ban list is currently inhabited by 4 players and I have a couple more that are being watched. I have my reasons for those and I will take no other reasons.
100% agree
03-30-2012 , 11:25 AM
Instead of trying to create these elaborate point systems, how about just asking game mods to step up?

Game mods can choose to ban or allow multitabling, selective quitting, etc. Players can favor the games of game mods who implement the policies they like.

It's not hard. People just need to take responsibility instead of trying to pass it off to some formula
03-30-2012 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I agree

Problem is sometimes you are forced to sub out due to becoming privy to info but mod doesn't want that said

You should have to sub out of ur other game?
Easy. If you become exposed to information you don't think you should have, notify the game mod. Then the game mod decides whether you need subbed, and if necessary notifies everyone that you aren't asking to sub, but rather the game mod is choosing to make it happen.

The sub one, sub all should only trigger if the player just asks to sub out for outside or no reason.
03-30-2012 , 11:35 AM
I mean, it's not that elaborate. If you harm games, you get points. If you have a lot of points then you're presumably a dickbag. It's a democratic, self-updating repository of dickbaggery, which mods can refer to to inform their player pool decisions.

And it's funny.
03-30-2012 , 11:52 AM
Lol, didn't know this thread existed when I posted in the other one. BASaint on top of his own butthurt rankings. Although he manages to hide it well...

I am in favor of points if frequent and occasionally (accidentally, but I'm aware of the risk) harmful FPSing does not result in points. Therefore I assume I am not in favor of points

I call it a high variance playing style
03-30-2012 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Neil S
Easy. If you become exposed to information you don't think you should have, notify the game mod. Then the game mod decides whether you need subbed, and if necessary notifies everyone that you aren't asking to sub, but rather the game mod is choosing to make it happen.

The sub one, sub all should only trigger if the player just asks to sub out for outside or no reason.
03-30-2012 , 12:13 PM
It's never going to work to pass off all of the responsibility onto the game mods. Players need to step up and campaign in the signup thread for the things they want (or by pm to the game mod). If a mod excludes a player because other players complained about him, that player probably cleans up or gets out a lot quicker than if nothing happens. But in my experience, very few game mods will be proactive about excluding anyone for any reason at all.
03-30-2012 , 12:15 PM
Yeah, if you don't want someone in the game thread, a quick post in the signup thread outlining the reasons why will at least inform the mod whats going on.
03-30-2012 , 12:19 PM
In before sign-up threads become the passive-aggressive, trollish flame wars that make the WWWanker thread an allegedly bad idea.
03-30-2012 , 12:27 PM
The alternative being that it's not worth debating with the mod over a ruling before the game even starts, so players just don't sign up depending upon player pool. Precisely the wrong result.
03-30-2012 , 12:29 PM
If Y doesn't want to play with X and X is playing a game, then Y, well, either has to deal with it or not play in that game
03-30-2012 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
If Y doesn't want to play with X and X is playing a game, then Y, well, either has to deal with it or not play in that game
I just put them on ignore.
