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Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf

11-20-2007 , 06:31 PM
Ok I feel pretty confident about tomorrow if I last that far
Here's what I don't understand.

Why don't you try to get that person voted today, so in case you are wrong you can reevaluate?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:34 PM
Ok I feel pretty confident about tomorrow if I last that far
Here's what I don't understand.

Why don't you try to get that person voted today, so in case you are wrong you can reevaluate?
I am, let me make the case for EPICURUS today
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:36 PM
ok, if fmx and I both make it to endgame, we lose 100pc of the time.
but if i get lynched tonight, we lose our last bit of margin for error.
i guess i'll quit rereading drz and focus on trying to clear myself.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:39 PM
No, please do re-read drzen.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:39 PM
my head is hurting trying to think about it.
chim/drz tonight and we lose for sure if we're wrong.
me tonight and we're at mustlynch.
which is better for the village?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:41 PM
No, please do re-read drzen.
to what end, if tonight is chim/me? we cant have three wagons and not having chim as an option is beyond horrific. tbh im halfway through drz and cant begin to make a case against him anyway.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:43 PM
Wait, weren't you all about Zen like yesterday? WTF?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:43 PM
at this point, who is more likely to be the wolf, if you assume for a second - i know you'll find it hard - that its not me? Chim or DrZ?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:44 PM
Wait, weren't you all about Zen like yesterday? WTF?
umm, no.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:47 PM
i think im going to do one of those mets patented posts where i quote the same thing time and time again but add another quote box layer each time. it will be around
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:49 PM
any idea what time you'll be ready to post after finishing work tonight?
I've just got to get this in before I read the rest of the thread.

You or chim took a big gamble, and killed Zurvan because you think it points to me. That's what I think.

I can't see how it isn't chim though. He knows I'll push him. He knows I am the other guy in the frame. Big big risk for him but I can't help noting he's already posted! All the other days posting late but here he is before me.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:50 PM
any idea what time you'll be ready to post after finishing work tonight?
I've just got to get this in before I read the rest of the thread.

You or chim took a big gamble, and killed Zurvan because you think it points to me. That's what I think.

I can't see how it isn't chim though. He knows I'll push him. He knows I am the other guy in the frame. Big big risk for him but I can't help noting he's already posted! All the other days posting late but here he is before me.
uh, go look at yesterday.. I was posting during the day too.

I just noted the first two days I had corporate inspections.


Yesterday you said all you could find on me was villager, and now its absurd to not vote me?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:51 PM
deja vu. this is like the third time we've had this exchange today. why?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:51 PM

Please explain how killing Zurvan points to you? He was voting me yesterday for gods sakes.

The only benefit of a Zurvan kill I can find is for Epic, if I am missing something please enlighten me.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:52 PM
deja vu. this is like the third time we've had this exchange today. why?
A far cry from "I have to pick one of you" to "absurd not to vote him".
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:54 PM
And WTF is Zen anyway?
I take it W is where. I live in Australia, so I've just got out of bed.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:56 PM
i remember on the last USG game Zurvan made a list of four wolf suspects d1. three were wolves. the fourth was me. (he has had me as a listed suspect of his in all the games we've played together). a few days passed, we killed the three wolves, there were i think two or three remaining. i made a post saying that the zurvan nightkill had turned his list into the WW equivalent of holy scripture.
fast forward a week, im in another long game and zurvan suspects me, as does fmx (somewhat rabidly, in the latter case). history repeats itself and his nightkill places everything he had said under close scrutiny.
now, the question becomes:
knowing that this would occur, because id made a post on that specific topic a week before, do you really think I'd NK Zurvan? or is it more likely that someone else also knew what would result from doing so, and ate him to frame me?
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:57 PM
I'm going to omit all posts by Epi that I think are wolfy on tone, and focus on other tells.

1) Because I generally suck at reading by tone
2) Because people better than me at reading tone thought Epi was villagery (Mets, DustinG)

List by Epi at 3:39 day 1
DustinG - village lean
Epicurus - villager who doesnt know US history and surfs 2+2 on Opera
fmxda - mixed signals
HerbieGRD - village lean
Kokiri - wolf lean
Luckayluck - village lean
metsandfinsfan - village lean
Nicholasp27 - moderate wolf lean
Our House - slight village lean
sixfour - slight wolf lean
Solanthos - village lean
VoraciousReader - village lean.
Zurvan - wolf lean
Does Epi really have reads on all these people?

At the time of this post, kokiri posted once, a comment about talking in mohawk, and sixfour just had a random drzen vote. Strange that both are wolf leans on such weak evidence.

Also dmk has posted yet Epi doesn't comment about him. Why? Because he is posting reads to clear himself and/or level the village once he turns up wolf.

Epi @ 8:53p D1
i can make a case in my mind against lucky but id be stretching. i cant see voting him today.
Classic wolf-wolf

Epi at 8:57pm Day 1
btw if i were a wolf i think id have jumped on OH after nich did. id be dead soon after but at least id bag a villager.
Knows OH will turn up village.

Epi @ 8:59pm D1

better question - how did the kokiri wagon just get derailed?
Is already suddenly sure that kokiri is a wolf due to his wagon being derailed. Despite that fact that Epi's own wagon just got derailed.

Epi @ 8:42a D2 regarding sixfour
this just strikes me as the kind of post a wolf might make in the situation we were in, but its very subjective and not a strong read. i do remember having sixfour on my suspect list before this though, so i might reread him if i have a quiet day.
Subtle suspicion of sixfour is wolfy in of itself. However this is in the middle of a sequence of reads on major players of day 1. Zurvan, DustinG, kokiri, Luckay and OH are mentioned... but sixfour? Why would you pay attention to 64 if it wasn't for the fact you knew he was a wolf? sixfour had a pretty nondescript day, I don't see why he'd be on any villager's radar.

I might add that his "read" on everyone is correct with regard to their village/wolf role, except Luckay. I suppose Luckay was being set up as the bulletproof wolf.

5:30p d2
If im a wolf, why didnt I vote OH last night at any point, including when the voting was tied five and two minutes before night, to save myself?

Why do people keep mentioning that my wagon lost support before night but omit to mention that the same is true of kokiri much closer to nightfall?
Again assumes that kokiri was a wolf. Once again reiterates his mindset that OH was obvious village before the rolereveal.

5:48p d2, epi discusses his thoughts on not voting for OH
are you seriously suggesting that i didnt vote OH because, two minutes before night, my wolfy brethren were poised to fire off votes for OH should my wagon attract further support, thereby making them all prime suspects for future lynches when OH showed up villager? come on.

Interestingly no wolves voted for OH hmm. Now would wolf-Epi try to level the village like this if he was on the block day 2, and he knew no wolves were on OH? Yes.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:57 PM
deja vu. this is like the third time we've had this exchange today. why?
A far cry from "I have to pick one of you" to "absurd not to vote him".
the wagons have changed.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:57 PM
I have to run now

I might be back after night :x

Either way, do the reading for yourself, Epi is mad wolfy yo

Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 06:59 PM
And WTF is Zen anyway?
I take it W is where. I live in Australia, so I've just got out of bed.
I know, but you're usually back in the thread by now.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 07:00 PM

I guess the reason I keep repeating that and am frustrated is you go through and say you can't make a case for zen. But your entire case against me is that a few villagers voted for me once. This is beyond frustrating that its absurd to not vote me.. implying there is some crystal clear case. But your entire case is based on almost nothing.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 07:00 PM
just awesome FMX. dont answer a single one of my questions or allow for the possibility of changing your mind. awesome.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 07:01 PM
I cant make a case against EITHER of you.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
11-20-2007 , 07:02 PM
at least not one that i havent twisted facts to make. perhaps i should be like fmx and do that.
Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf Quote
