Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Let's trade some, man. I can give you two-to-one (in your favor, of course). What do you say?
No deal until I confirm, of course. Please ensure to specify how many you will be trading to me.
I didn't manage to post during the last day. Days are a little shorter than I expected and the timing is pretty bad for me. But 1 am SOD is better than 3:30 am
If you're still interested, here's what I got:
I would trade you 2 of my LOCs (not yet shown to anybody) for any four of yours (doesn't matter how many times you shared them).
3 of mine (1 shown, 1 received, 1 my eyes only) for the four.
you can confirm either of the offers and the trade is on. If you want to negotiate, we'll have to hope that I can be around.