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01-05-2010 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Danny - I think this will play out more like a crazy 5er than a normal ww - so you will probably like it.

In a crazy 5er, you put your cards out on the table and win due to strategy and outmaneuvering. Normal WW is more about exploiting secret informational advantages.

Starcraft WW is being ushered down the crazy 5er path by many new-schoolers whose strengths lie in strategy, much to the dismay of many old-school ww'ers who's advantage lies in role reading.
high five?

how am I doing?
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 09:14 AM
i hope i'm still alive, as i just got back into town. reading this huge thread now. bisu hwaiting!
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Defiler - Once the relevant spells has been researched at a Defiler Mound, a Defiler can use Dark Swarm by posting cast Dark Swarm, which will nullify any votes on Zerg players cast by ranged units. May use plague by posting plague, which will severely damage any player that has posted within the last 10 minutes, making them able to be lynched with 2 votes. Can also consume Zerg players by posting consume sixfour, giving them extra energy.
This has been bothering me. Does this mean that everyone affected by plague with at least 2 votes will be lynched? Is the possibility of multiple lynches always present, except with a higher cap? (If so, d1 implies a lower bound of 4 votes and an upper bound of 11.) Someone tell me if I'm overthinking it.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 09:16 AM
Ok then CPHZerg is still the best lynch today. It is likely that he is Zerg and I don't believe his Terran claim at all.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
If you have an alliance, it has to be large enough to control lynches and it has to vote unanimously.

If a member fails to vote unanimously, you lynch that member next.


You take any of the thousands of other options available to you, including incorrect role claims, masonries, or just waiting around watching players identify themselves by joining other faction "alliances."

For starters.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:32 AM
[0] aaron's son
[0] ace of spades - cphoya
[0] aceshigh - cphoya
[1] bsball
[0] caedus
[6] cphoya - kukra
[0] dannykgb - willd
[0] dannyocean
[0] derwipok - cphoya
[0] drontier - thread cat
[0] forsythio - bsball
[3] globetrotter
[0] grapeshot
[0] gusmahler
[0] iflatthenuts - cphoya
[0] ilikebeer
[0] keanureaver
[1] kukraprout
[0] kwami42 - cphoya
[0] luckay - thread cat
[0] mcavoy
[0] mindcrush - cphoya
[0] pointertovoid
[0] pvn
[0] rollwave - globetrotter
[0] spaceman bryce
[0] systolic
[0] tao1
[0] telcontar
[0] thingyman - thread cat
[3] thread cat imo - globetrotter
[0] wahoopride - globetrotter
[1] willd
[0] xxsooted
[0] zhaorx

Last edited by sixfour; 01-05-2010 at 10:39 AM.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:35 AM
i want to start an unretarted alliance.

this alliance can consist of people who didn't vote to lynch dmk. great job for lynching a zergling guys. great job.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:36 AM
I will further rename Zhaorx with Zergx
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I will further rename Zhaorx with Zergx
sup terran newbie
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:39 AM
Interesting statement
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Interesting statement
interesting statement? how so?
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:45 AM
I think I am equally likely to be Terran or Protoss, that's why it's interesting that he thinks I am Terran.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:48 AM
so you think he's protoss or are you seerhunting (is that even a wolf tell now?)?
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:50 AM
Well right now I think he's a Zerg, that's why I renamed him Zergx
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:52 AM
Also note that at this point of the game I will not share any Terran or Protoss reads I may or may not have. I will just give more or less likely to be Zerg or Terran/Protoss reads.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Tao1
so you think he's protoss or are you seerhunting (is that even a wolf tell now?)?
I think zhaorx is fishing for the role of a T/P, which makes him >rand to be zerg
it's the same thing that dmk was doing yesterday

also the whole idea of "wolves" seerhunting is not really relevant in this game
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Also note that at this point of the game I will not share any Terran or Protoss reads I may or may not have. I will just give more or less likely to be Zerg or Terran/Protoss reads.
I have a super secret list of likely terran/protoss
it's an awesome list
I wont show it
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck

I feel like the UTR alliance and the Level 3 alliance could form an alliance.
Considering you are already in the UTR-CFD alliance, then yes, we can jon forces.

BTW, why are you people saying that the ewalsh kill was done by zerg? Don't you think that if Sun had control of the kill, he'd wack kukra, who for sure is not zerg?
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:00 AM
fwiw I think we can find some lolobvious zergs on day 1
we put them in a tough spot that they never were in, even good players can get lost there
I mean look at dmk

it's like in the silent hill game where there was an extremely powerful wolf who was in trouble, wolves were in an unusual situtation, they didnt know how to handle it and they basically all outed themselves in various ways
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
Considering you are already in the UTR-CFD alliance, then yes, we can jon forces.

BTW, why are you people saying that the ewalsh kill was done by zerg? Don't you think that if Sun had control of the kill, he'd wack kukra, who for sure is not zerg?
I was quite confident that ewalsh was a T/P fwiw
Sun probably decided that ewalsh was more likely to have a power role than me
who do you think kills ewalsh if it's not sun?
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
fwiw I think we can find some lolobvious zergs on day 1
we put them in a tough spot that they never were in, even good players can get lost there
I mean look at dmk

it's like in the silent hill game where there was an extremely powerful wolf who was in trouble, wolves were in an unusual situtation, they didnt know how to handle it and they basically all outed themselves in various ways
the problem is, in order to find them we'd have to reread d1

the people i remember who kind of defended dmk that are probably zerg are cphoya, globe, caedus, and bsball. I'm fairly confident bsball is not zerg, but I think the other three probably are.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
the problem is, in order to find them we'd have to reread d1

the people i remember who kind of defended dmk are cphoya, globe, caedus, and bsball. I'm fairly confident bsball is not zerg, but I think the other three probably are.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:07 AM
the problem is, in order to find them we'd have to reread d1

Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:15 AM
If you fix a post and the fix is not obvious to find, highlighting it is always a good idea
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
01-05-2010 , 11:18 AM
i suppose i have an advantage since i am an expert in starcraft...but basically zerglings are not going to kill you in this game. probably shouldn't worry about them too much. it was pretty lolobvious dmk was one.
Starcraft GAME THREAD Quote
