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03-20-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Looks like we killed all the morning people.

Anyway, here's my stab at a 5 player wolf team

Originally Posted by zdye724
Oh good, you spared yourself an extra-salty response to that question.

Also, i don't think happy is a wolf, as I just said. I've given a list of players I think are the wolfiest, and read most of them in depth last night except punker.
On read of yesterday's mayhem, I've upgraded Happy and Punker to probable vilagers for now.

Why, specifically Felix/Disko/TN?

I have Noze as entirely expendable/wolf, but the rest of your list could be 0/4 and Noze just could not give a single **** as well, which could make it 0/5.
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03-20-2014 , 07:48 AM
Tier 1
grant2............................peeked by cjkalt
SimDaniels.....................peeked by mucks
SuqAta8.........................v ldo; shot and outed eurotrash when i couldve just shot vagos

Tier 2
insanity31........................has gone after multiple wolves;
J.D....................................claimed masons
LKJ...................................prolific posting; vigged nonconsensus exec
diskoteque.......................claimed 3x voter
Jar Jar Bakes....................dc ohio took an outside shot on bakes, causing dc ohio to get got
Punker.............................has been active with personal charts, same as last game i played with him (as villa)
zdye724 .........................claimed 50% conditional vig?; shot exec in D3 ITA's
Kaze13............................prolific d3; charts

Tier 3
Top Tier Tom...........................seems to have a good sense of whats going on
tchaz......................................seems to be decently on track with the thread
DWetzel.................................has been pretty active; outed gabe/thor masonry
KruZe.....................................claimed some of kind of masonry, but 4 masons have flipped now

Tier 4
varianceminefield....................claimed ITA redirector; rest of his game has been slightly wolfy imo
boner2.....................................we battled sod2, still not convinced he's super villa, but i've been making my way around on him
booker wolfbox.........................very low volume, low content
Felix the Cat.............................not much i remember that stands out
flytrap.......................................i have mixed feelings on flytrap based on interactions
jonnyd......................................nothin g that stands out to me

Tier 5
Gadarene.................................very low content; Pope had 2 posts over 2 days
Happy_Fish..............................low content, seems to be coasting
Noze........................................has done nothing but troll and shoot vmf
TehVader.................................some people called for him to get heat today and i agree
TheNothing..............................has been very emotional and defensive the whole game; quarreled with vmf most of the game

this is what i can remember off the top of my head, feel free to add or discuss this list
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03-20-2014 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by George Lucas
Votes from post 1 to post 4824
It is night

19 Aksdal grant2 (100), Eurotrash (104), Bloobird (158), mucksandgravs (64), tchaz (36), Boner2 (124), ReddBoiler (105), VarianceMinefield (188), Effen (137), Felix the Cat (16), jonnyd (26), Richard Tanner (6), KruZe (149), Xkf (123), cjkalt (101), diskoteque (72), Vagos (137), Shark Sandwich (77), fnord_too (44)
18 fnord_too LKJ (192), Booker Wolfbox (7), Top Tier Tom (178), accobra_kid (20), Montecore (116), J.D. (29), mexineil (25), 72off (95), iamnotawerewolf (42), lenC (46), Sun Tzu (35), Jar Jar Bakes (141), The Moocher (210), vixticator (134), insanity31 (146), Kaze13 (18), Aksdal (71), TheNothing (131)
8 ReddBoiler CalledDownLight (128), Willi (126), Wilverine (27), Ashington (51), TehVader (22), SuqAta8 (90), wangpirate (57), exec771 (75)
3 insanity31 dc-ohio (26), Thor665 (24), lilrascal (23)
1 VarianceMinefield Noze (7)
1 mexineil flytrap (93)
1 The Moocher Punker (13)
1 flytrap Duckburg (35)
1 vixticator Possum (93)
1 cjkalt pry (30)
1 Vagos SimDaniels (28)
1 unvote CPHoya (133)
5 not voting zdye724 (21), TheBrokenATM! (11), PopeStottle (1), Happy_Fish (4), bowens (4)
1 Error nutshot2 (71)


for reference

let's stare at this for a while.
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03-20-2014 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
varying degrees of woalfy imo:

(about a dozen pages behind tho)



Originally Posted by flytrap
I disagree with Wang being a wolf. I find myself agreeing with several of his posts, although I certainly haven't read all of them.
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
dont agree on sando or lkj. got sando as villagery and lkj as neutral to villagery. got tn as a dont kill because I want charts and I dont really care what she is. got our boay as a wilf. no read on any of the others.
Originally Posted by Aksdal
Definitely remove vmf
Originally Posted by Vagos
your orange list seems terrible (and not just because I'm there)

VMF in red is nuts imo

Originally Posted by Vagos
is gabe really your top lean? I feel stupid for saying it, but his volume seems kinda clearing (and I didn't see anything on the pages I've read that jumped out to me) - in the 2-3 wolf games of his I've seen, I wouldn't say slank, but he's def more precise/controlled with his posting
Originally Posted by insanity31
from what i've read, i'd currently have him as one of three people i'd shoot, yea

i didn't see anything villagery about his posts... volume doesn't really matter if every post he made was terrible. and i don't remember his villager game being this bad
Originally Posted by Ashington
Gabe's reasoning on his insanity vote was pretty turrible as well imo, he'd be in the rand if it was up to me.

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Does anyone else think fnord is a wolf

I do


Originally Posted by Eurotrash
Willi, ty

inanity could you repeat your thoughts re: lilrascal?
Originally Posted by insanity31
search me/him imo. i'm going afk for a while
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
lolz, yes, i know that searching is an option but I'm lazy and hope you'd reproduce it upon request. anyway.

STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 07:49 AM
Give me your list of 5 wolves Sim if mine is so terrible

I'll concede that bowens is a likely wolf, sorry I left him off.
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 07:54 AM
the thing that sucks about those NKs is that it doesnt give us too much info when going back and color coding the ITA's
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03-20-2014 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
henrik, i'd give the vig to moochah fwiw.
Originally Posted by Vagos
there are much better candidates imo

I think I trust you more than moochah at this point

I'm sorta baffled as to why you're a wagon? but from what I've read, the ppl on you don't seem all that wolfy
Originally Posted by insanity31
well i wouldn't mind it i guess, but going afk like i said, so we'd have to wait a little. plus he's more caught up with the thread than i am.

but if i insta-shoot gabe and he somehow flips villa, then that would be fun

yea, i'm not a real wagon imo. and agree with the people one me being villagery except gabe


forgot to say that ianaww had a villagery start too


Originally Posted by tchaz
I'm finding it hard to not bounce off the surface of a lot of posts today - probably a me thing.

From some random stuff I read on pp7-9?

Hoya pressing wang a little seems fine; wang's reaction seems ok; commentators not so much; hoya's frustration seems genuine (could be role neutral)
Gabe's mechs reads on the mod's-mechs post seems decent & useful.
villa leans on all three
I don't think I have much experience with Willi, so I'm not sure if his enthusiasm is from his lay-off or says something about his role (at level 1 villagery)
I didn't like xkf calling flytrap wolfy for what seemed a reasonable post
bloo is tricky and I can't read him
fluff: TN has alread mentioned kawfeenkids rutroh
Originally Posted by TheNothing
when someone posts a hudge list of how people play & what they say about me is something about coffee/kids...i have this impulse to only talk about coffee/kids to reiterate it all

Originally Posted by tchaz
I read a mq of your early works - I recall nothing. Maybe I should go and read the first few pages of the game for context.
Originally Posted by 72off

cause why not
Originally Posted by TheNothing
uh because i's a villageperson

and you are about to give someone a vig

and that person better not shoot me for a "why not"
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i'm referring to 72off who's entry post said something like "conveniently has kids when wolfing"

so i decided to talk about kids & coffee and & school & all that stuff

because i conveniently have kids all the time & attributing me talking about them to when i'm a wolf is lolwrong & it's getting kinda annoying.
Originally Posted by diskoteque
this whole "getting caught up" thing is getting pretty boring pretty quickly. being a good villager just might not be in the cards for me
Originally Posted by diskoteque
in all seriousness though, did 27o discuss (or anyone for that matter) the reasoning behind that enormous post on page 2?
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
not rly feeling this
^ Interesting response by Euro to disko there

Originally Posted by Aksdal
I think his only post at the time was a pop in to say that he was ready to own people and he wasn't sure how he was gonna play and then he said wolf instead of Wolfy
Originally Posted by TheNothing
pokerbobo falls into the "sketchball" category imo
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 07:57 AM
also, im about to head to the airport again, heading back to dc, so ill be phone posting for most of the day :/

alive people that shot Euro in D3 morning ITAs:

this might be important to keep in mind since Euro was day angeled and people could "look good" from taking shots on a consensus wolf
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Give me your list of 5 wolves Sim if mine is so terrible

I'll concede that bowens is a likely wolf, sorry I left him off.
I didn't call it terrible, I just think it contains some villagers.

Good one on the Bowens snark.

I just want to know why you think Felix (especially)/Disko/TN are wolves.



are good places to start.

I want to look at claims/validity before the rest.


Suq, I think you left off Possum at the least from your list.
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03-20-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
lolz, yes, i know that searching is an option but I'm lazy and hope you'd reproduce it upon request. anyway.
Originally Posted by insanity31
only because you're my life mason:
Originally Posted by Vagos
is gabe really your top lean? I feel stupid for saying it, but his volume seems kinda clearing (and I didn't see anything on the pages I've read that jumped out to me) - in the 2-3 wolf games of his I've seen, I wouldn't say slank, but he's def more precise/controlled with his posting
Originally Posted by Aksdal
Euro, what's your most nonconcensus read aorn?
Originally Posted by diskoteque
looking forward to it sando

euro, what are you not feeling exactly? are you going to pretend that it was a run-of-the-mill post?
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i'm going to look forward to researching this game when it's over at all the "when are ITAs, did i miss them" popins & whether those people were villager or wolf
Originally Posted by Vagos
A great argument for why every game needs a derp vig
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i agree that moocher has been villagery

i'll also endorse giving the shot to exec

Originally Posted by Vagos
have you ever played with BATM?
Originally Posted by Aksdal
He sounds familiar, idk anything about his game though
Originally Posted by TheNothing

i said i wasn't gonna be mad today but i'm getting a bit depressed. i'm getting called wolfy all day over no particular reason. and i didn't get to play much of the last game because effen had to go peek me clear.

so noone cares really what i am as long as i give chartz & i'm wolfy enough to be RED already

so just shoot me so i can go about my week, mmmkay?
Originally Posted by Ashington
Gabe's reasoning on his insanity vote was pretty turrible as well imo, he'd be in the rand if it was up to me.
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03-20-2014 , 07:57 AM
I'm fairly confident that Disko is wolfing, much more certain on him than the rest of my list.

Felix I keep going back and forth on, his post where he said "gee I hope all the wolves are in the low posters otherwise this will be tough," yeah I don't like that post. Only thing bothering me is I dunno if he gives me as much **** as he did when I shot exec if he knows exec is a wolf.

TN I can see euroa, Vagos, et al giving her a pregame speech saying "go get super emotional out there, they'll eat that right up."
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 07:58 AM
Looks like wolves decided to have a lot of chatter that afternoon

Aks, Vagos, Euro, Ash... all talking to each other

TN and Disko are also involved in the chatting to lesser degrees
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03-20-2014 , 07:59 AM
And insanity, who may be a wolf solely because he is alive
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03-20-2014 , 07:59 AM
also, when i asked who to use my vig on, this is what transpired:

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03-20-2014 , 08:00 AM

i have to go

ttt stop flooding the thread with MQs
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03-20-2014 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
not rly feeling this
If you guys click this and go back, this looks like typical W/W distancing

Not pushing the guy, just making it clear he disagrees

Seems like a worthless post to make if he's not gonna follow up on it?
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03-20-2014 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
also, when i asked who to use my vig on, this is what transpired:

So what are your conclusions
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
looking forward to it sando

euro, what are you not feeling exactly? are you going to pretend that it was a run-of-the-mill post?
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
i'm not going to pretend it was a run of the mill poast since it contained ~2000 words and some kind of weird embedded code that I believe Moocher deciphered.

point is, it was his intro poast, Henrik does weird things sometimes, and even if there's something "to it" it's almost certainly not e.g. some kind of secret signal to the woalves because he'd have to be literally ******ed to do something like that. i don't like your attempt to generate discussion on a nontopic like that for reasons that don't need to be fully articulated

Originally Posted by Montecore
lol at vigging insanity, cmon son
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
lol, this is practically a troall list

that you're even considering me as the shat is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Vagos
bobo is a decent shot

I'd rather kill grant2, but there seems to be only a smattering of people paying attention to his posts (which are not good)
Originally Posted by exec771
Disagree with like half the names on the list (willi lkj vmf to name a few), and others dont seem to jump out to me as being overtly wolfy either.
^ Miiiiiight spew VMF clear since like 4 wolves just defended him in a row

Originally Posted by diskoteque
sando, are you planning on justifying your vote or you going to go with CDL's blackadder strategy of pretending there are reasons to vote me and hope everyone believes you?
Originally Posted by insanity31
thor, just letting you know you're wasting your time trying to get votes on me. you should try someone else that you actually think is wolfy

Originally Posted by TheNothing
quoting so that i can rub your nose in this later
Originally Posted by Ashington
What makes you think boner is a villager?
Originally Posted by Boner2
LOL didn't see this

But what makes you think I'm not?
Originally Posted by Ashington
You misunderstand.

She's talking to you like she *knows* you're a villager.

When I question her, she calls you a wolf.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i'm rubbing his nose in it later because it's obv wrong, no matter if HE is a villager or a wolf because i'm not one

how is this a problem?

76 by the way
Originally Posted by Ashington
If he's a wolf trying to set up your mislynch, you shouldn't be "rubbing his nose in it," you should be congratulating him on his fine woalf play. The only time he deserves to have his nose "rubbed in it" is if he's derping all over himself and trying to get a villager shat as a villager. Which is why I said that you are talking to him as if you know he is a villager. Yet you're calling him a wolf. Only now you say you'll rub his nose in it either way?


Originally Posted by TheNothing
uh no, that's blatantly incorrect

number 1, when i asked him earlier about the redd/xkf stuff, i was implying it was awful & loltastic & wolfy.

number 2, when you asked me about him, i said he's always a wolf to me even when he's not, meaning i always read him wolfy, which means i'm wrong when he's a villager. his style is wolfy to me & i'm never able to read him villager for it.

you can say i'm wolfy for taking to him like he's a villager or whatever but don't try to lie about what i said.

this is unexpected
Looks vaguely good for TN?


Originally Posted by insanity31
but are you reading or just stubborn?


cdl, i'm never getting lynched. just letting you know
Originally Posted by flytrap
CDL, how can you know that insanity will shoot a villa, and that Gabe would come up villa, without perfect information?
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
it doesnt matter who 72 gave the vig to

if insanity doesnt shoot someone by consensus then we have problems
Originally Posted by Vagos
that problem is that "consensus" isn't actually a thing at this stage of a huge mishmash
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 08:09 AM
Tom, it feels like you are going hard-core circumstantial. Euro also threatened to shoot exec if exec shot me.

So, if I weren't peeked, that would look "bad" for me.

I'm a firm believer in evaluating each player's game individually - villager curiosity/self-driven posts/original thought/real-time reactions etc. way before votes, "spew", wagons, a one-off post here and there - and then using the circumstantial stuff to break ties.

TOMato/TOMatoe I suppose.
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03-20-2014 , 08:11 AM
Tom can I shoot you today?
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03-20-2014 , 08:14 AM
********GAME EVENT********

insanity31 is dead.


insanity31, you are Bren Derlin, the highest ranking ginger in the Rebel Alliance. You are a Vanilla Villager.
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03-20-2014 , 08:15 AM
Nah shoot a wolf like insanity ldo
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-20-2014 , 08:15 AM
my ****ing computer crashed in the middle of the reads list of doom

I literally threw a yoghurt on the wall.
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03-20-2014 , 08:15 AM
Oh he wasn't a wolf

Okay disregard
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03-20-2014 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
And insanity, who may be a wolf solely because he is alive
Originally Posted by George Lucas
********GAME EVENT********

insanity31 is dead.
leo squint eyes .gif
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