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STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17

03-17-2014 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom

I saw you say the TTTT thing to me in another thread but I don't get it

Can you explain
You nightposted N1 and N2 in the aids mash and got MK-ed by the GOAT mod

It will be an interesting race to see you and Sun Tzu in one game
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03-17-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
i wanna say lilrascal's disappearance makes him >rand wolf
Originally Posted by insanity31
Originally Posted by Vagos
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
I think insanity pushing at me as a wolf and then not responding when I ask him about it is wolfy. Trying to read me in my second game when I got poisoned the first day of my first game is ridiculouse. Then these 3 consecutive votes sounds wolfy and insanity is part of what appears to be a pack along with vagos and vmf.

Off to work now. See you EOD, will try to get in time during the day, but will be a very busy day at work.
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03-17-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
nope, I don't feel strongly enough about anyone atm to make a list.
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03-17-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Anyone taking Boner's CT style list seriously needs a lobotomy
did anyone take it seriously?
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03-17-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by George Lucas
Question: Will there be ITAs today?

Answer: No. However, there will be an event in the late afternoon where everyone will be able to practice -- with a lethal result.
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03-17-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by George Lucas
Question: Will there be ITAs today?

Answer: No. However, there will be an event in the late afternoon where everyone will be able to practice -- with a lethal result.
PITAs confirmed
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03-17-2014 , 08:14 AM
I'm out until ITA round 1:

For zdye: The thread isn't complete aids - worth a skim at least.

Cliff's: Nothing really eventful except Grant was modkilled Page 1 as a vanilla villager and then re-entered as a sub for Mets who self-banned before rand. And 72o was awarded a 70pct vig if he takes the shot himself and it will hit 100 pct if he gives it to someone else.

For TTTT: night posts. Also, me saying nobody shoot you wasn't me clearing you. I assume you and JC get that.

For Duck: Good point re: the majority of the game not getting that.


I'm out, will try to make ITA Round 1, which I hope isn't a complete spaz-fest.

I'm leaving a vote on Euro and hopefully he will react/post before ITAs. I don't think I have my finger on the trigger for that shat aorn, but we shall see.

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03-17-2014 , 08:16 AM
No ITAs today Sim
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03-17-2014 , 08:18 AM
Sim, that last post is suspiciously formal.

Hard to explain why but imma call you a wolf, for now...
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03-17-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Mexi very very likely villa, although I think he means POG Corral not BSG when talking about Gabe.
Ah yeah, I meant POG Corral. I was just thinking space gun = BSG
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03-17-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by lilrascal
I think insanity pushing at me as a wolf and then not responding when I ask him about it is wolfy. Trying to read me in my second game when I got poisoned the first day of my first game is ridiculouse. Then these 3 consecutive votes sounds wolfy and insanity is part of what appears to be a pack along with vagos and vmf.

Off to work now. See you EOD, will try to get in time during the day, but will be a very busy day at work.
Regardless of accuracy - this post is 85-billion times more villagery than lilrascal's entire aids game as a wolf. ftr
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03-17-2014 , 08:19 AM
Votes from post 1 to post 1086
Night in 12:41:33

4 vixticator Possum (32), LKJ (32), SuqAta8 (38), Aksdal (18)
3 Gabethebabe CPHoya (60), Bloobird (43), The Moocher (60)
3 SuqAta8 pokerbobo (7), TheNothing (15), ReddBoiler (6)
2 Duckburg Gabethebabe (61), Boner2 (26)
2 CPHoya Sun Tzu (17), Vagos (29)
2 insanity31 VarianceMinefield (56), wangpirate (20)
2 Possum exec771 (28), vixticator (64)
2 pokerbobo vginaman (22), Effen (53)
1 dc-ohio Eurotrash (27)
1 72off nutshot2 (27)
1 Bloobird insanity31 (35)
1 KruZe cjkalt (8)
1 Eurotrash SimDaniels (14)
1 LKJ Top Tier Tom (10)
1 TheNothing KruZe (35)
1 wangpirate Willi (48)
38 not voting zdye724 (4), Yippee ki-yay (12), Xkf (2), Wilverine (8), Thor665 (0), TheBrokenATM! (0), TehVader (0), tchaz (0), Shark Sandwich (1), Richard Tanner (1), Quarrrr (0), Punker (1), pry (0), PopeStottle (0), Noze (0), mucksandgravs (13), Montecore (0), mexineil (3), lilrascal (10), lenC (0), Kaze13 (0), jonnyd (0), Jerome Da Gnome (0), Jar Jar Bakes (32), J.D. (12), iamnotawerewolf (26), Happy_Fish (1), grant2 (27), fnord_too (0), flytrap (0), Duckburg (18), diskoteque (0), dc-ohio (2), CalledDownLight (0), Booker Wolfbox (1), Ashington (0), accobra_kid (0), 72off (12)
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03-17-2014 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Ah yeah, I meant POG Corral. I was just thinking space gun = BSG
You are mixing it up with Doom's BFG9000
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03-17-2014 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Boner2
No ITAs today Sim
OK, I'll just shoot in the lethal practice ITA session then.
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-17-2014 , 08:21 AM
domer doesn't like ITAs day 1 as a player, so as a mod he just doesn't do them.
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03-17-2014 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Sim, that last post is suspiciously formal.

Hard to explain why but imma call you a wolf, for now...
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03-17-2014 , 08:23 AM
1 dc-ohio Eurotrash (27)

dc-ohio (2)

STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-17-2014 , 08:23 AM
Sim is a player who makes villa lists very quickly day 1, but I noticed in disney it got slanked off (where he was a wolf) and in AIDS he just geared it up on later days (where is was a villa PR)
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03-17-2014 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by SimDaniels
OK, I'll just shoot in the lethal practice ITA session then.
Its a trap!
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-17-2014 , 08:26 AM
Hey there... proper intro post now that I am awake.

On weekdays, 8:15 EST is about the earliest you will see me post. Thats about the time I roll in to work, and can sit down and type. I may throw in a short message when I wake up, but right now my wife is somewhere over the pacific on her way to Australia, and I'm in charge of wrangling my 9 year old twins by myself for the next 10 days...

This is my second werewolf game, which is probably why most of you haven't heard of me. I had a lot of fun in the first one I played (Gabe's MTG2) until I YOLO'd at f5 and cost the village the win (sorry guys... lessons learned).

Unfortunately my knowledge of MTG is greater than my knowledge of Star Wars. That being said, I still know a decent amount about this universe (only the movies... haven't read the books). Hopefully some of that knowledge comes in handy in helping us eradicate the sith.

I don't have a lot of solid reads right now, however, I feel like vixticator's posting style is different than what I saw in MTG2, so I'm going to lean village for him.

I'm off to give the thread a 2nd read through now...
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03-17-2014 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by vginaman
is Zyde in this game? Don't do it this time. Sriusly.
Originally Posted by vginaman
I probably should let this linger but not no, on my part it is drunken ramblements of games gone by. cant speak for nutshot and euroa.
But you was wolfing that time

Did your role pm trigger some PTSD from that game?

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03-17-2014 , 08:27 AM
lol nvm
STAR WARS Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/17 Quote
03-17-2014 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by SimDaniels
Nobody shoot TTT. Domer will handle him at some point.

Exec: nevermind the thumb-up thing then.

Duck: Pretty sure Gabe just miss-spoke and everyone understands what happened with Grant.
I got Top Tier Tom as a hudge wolf based on this page, could you please explain the bolded Mr. Daniels
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03-17-2014 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I got Top Tier Tom as a hudge wolf based on this page, could you please explain the bolded Mr. Daniels
TTT has a history of being modkilled
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03-17-2014 , 08:29 AM
it refers to TTT being modkilled in 90%+ of his WW appearances so far.
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