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SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers

02-16-2015 , 06:18 PM
Plus I have a bunch of **** to do so I'm not voting for a while
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:19 PM
Look how Chris was pushing the peek opening d2

He got called out on it

And how he enters the thread today feigning relief

He wanted to plant the seed for a possible ml on the peek

Now he's getting ahead of suspicion
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Plus I have a bunch of **** to do so I'm not voting for a while
Mucks iirc you had myself and fran as villagers just earlier today. Look at the wagons. Put your beef with hoya aside.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
"If it's to be, it's up to me"

This isn't going to be easy so please have some patience
Hoya -- aggressively wrong wolf.

Fran -- derp clear wolf, quite unlike his village game.

Chris -- derp wolf period.

Your takeaway after this game will be "I rely on volume too much over content and logical progression," because 1 of them has none and the other two have been pushing a pro-wolf agenda since the game began.

I guess the best way to approach this from your POV is to find the most likely wolf out of the 6 of us, then take the opposite side. I think that gets us a win a lot.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:20 PM
I probly cleared Fran too lightly.

Would tom actually let me clear him if we are wolfing together? Frans been on him all game
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:21 PM
Look how hoya refused to vote Chris Jesus Christ

He left his vote on MUCKS the most clear villager going into a goddam. Flip
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:22 PM
I mean just straight up Hoya should be a wolf to you like 50x more often than me, if I'm a wolf I find a way to push your lynch yesterday because it leaves wolfy Rawrs alive and we lose one of the few remaining villagery players at ML.

Also: if I'm carrying JD like that I go all the way, it's the ultimate FPS troll.

I think JD might have been killed not specifically for clear status but because he cleared Benneh and Carl yesterday and the wolves need them unclear to win.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I mean just straight up Hoya should be a wolf to you like 50x more often than me, if I'm a wolf I find a way to push your lynch yesterday because it leaves wolfy Rawrs alive and we lose one of the few remaining villagery players at ML.

Also: if I'm carrying JD like that I go all the way, it's the ultimate FPS troll.

I think JD might have been killed not specifically for clear status but because he cleared Benneh and Carl yesterday and the wolves need them unclear to win.
This might be the nail in the coffin, actually.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:24 PM
Don't forget Fran voted rawrs but was late and they were saved by rand

Holy **** this is so obvious now
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:25 PM
I feel like Tom is just feeding benneh lines at this point
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:26 PM
Chris has no case

He is Calling me Wolfy for voting early which is what HE did

He did the same trying to push me and rawrs for low postcount and NOTHinG else while he was also saying it was Wolfy to push him even though he's a low poster too
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
I feel like Tom is just feeding benneh lines at this point
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:27 PM
I was voting tom.the whole game and then in last minute when I was sure noone will sponge me there I wanted do kill rawrs over chris but failed to do it due to late post.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:28 PM
But I dont know what is so obvious because of that I'm wolfy bcs I didnt want to vote off vagons?
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
Chris has no case

He is Calling me Wolfy for voting early which is what HE did

He did the same trying to push me and rawrs for low postcount and NOTHinG else while he was also saying it was Wolfy to push him even though he's a low poster too
Well when the wolves are you/carl - two of my 4 low posters I believe, that mwthod is goinf to look pretty decent.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:30 PM
Here is your WIM mucks

I didn't have it before because hoya got the damn seer lynched d1 when he had +4 ghost votes

But theyve given us the game back
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:32 PM
i mean it doesnt matter either way we are lynching tom/hoya and hopefully we will hit the wolf and tomorrow is a new day, survivals will try to hunt another one. I am still happy with my vote and I think that tom should be a wolf here, but its up to mucks.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
i have no **** clue.

tom hasn't been really pushing an agenda and chris is my most likely wolf and hes voting him

hoya is just pointing out how great he is as a wolf and how he'd never take the hard line but he TOTALLY could here because he is that good


So you have no clue but you just YOLO a vote?


And now you're all like, oh look I figured it out. Here's my WIM, etc. it all seems fake
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:48 PM
FYI Fran, you outed yourself on D2 when you voted me despite Nich being an "outed wolf"; e.g. You knew he was a villager and forgot the if he was a wolf I would have been clear.

I should have emphasized that more earlier but you got me with the "you should be reading me villa" stuff.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:49 PM
Hoya outed himself with the Nich flip.

Fran outed himself by forgetting Nich was supposed to be a wolf.

Chris outed himself by always trying to get other people to make his cases for him.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:52 PM
Votes from post 1422 to post 1620
Night in 3:08:37

3 Top Tier Tom CPHoya (50), FranFran95 (17), Christophersen (25)
3 CPHoya Top Tier Tom (44), benneh (12), Carl_Spackler (12)
1 not voting mucksandgravs (31)
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:53 PM
BTW Mucks if you're absolutely agonizing over this and don't mind losing I can over-post and make myself the lynch; I don't think this game is worth whatever stress you're probably experiencing and we can just say LOLNICH and HOYAGOAT and leave it at that.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
So you have no clue but you just YOLO a vote?


And now you're all like, oh look I figured it out. Here's my WIM, etc. it all seems fake
read it as fake if you want

it isnt

chris was my strongest wolf going into today and i dont wanna sponge him to lsoe the game instead of my own read

i would bus tom there almost always

if you feel this is the almost scenario then so be it

but see what team makes more sense
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:55 PM
good thing is that tom thinks im a wolf, so if I was wrong about him I can alwqys say tom missread me just like I missread him
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-16-2015 , 06:56 PM
if tom flipa up w I will prolly just vote benneh tomorrow
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
