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SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers

02-14-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
i was following along but didn't see his claim until after the second to last vote count was posted

i havnt been in a game where a seer claimed that late and didnt know how to process it
Guess this is the best answer possible.

Had you seen it what do you think you would've done?
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:39 PM
MUCKS WHAT IS YOUR READ ON RAWRS, if you don't have one please re-read him, I'm asking this for a reason not just idle curiosity.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
So in the last hour what happens is mucks tries to CFD benneh but no one wants any, and benneh unvotes Nich at :17.

Then benneh doesn't post once until :50, when he votes Nich and posts his justification.

So at :50 he's here.

At :59 Nich claims, and benneh doesn't respond.


So I'd just like to hear why stay?
hoya, iyo - is that interaction between benneh/mucks (i guess not much of an interaction but w/e) ever w/w?
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:40 PM
My thoughts on rawrs are that he's probably a wolf

He's done a ton of finger pointing, especially yesterday when it was easy to do with Nicholas and never even explored any other options. By this point I expect him to be a fairly obvious villager and I definetly can't say that so string him up imo
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:42 PM
HOYA from his posting today feels like a villager and I could see him being set up by the wolves to be mislynched today after his play through the first two days, but I don't really have a lot of trust in that yet
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:43 PM
I think I really like that post.

Because of this:

Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I don't know wtf tom is doing voting for me right now

I think he did it bc I haven't interacted with him or something, which is absurd, but as too wolfy to be a wolf

Or something

Rawrs could be a wolf, but I don't really feel like lynching him tonight bc I think he's an obvious villager if he is one and time will only tell

Yak parks his vote on me in an awkward/jokingly manner but hasn't moved. I tunneled him a little bit in our previous game where we were v/v so I don't read him well but I hate his vote and I don't think he's screamed villager yet
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:44 PM
There's no telling with FRAN

I would lynch him and not really give 2 ****s if he flipped villager at this point, but there's really no telling what his ****ing role is
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:45 PM
When I was re-reading through the first 2 pages I had this feeling that mucks and rawrs were potentially wolfing together, so his response now indicates a total abandonment of any effort to sweep with Rawrs, and on page 3 of this thread mucks says the above.

After that he actually votes rawrs for like 1 second, but it still happens. I think we can "know" they're never w/w, which is nice.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Guess this is the best answer possible.

Had you seen it what do you think you would've done?
honestly idk

i felt pretty good about fran being a villager b/c in my firstww game i totally read him wrong and everyone was bringing up how fran was a trolly villager and i shouldn't vote him for that and it turned out he was in fact a peeked villager

i got the same vibes from fran d1 this game so i fake peeked him

i didnt really wanna blow my seer cover in case nichs claim was fake and i felt like he would have announced it earlier if he was seer but that might jsut be because i'm a little more paranoid (like when i hard claimed seer 30 mins before EOD with my monstr peek a few games back)
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:45 PM
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:50 PM

What are your thoughts on rawrs/benneh

I'd like for you to take a step back from Christopherson for a moment and talk about other people
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:55 PM
I'm really disappointed they didn't kill me over yak

Trying to figure out why

Prolly has something to do with me being really wrong? Idk
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I'm really disappointed they didn't kill me over yak

Trying to figure out why

Prolly has something to do with me being really wrong? Idk
what have you said in regards to fran? any read?
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:02 PM
Kinda feel like benneh is unleashing the TRUTH here.

Game remains hard.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:03 PM
Also between mucks and rawrs right now I'd say rawrs is the wolfier (significantly so), but don't get my post wrong.

They can still be v/v a lot, and hard-clearing mucks would be kinda stupid. It remains just a READ about their w/w potential being 0.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
what have you said in regards to fran? any read?
Gun to my head, he's a wolf
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Gun to my head, he's a wolf
I haven't re-read you so I was more or less asking have you pushed fran as a wolf or stated you felt he was a villager at all? or voted him?

both cohen and yak voted fran at points ( on d1 and d2 respectively)

just trying to help you figure out your own question
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:06 PM
Votes from post 949 to post 1067
Night in 26:54:16

1 FranFran95 Christophersen (18)
1 SirRawrsALot mucksandgravs (8)
1 Christophersen Top Tier Tom (14)
6 not voting benneh (6), Carl_Spackler (12), CPHoya (35), FranFran95 (15), J.D. (3), SirRawrsALot (6)
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:10 PM
I will now retire to my Valentine's Day enjoyments and be back tomorrow.

I remembered for a moment that Rawrs basically said "yo I'm not even gonna play anymore if Nich is a villager yo, this **** is so terrible yo **** THIS GAME I'M OUT YO" yesterday.

I mean not really, but basically.

But like, 20 post minimum brah, lol? No way you meant it?

This irks me.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:11 PM
Like, if HOYA is a wolf, I think I'm always nk'd over yak bc I said we are snap lynching HOYA if nich flipped villager

Or maybe I'm just overthinking it
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:14 PM
Yo, I made another chart. Remember, always CTC.

SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:17 PM
By the way, just fair warning, there's a dece-to-strong chance I come at Tom when I next have free time.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:17 PM
Mucks, Rawrs can be a wolf, but probably not WITH Fran because he did this "XYZ is a wolf" -> 2 posts later -> "wait nevermind" thing on D1

He did that with Fran and then Yak, in basically the exact same derpy way.

It seems so ridiculous that it's less likely to come from a wolf, but his posting has been snipe-heavy since early on (was thinking he might be w/w with benneh for making one such snipe and not revisiting it) and he spent D2 telling Nich how terrible he was and broadcasting his outrage about the state of the game and hasn't really progressed beyond that. If benneh is a villager (his posts just now were really sharp) and you are a villager then Rawrs is a more likely wolf because all his snipe targets would have been villagers unless Fran is a wolf. DESPITE THAT, Chris remains a safer lynch than either of them imo.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
By the way, just fair warning, there's a dece-to-strong chance I come at Tom when I next have free time.
If you insist, but I'm not looking forward to it, and may ignore you outright. Not out of disrespect, but because it's going to require more energy than I have to spend a few rounds boxing just to come to a conclusion that we can get to right now: we're both villagers and the wolves have stumbled into a freebie of a D3.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:26 PM
That said, I still hold unlimited rights to LOLHOYA, which I will exercise sometime in the future when wounds aren't so fresh.
SNG Busy People Werewolf: Waffles vs. Willagers Quote
