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Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread

01-28-2010 , 12:52 PM
and while we're at it:
[QUOTE=G0tGame?;16350747]lock villager:

slight villa leans:

slight wolf leans:


seer is 1/2 wolf imo

now cards or coordi have to be the last wolf and I'm awesome
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
lock villager:

slight villa leans:

slight wolf leans:

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01-28-2010 , 12:54 PM
Mac, could you re-read both Telcontar and AoS and tell me how likely you think it is that AoS is the last wolf?
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01-28-2010 , 01:06 PM
Here's Tel's interactions from early in the day yesterday. The first one is with gotgame discussing whethere or not wahoo would peek traz. He ends up thinking IFTN was the villa peek. We can deduce two things--

--IFTN is the wolf buddy that Tel is protecting
--Tel is trying to make himself look good.

I'm going with the latter for now.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
Like i said before, I've played one turbo with traz before and he owned the game in about 15 posts. He had the two wolves picked and 3 clear villagers. He was nk'ed on the first night. Judging by the draft that was made last year, traz was one of the first picks out, so he's clearly a very highly thought of player and a very good one. if i was seer, I would consider peeking traz aswell because knowing that he is villa would be invaluable.

Rumor has it, his wolf game isn't as good, so i dont know if traz would spew himself wolf after time. if i was seer, I would want to know if traz was on my team.

Either way, I think it's unlikely wahoo peeked him. I still reckon iftn was the peek and villa

Originally Posted by Telcontar

Coordi is trying and while I don't think he should live to see f3 right now, he's at least putting an effort into staying alive. McAvoy is my only solid wolf lean as of right now anyways
I'm sure Tel isn't going to bus Mac here if it's w/w interaction, I have to think that Mac is villa based on this post.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
unvote aswell.

Coordi getting a chance after going to 4, giving mac a chance aswell here
This is when Mac was in danger of getting majored. I'm really not sure what to make of this move. This is particularly curious as he has a chance to get a mislynch if it is indeed v/v, who might he be protecting?

To top it off, Mac thinks Coordi's villa.

So I guess we need to consider if Tel's confident enough to bus Mac and whether we would believe that or not. I personally think Mac has to be villa and last night was the proof.
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01-28-2010 , 01:07 PM
I think the only time AoS mentions Tel:

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
+1 on better countwagon

why not Tel?
Originally Posted by AceofSpades
why tel?
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by AceofSpades
about my voting yesterday, I had no read on either lead wagon. so i didn't want to make a deciding vote without having a wolfy lean either way. however a lot of my villagers were voting danny, so i was more ok with that wagon since it wasn't wolf led. operating under the assumption that my villagers were mistaken, and we had v/v wagons cardsman's vote for chris looked very wolfy to me as if he knew the lead lynch was going to get lynched and didn't want to implicate himself.

so that's why i suggested cardsman as a cfd. I think if a lot of people that were non-villager leans jumped on it, then i prob would have voted danny.
cool, you don't have an opinion on the wagons, but kinda prefer the Danny one, because all your villas are on him. okay.

you think cardsman's vote is wolfy and try to start a CFD on him. okay (thought it obviously looks bad, since Danny was wolf)

cardsman clearly doesn't start, which is obvious well before EoD. you switch to your preferred wagon, right? butnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Originally Posted by AceofSpades

typical last listed wolf tell
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01-28-2010 , 01:15 PM
above AoS is pretty much just saying "I preferred the Danny wagon, but did NOT want to vote him, even thought I, as a good villager, shoudl have made a decision between the two. I even started a CFD attempt"
so why could that be?
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01-28-2010 , 01:20 PM
to top it all off you have the guy you suspect the most of being a wolf (cardsman) voting for the wagon you like less out of the two (chris). obviously you switch to the other wagon (danny), right? no you don't, since he's your wolf buddy.
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01-28-2010 , 01:22 PM
cards/AoS really should win it
after that probably IFTN or coordi, to be reevalutated
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01-28-2010 , 01:29 PM
We've not paid much attention to g0tgame, but we probably ought to at least take a look.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
McAvoy, self claimed wolfhunter extraordinare, it's time to do something!
"Let's sit back and watch now"

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
next mac vote would be maj, be careful, at least give him a chance to defend himself/find wolves
This post is pretty villagery, but note that telcontar made the same move.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
this post

let's me think mets is villa
The rest of the village already thought that and we had moved on. This post added absolutely nothing.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
Mac not posting really blows and might just make me vote him in the end
This and the next post could be a setup for being on the mac wagon that looks like it could be moving (at this point of the day, anyway) full speed ahead.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I went into today thinking coordi is a lock wolf, but he reads better today. then again I was having second thoughts on Danny too...

awaiting McAvoy posts

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I don't see how you need to die. it's not like coordi is going to do a better job of clearing himself than you. I see that you read coordi villa (I guess above was a typo), but you haven't given much of a reason for it. not saving yourself to save someone, who very well could be a wolf, sucks. we're most likely going to lynch Tel at some point anyway.

and btw, I like the wolf hunter version of you a lot better than the villager hunting one.
Backtracking ITT.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
Tel didn't vote both times? wow (I realize that my votes were effectively unvotes as well)

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I left way more obvious peeks chris=villa and Tel=wolf
I guess I suck at appearing seery
I think the above post is wolfy myself.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
huh? I voted him 12:30, semi-joking/to get him to post. wahoo voted at 5:30 when I was already gone for the day. I wasn't even on Danny any more at the time.

I seriously can't explain why I thought that way. just a gut feeling I guess. something about his posts seemed off/faked. his list one minute after my vote didn't help obviously, but for some reason I had second thoughts and ended up switching to Tel.
It's an explanation I guess.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I was postive that Tel is a wolf and thought I could likely draw the nightkill.
But g0tgame is still alive and did not draw the nightkill, I have to wonder why he would still be alive...........

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
coordi and Mac, any thoughts on Danny's d1 conversations?
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
well, you guys seem pretty certain that the peek is Tel=wolf. I think wahoo would have been clearer about it, but what do I know.

the d1 post about Danny's and my list could definitely be AoS=villa though, which would almost certainly mean that n1 was IFTN=villa.

I think there's a chance that gg is possibly trying to set up a coordi lynch. Gg hasn't receive much pressure this game and has been overlooked, much like AoS. I think AoS is a good target, but I don't think gg is necessarily clear.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 01:34 PM
g0tgame, what do you have on me that makes you think I'm the last wolf, and how would I have been a wolf with tel?

FWIW AoS should be the lead wagon and attempting to clear himself.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 01:51 PM
it really is a process of elimination. I think, and I might be off, that Tel has spewed Mac and coordi villa at multiple occasions. some of Danny's posts let me think Mac is villa too.
Kwami looks good from every wolf post I've seen so far + good d1 vote + probably seer hunt cleared.
IFTN has been a whole lot more villagery the last two days, but would probably be my third and final lynch.

I still have to reread you today, but you really haven't done anything villagery, lack of wolf interaction, lack of wolves mentioning you and really bad looking d1 vote.

I just came across this post:
Originally Posted by cardsman
Tel, who is your preference for next in line to be lynched should you survive?
you don't want to hear it if he dies? it's kinda like you know he's flipping wolf.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 01:54 PM
cardsman, I really don't understand some of the wolfy things you want (yes want) to see in my posts you quoted.
me not getting nightkilled with correct peeks is literally the only thing looking bad and I could have avoided that easily as a wolf, right?
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?

I still have to reread you today, but you really haven't done anything villagery, lack of wolf interaction, lack of wolves mentioning you and really bad looking d1 vote.

I just came across this post:

you don't want to hear it if he dies? it's kinda like you know he's flipping wolf.

Re: being villagery, I actively searched for peeks yesterday, interacted with everyone that I could yesterday, when the thread was active. Just like you. As a matter of fact I don't see anything wolfy....

Regarding my post to Tel, it was a gauge of whether or not I wanted to vote him, based on whether or not I liked his thought process. I was giving him a chance to save himself as Mac was convincing me that Tel was the peek. I don't know he's flipping wolf here anymore than anyone else does.
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01-28-2010 , 02:06 PM
I'll take "nothing villagery" back. just meant nothing specific that I could point to and say "that makes me think he's villa"
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01-28-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I'll take "nothing villagery" back. just meant nothing specific that I could point to and say "that makes me think he's villa"
Okay, but the rest of the village finds me villagery, or at least farther up the chain than you do?
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:12 PM
I don't think so. they, as well, just find others more villagery for multiple reasons.
to tell you the truth, I'm not a very good wolf hunter. I'm more of a "villager hunter". I like to operate with process of elimination. meaning I should probably never get randed village vig in one of the mish mashs.

AoS virtually not posting for almost two days is terrible. I will most likely vote him today if he doesn't show up.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:13 PM
AoS, please get in here and post.

You did absolutely nothing yesterday, and you haven't done anything yet that helps the village. Please help us find the last wolf.
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01-28-2010 , 02:14 PM
wicked xpost gg.
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01-28-2010 , 02:21 PM
G0tgame, as far as my d1 vote goes, coordi and IFTN also voted chris on d1 and they are still alive. What is more villa about those two, if I could ask?
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:33 PM
I made some posts about coordi on the last page.
I basically think that Tel spewed coordi villa with his d2 vote.
wahoo and and me both left a d2 Tel=wolf peek, we both had a correct d1 peek. so the possibility of one of us being the seer is very high. if coordi gets lynched as a wolf:
-game is over if one of us is the seer
-game is pretty much over if we're not:

village recognizes that we left a fake peek Tel=wolf and lynches him, because of seer hunt


even if the village somehow doesn't recognize it, then the real seer is still alive at f9 with just one wolf remaining at 2-3 live peeks, which is a virtual lock

if wolves don't nightkill one of us then they ignore two players with two correct peeks each, including a wolf peek
so with that non-wahoo or me nightkill they either:
-hit the seer, who gives us 0-2 live peeks at f9 with one wolf


-don't hit the seer, meaning the real seer is still alive with upto 3 live peeks at f9 with one wolf

Tel just couldn't afford lynching wolf mate coordi.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:34 PM
IFTN is pretty much just tone, but I've noticed that both dead wolves hardly ever mention him. he could easily be the last wolf and I would recommend lynching him before the game is over.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:40 PM
and if he was bussing him then it would be with a better reason than:

Originally Posted by Telcontar
Agreed. I don't have much of a lean on him cause....well there's not much to lean on.

In to get the final vote on

he would need a lot of credit for the lynch, if he wants to survive a game where he's the lone wolf with 7 villas and a live seer
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:59 PM
it could still be mac but i can wait till f3 to lynch his ass

ive been thinking its AoS for a while now but couldnt afford to make a case cause i was on the chopping block

AoS-g0tgame-mac wins this 100%
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:00 PM
why are you so sure that IFTN and cards aren't wolves?
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