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Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread

01-27-2010 , 02:04 PM
if they weren't seerhunting? they kinda had to

let it bother you, I don't really care
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:06 PM
vote count at 726

[0] AceofSpades
[0] cardsman
[0] coordi
[0] G0tGame?
[0] IFlattheNuts
[0] kwami42
[0] McAvoy
[0] metsandfinsfan voted for Telcontar
[1] Telcontar

night in 6 hours and 54 minutes
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
if they weren't seerhunting? they kinda had to

let it bother you, I don't really care
if you're a wolf, and you dont know who the seer is, you kill a strong player who is doing well

so i'm not saying the nightkill is fps; but im saying they may have had no idea if wahoo is the seer, but he would be a good kill anyway

when i woke up and saw wahoo was dead i was like, "sigh there goes one of our best villagers"

was i surprised he was the seer? i suppose. but i wasnt surprised he was dead.

and i wouldnt post "huh" 5 minutes after i found out he was dead
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01-27-2010 , 02:10 PM
Tell you what gotgame.

3 most likely wolves iyo?
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01-27-2010 , 02:20 PM
all of wahoo's post in LOTF

I know he peeked Scrubbo and Cards wolf. also derwipok villa iirc.

he lists scrubbo (or later cardsman) first in EVERY kind of list or enumeration. so i wouldn't put much stock into this:
so ya chris and danny are both lock wolves. i might need an extension to be confident in my read on cards
meaning n0 peek Danny=wolf. I think he would have listed Danny first.

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Tell you what gotgame.

3 most likely wolves iyo?
coordi is a wolf, peeked or not. that I'm certain of. after that I really don't know. we've got to get wahoo's peeks straight. atm I tend to AoS=villa n0, IFTN=villa n1.

that would make Cards/Mc/you the final wolf imo
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by cardsman
Our options from yesterday as his peeks

AoS (villa?)
IFTN (villa?)
Mac (wolf?)
Tel (wolf?)
coordi (wolf?)
Wow, so all of his possible peeks coincide exactly with my reads list I posted yesterday

Originally Posted by IFlatTheNuts





Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
tel/mac/cordi/gotgame should win this i would think
Also similar to what I posted yesterday, although I agree that Cards is alot more villagy now.

Originally Posted by IFlatTheNuts
Step 1: Coordi --> Cardsman --> Mcavoy --> Telcontar
Step 2: ?????????????????
Step 3: Profit

I can come out and say it now, because the seer is dead. I've had a fairly strong wolf lean on Telc but didn't want to push him too hard because I thought he was probably either wolf or seer. Anyway, he's not the seer, so

Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:22 PM
I have reread Mac and here is what I have come up with...

Originally Posted by McAvoy

Would you agree with me that based on his lemony analysis, that Iflat is pretty much spewing himself village lemon?
The first of a lot of mets/mac interaction.

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I'm not sure yet maccy

Me you and wahoo should prob vote together again today imo
Mac uses this interaction later in the day, recruiting mets more.

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Regarding mac and the wagons

Chris's role doesn't clear or condemn mac in any way. But it affects others

I said mac deserves a oneday pass based on the danny vote. If they r wolf wolf I guess I do think it gives vil pts to mac. If chris is vil I think its a null te
This would remove villa points that mets gives mac, now he should be undecided again re: mac.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I just did a big re read of the thread and here are my findings


villa leans
IFN (too lemony to be a wolf)

tiny villa lean

no read
Notice that he has no wolves listed, just no reads.

Originally Posted by McAvoy

I'm pretty confident in my chris read, he was questioned yesterday on why he originally had put Danny as a village lean and his reasoning in the post was very free flowing and I honestly can't ever see it being w/w. He's one of my biggest villagers now. However he needs to start picking up the slack. I also trust wahoo after reading his interaction with Danny.
He's sticking to his guns regarding chris being a villa, which is good, but it is troubling later, you'll see.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I agree with this, his content absolutely sucks, like he doesn't know how to read (he's a noob remember) but his flow is very villagery.

At the end of the day, I don't really have a problem voting him out.
I find this reasoning to be really noncommittal, like he's looking for a reason to find himself on a wagon at EOD.

Originally Posted by McAvoy

I'm going to read coordi and there is a very good chance I vote him (regardless of my read).
Changes his mind, and then places a vote post but not in bold:

Originally Posted by McAvoy
Originally Posted by McAvoy
i'm voting you becuase your not trying and you said in a sign up thread recently that you like these smaller games but your still not posting any reads or even working towards clearing yourself.
He's applying pressure to coordi here but he doesn't stay on it, he:

Originally Posted by McAvoy
but was his unvote to stop a majority lynch?

Originally Posted by McAvoy
This was the one thing that I specifically remembered and pointed out this morning, what I didn't like about chris

This is in reference to chris/danny not voting each other until last minute. This came about 15 min before EOD. Mac also talked about the danny/chris wagon being w/w.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
yes majing is always bad, what if I want to wait to leave my peeks?

no reason to end discusiion
I don't know what to think about a fake seer claim, I haven't dealt with them much.

Originally Posted by McAvoy

I'm really starting to want to go after IFN soon. His play is loltastic.
Looks like he is trying to recruit mets, who I have as a villa, to his side. He has a couple of other comments later on...

Originally Posted by McAvoy
coooooooooooooorddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii

I'm sorry, you just use to be one of my top 3 players and I hate UTR coordi. You told me a while ago, that you liked these smaller games better so I thought you'd be more active here.
Attempting to bait coordi, I'm wondering about the motive here. We have two wagons, coordi is leading IIRC, this could be a signal to get back to the thread and get out of hot water.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
come back to the thread and defend yourself and vote chris with us.
See above comment. But now, he turns his focus back to Chris and quotes the danny/chris exchange where they are both resigned to their fate.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
guys, this is such w/w violence

its like they were talking to each other itt as wolves, apologizing, not wanting to lynch the other and

Originally Posted by McAvoy
if coordi was a wolf, he would 100% seer claim, guys coordi is not a wolf
Here starts the defense of coordi, and the push of chris.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I said it this morning as well but I never went to go look at it until now, I didn't notice on my re read how blatant it was.
This statement was in reference again to the late votes from danny/chris

Originally Posted by McAvoy
tomorrow we need to recruit someone to our wolf killing block mets
He's trying to get mets on his side as I mentioned above, knowing that mets is a strong ally in this game.

Originally Posted by McAvoy

chris is 5 times as likely to turn up wolf than coordi
Originally Posted by McAvoy

snipe chris to save yourself
Originally Posted by McAvoy
anyone snipes coordi, they look super bad tomorrow
Originally Posted by McAvoy
wolves don't go away from keyboard, 20 mins before night
To me, this looks like it could very well be a case of a wolf pushing a wolf to look good for a while and then pouncing on a mislynch. When it doesn't work, perhaps he panics because he can't save his wolf buddy? It's a thought anyway. I think Mac comes away looking the worst of the chris voters yesterday and would be a good wagon today. Coordi is good too imo.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:23 PM
forgot Tel

Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:25 PM
I think Mac/Coordi is a really likely combination, as is mac/telc.

I'm actually gonna switch to


Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by cardsman
To me, this looks like it could very well be a case of a wolf pushing a wolf to look good for a while and then pouncing on a mislynch. When it doesn't work, perhaps he panics because he can't save his wolf buddy? It's a thought anyway. I think Mac comes away looking the worst of the chris voters yesterday and would be a good wagon today. Coordi is good too imo.
And he looked bad from his d1 votes too.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:28 PM
Mac/coordi sounds good
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:31 PM
hmm I think/thought of all the chris voters (except Mc probably) as villas, but I'm seriously struggling to understand how you can vote chris over coordi as a villa reading the thread.
no more EoD missing for me.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:32 PM
[0] AceofSpades--villa lean based on wahoo response
[0] coordi --wolfy lean, lack of posting, possible wahoo response
[0] G0tGame? --lean village
[0] IFlattheNuts --still suspicious to me but wahoo's read says no
[0] kwami42 --lean village
[0] McAvoy --wolfy lean
[0] metsandfinsfan voted for Telcontar --village
[1] Telcontar --wolfy lean

I think coordi/mac/tel or mac/coordi/tel should be the order of business.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:35 PM
My listing of Tel 3rd has mostly to do with mets' feelings, and I've made no secret that I trust mets this game. His posts haven't been bad but the lack of them even today is a bit crazy. He gave a reasoning last night. I hope he shows up more today.

I will put my vote on mac for now.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:37 PM
It could also be possible that tel is a peek, but I think that is the least likely from those we have put out there.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:37 PM
let's lynch coordi

time to (finally) make some villagery posts imo

meanwhile I'll think about wahoo's peeks a little more
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:39 PM
Macavoy has definitely looked the worst, coordi obviously looks bad as well. If coordi flips wolf, mac is going to look even worse, but that also puts some suspicion on mets imo, since he was the biggest proponent of the Chris wagon.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by kwami42
Macavoy has definitely looked the worst, coordi obviously looks bad as well. If coordi flips wolf, mac is going to look even worse, but that also puts some suspicion on mets imo, since he was the biggest proponent of the Chris wagon.
Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking. Alot of people are discounting the possibility of Mets being a wolf, but I think it is still perfectly likely. His tone this entire game has been very consistently villagery, but I think he is probably a good enough player to do that as a wolf (although I'm not sure... haven't really played with him that much)
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
it's true, he voted me at 1.30 PM EST and never unvoted. If i was a wolf, I would be freaking out, but despite his vote, with regard to his posts, I wasn't his strongest wolf lean. He repeatedly mentioned other people than me throughout the thread as people who were wolves or likely wolves, coordi in particular and then his wish to get mcavoy CFD'd. I think the vote on me was more to get me to post, which I would have done more of, but it was sadly out of my control yesterday
I like this post from tel actually. I'm less excited about voting him then I am about voting mac or coordi.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by kwami42
I like this post from tel actually. I'm less excited about voting him then I am about voting mac or coordi.
Good point kwami. I agree.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:48 PM
Ugh, phoneposting is so irritating. I'll gocoordi for now.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
hmm I think/thought of all the chris voters (except Mc probably) as villas, but I'm seriously struggling to understand how you can vote chris over coordi as a villa reading the thread.
no more EoD missing for me.
posts like this are wolfy as ****

as a wolf, i did think coordi wouldve voted chris. and i think coordi wouldve claimed seer

granted, it looks like i might have been wrong, but please, dont act like "your a moran if you voted chris over coordi, chris was obv villager"


the way mac came to coordi's rescue later in the day to agree with me does read as wolfy; and mac/coordi is a definite possibility

but dont act like im a moran cause i voted chris. chris' interaction with danny was still wolfy as hell and i stand by my read. i was wrong. but not a moran
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by kwami42
Macavoy has definitely looked the worst, coordi obviously looks bad as well. If coordi flips wolf, mac is going to look even worse, but that also puts some suspicion on mets imo, since he was the biggest proponent of the Chris wagon.
no villager thinks im a wolf, so stop

if im alive tomorrow, it either means
  • i'm leading us down the wrong path
  • the wolves are trying to level me/ the village
  • the kill was randed
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:58 PM
sorry i missed yesterday, I was literally laying on my bed in a depressed stupor. im glad mets and mac stuck their necks out for me last night, they were right that I would put up more fight as a wolf.

Id also like to point out that me mets and mac are never w/w/w

in fact im never a wolf if either is a wolf, cause its such a sick easy bus spot, they would never outright defend me like that as their teammate.

so either im w and they are v/v or im V and they are w/w w/v v/w v/v

but im a villager so it doesnt tell us a lot about them.
Snakes on a Plane WW Game Thread Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:58 PM
and i wont be here at eod
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