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Slow Vanilla Game Thread Slow Vanilla Game Thread

02-25-2014 , 01:36 PM
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
The only thing I didnt like about that is that IHCJay is not a common mislynch. Other than that, IHCJay seems like his typical aggressive villagery self
I guess this must have all happened in the last 8 hours, because up until that point he had been the exact polar opposite of that.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:43 PM
soah: I think you are a wolf

but I'm probably not going to do anything about it until tomorrow
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named
soah: I think you are a wolf

but I'm probably not going to do anything about it until tomorrow
seeing as how you've thought that in every game you've played with me for more than a year now, perhaps you should do something about that

especially since these games pretty consistently involve me trying to lynch the wolves while you fight tooth and nail to save them

it gets tiring
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:47 PM
In honor or our fallen comrad, PimpYo(sang to the tune of Ho by Ludacris):

Originally Posted by tappokone
wooooolf, wolf!
Originally Posted by tappokone
On what quality are we rating it?
Youz a wooooolf, wolf!
Originally Posted by tappokone
That's acceptable.

I'll take this opportunity to say that I didn't quite like Soah's Ivers vote. Trouble is, neither really explained anything, so I may be assuming reasons for both of their votes that weren't there.
Youz a wolf, I said that youz a wolf, wolf!

Originally Posted by tappokone
What's your point?


You doing wolf activities
Originally Posted by tappokone
With wolf tendencies

Wolves are your friend
Originally Posted by tappokone
Have we gotten to a point in the game where that matters?

Re people voting for Perdi, were you drawing any conclusions about anyone's role or was it just an idle observation?
Originally Posted by tappokone
Ooh, tricky.
Originally Posted by tappokone
Yes. I mean, I'm partly aiming to get the thread going, but I'm also interested in every answer.

You could just talk about what you're thinking and I wouldn't need to pry. And when I do ask something, you could just answer it and then I wouldn't have to repeat myself. How about it?
Villas your enemies
Originally Posted by tappokone
The role PMs are in the OP, in case someone missed that.
WIth wolf energy to do what you do
Originally Posted by tappokone
Why is this definitely not Hero's first game?
Spew who you spew
Originally Posted by tappokone
Redd's wolf read on Pimp stinks. It used to be based on Pimp being a slanker, a troll, in hiding, and things of that nature. He was way overstating the case, but at least he had one. However, when Pimp posted quite a bit of content, invalidating Redd's original reason for thinking that Pimp was a wolf, Redd had no reaction whatsoever. The only indication that he read Pimp's posts are these two posts:

When a villager tunnels on someone, he's super focused on what the other guy is doing. He may interpret posts in all kinds of biased ways, but he's paying very close attention. Redd, by contrast, appears to be willfully ignoring Pimp's contributions.
You dont have a clue
Originally Posted by tappokone
It's probably for the best that Pimp subbed out, because:

Posting style aside, though, I liked his content quite a bit, e.g. the way he challenged Soah. The correct way for a wolf to push Perdi is to wait for him to do something inexplicable. Plopping down a vote willy nilly is going to result in pushback. Ivers is a more acceptable target in that way.

Now come on playa once a wolf always
Originally Posted by tappokone
Ivers is an annoying case, though. He's behaving in a way that you wouldn't expect a wolf to behave, but there's also a lack of curiosity, up to a degree. I don't want to lynch him at the moment, but I can't lean villager with much gusto, either.

and wolves never commit, they just fence sit the hallways
Originally Posted by tappokone
It gets kind of difficult after Redd.

Soah has decent wolf equity, I feel, but he also draws n1 kills like few others when he's a villager, which he very well might be. Even if you think Soah's a wolf, there's something to be said for holding off on d1 and seeing if the wolves resolve him for you.

As for Hero, lynching a first-timer on d1 is cruel and doesn't help in recruiting.

Then we get to people who are neutral or close to it, like CDL and Hate Doc. I have no enthusiasm for lynching either.

I know you've been pushing Sooted, but I'm not on-board on current evidence. Hate Doc's point about Sooted's effort level being a bad way to read him is correct, in my opinion. I don't even mind the Boober wolf lean. I can easily believe Sooted believes he has something there.
Originally Posted by tappokone
I doubt you're going to get anywhere with me with that approach. Tell me why my case is weak, or if that's too demanding, tell me how I can tell that Redd is a villager in this game.
Originally Posted by tappokone
I'm cognizant that there's always the danger that he's just playing bad. I've tried to guard against that by focusing on why he thinks the things he does, as opposed to just judging him based on how good or agreeable his reads are.

*shrug* My opinions are my opinions. Threatening me isn't going to make me change my mind.
Originally Posted by tappokone
If you're doing this as a vanilla villager, it's quite annoying and not the way to play. If you're doing this as the seer, it's rather bad and not the way to play. If you're doing this as a wolf, party on, dude - but I don't think that's the case.
Originally Posted by tappokone
Pshaw. You could be a wolf or a villager, just the same as everyone else. Having lots of extra strong reads on d1 is the sign of a player who either doesn't know or doesn't care how accurate his reads are on average.

You can admit at any time now that I've posted reads on a whole bunch of different people. You don't need to stick to an obviously untrue statement just because you said it once.
Originally Posted by tappokone
Do you think that there are no other kinds of reads than extra strong ones?

Hey, if you did, at least that'd explain why you're sticking to the blatantly untrue claim that I haven't made reads on anyone else in this game.
and heres wolf cake for your whole wolf crew
and every wolf wants some cause wolves gotta eat too
Originally Posted by tappokone
I told you what my wolf reads were beyond Redd the first time you asked. As for the location of your vote, no ****s are being given at the current time.

I said that youz a wolf, woooooolf!
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:48 PM
I get that a lot
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by soah
This is a very dangerous tell to employ even though your conclusion in this instance is likely correct.
Seems like a pretty confident read in TTT being a villager. Also sounds pretty confident that TTT's villager read of Redd was "correct" but for the silly reasons (re; the triple mind meld).

Originally Posted by soah
lynch all liars?
Why did you say this soah? I am kind of surprised no one has actually asked you about this. Do you know that well named is "lying" about being a wolf?

Originally Posted by soah
Hero Value
If either of these people are villagers, which I am kind of leaning towards to at the moment, this list looks kind of silly for soah. I was kind of wary of ihc earlier on but I feel like his posting as gotten a tiny bit better today. Mostly because I dont think he would willingly look like a tardball over his little spat with CDL.

Would be kind of a lol reason to incorrectly clear someone but I am okay with doing it for now.

Soah also added hero for his purported spat over my color post early on in the game and some perceived contradiction. Seems like a kind of easy reason to go after hero here (given, I havent iso'd hero's posts yet and will get to that in just a moment).

Originally Posted by soah
Hero Value
Hate Documentarian
Any progression on hate here? When I was reading your posts I dont recall seeing hate in any of your posts but I may have missed them/it...What did you find particuarly wolfy about hate (not that I am disagreeing with...would like to hear your thought process though).

Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:50 PM
Oh yeah, soah

or tappo probably fine

after that I need to put on thinking cap but hate.doc would probably be my next best guess
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by soah
seeing as how you've thought that in every game you've played with me for more than a year now, perhaps you should do something about that

especially since these games pretty consistently involve me trying to lynch the wolves while you fight tooth and nail to save them

it gets tiring
Soah must have a villager lean on well named too...after all, sounds like he's talking to him like he knows hes one.


Lets chat.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:52 PM
Day 1 wolf team:

Hate Doc

Get @ me.


Tappo: because he shows no interest in solving the game. Lacks the sharpness of his villager game. Him not clearing Resd by now is a borderline wolf claim all by itself. His "list of wolves" is just a bunch of fencesitting.

Hate Doc: because he's only gone after 4 villagers so far (Redd, Tom, Bhuber, CDL) the latter two being after the fact, and backtracked off me real quick and in a wolfy "oh ****" way when I got in his face. He tried to start strong and has just been following whatever the thread consensus is since then. I believe he has shown TMI in his defense of probable villagers Pimp and XXSooted.

Soah: borderline useless in this thread, far too underwhelming and disinterested in solving this game for a guy I pre-emptively respected for writing such good werewolf hunting strategy posts.

I haven't seen one of these players show interest in discussing or resolving the others.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:53 PM
Lol boob I think our trains just arrived at the same station and are now having a disgusting grinding oil-on-metal orgy to the horror of the passenger wolves that we took for a ride
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Day 1 wolf team:

Hate Doc

Get @ me.


Tappo: because he shows no interest in solving the game. Lacks the sharpness of his villager game. Him not clearing Resd by now is a borderline wolf claim all by itself. His "list of wolves" is just a bunch of fencesitting.

Hate Doc: because he's only gone after 4 villagers so far (Redd, Tom, Bhuber, CDL) the latter two being after the fact, and backtracked off me real quick and in a wolfy "oh ****" way when I got in his face. He tried to start strong and has just been following whatever the thread consensus is since then. I believe he has shown TMI in his defense of probable villagers Pimp and XXSooted.

Soah: borderline useless in this thread, far too underwhelming and disinterested in solving this game for a guy I pre-emptively respected for writing such good werewolf hunting strategy posts.

I haven't seen one of these players show interest in discussing or resolving the others.
Eff you, thats my team aorn.

Go away.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:56 PM
But now we have to do the impossible.

Consider the likely-hood that we probably didn't solve the game on d1.

As much as it would be awesome.

For instance, if soah is a villager (I'd be surprised): what wolf team makes sense?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Soah must have a villager lean on well named too...after all, sounds like he's talking to him like he knows hes one.


Lets chat.
I don't have enough posts available for that, and it wouldn't be prudent to blow a bunch more of them right now while I'm still not caught up in the thread.

It seems you are taking issue with the fact that I have villager reads on people which show through in my posts, which seems like a particularly bizarre and terrible way to form a wolf read.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Soah: borderline useless in this thread, far too underwhelming and disinterested in solving this game

spend 2+ hours solving the game in the middle of the night while the thread is dead, get called underwhelming and disinterested

that's great
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:00 PM
Votes from post 1 to post 590
Night in 7:00:56

2 ihcjay CalledDownLight (47), soah (50)
2 CalledDownLight Latvian Willi (20), Hate Documentarian (36)
2 soah bhuber2010 (42), ihcjay (82)
2 tappokone ReddBoiler (69), Top Tier Tom (61)
1 bhuber2010 XXsooted (13)
1 ReddBoiler tappokone (49)
1 Latvian Willi Hero Value (14)
1 Hate Documentarian Perdition (16)
1 XXsooted well named (20)
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I don't have enough posts available for that, and it wouldn't be prudent to blow a bunch more of them right now while I'm still not caught up in the thread.

It seems you are taking issue with the fact that I have villager reads on people which show through in my posts, which seems like a particularly bizarre and terrible way to form a wolf read.
Well, they dont really show through your posts to be honest.

There was/has been very little progression on just about any player.

I was actually somewhat surprised at how narrow your scope of focus has been.

i.e. it seems your treating TTT, boiler, well named as villagers but havent really articulated as to why. I mean, I certainly agree with the first two at least.

Then there was a lot of hurrr durrr between you and pimp and ivers and some seemingly innocuous banter between you and tappo.

Thats about what I got on re-read.

Not impressed.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
But now we have to do the impossible.

Consider the likely-hood that we probably didn't solve the game on d1.

As much as it would be awesome.

For instance, if soah is a villager (I'd be surprised): what wolf team makes sense?
Soah is also the one I'm least confident in.

Replace him with Hero and pop bottles if that's the case.

No matter what we should lynch Tappo or Hate Doc today.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:02 PM
Besides, you got like 30 posts between here and 7pm, that should be sufficient to at least give an updated readz list/current thoughts post when you're all caught up

I am patient.

I am also very open-minded and am very good at switching on a dime if need be.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
The difference as I see it is that in this game he's really light on the gas pedal. In that previous villa game he was laid back to start then cleared two villas and went from 0 to 60 on a suspect in Dice right away.

Here he's reluctant to clear people who are obvious villagers and he's ignoring stuff that definitely sticks out as wolfy (IMO) in favor of sticking with Redd for trolling him early... which is EXACTLY what villa Redd did to him early last game.

I just don't buy that he hasn't seen anything wolfier than Troll!Redd. He's a sharp guy. I don't think he'd let XXsooted's comment fly if he didn't already know his alignment.

Tappo is >rand to be a wolf.
In the first game I had more time to dedicate to typing. In the first game there were several people posting away when I entered, whereas in the second the thread was quiet and there was less material to shift through. The last quoted post from the first game is #160; from the second it's #66.

There's no reason to assume that my reads should resemble yours if we're both villagers. For example, in the gimmick game I'd have done my best to defend Mr Belfort, because I thought he was the most likely villager in the game. You not seeing that didn't make you a wolf, though.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:03 PM

Top Tier Tom: has anyone ever held you accountable for being terrible at Werewolf?

Top Tier Tom: your argument about my role indicates that I am a wolf because I have defended two probable villagers who had received pressure from you. That would be disadvantageous for a wolf to do. You conclude I am therefore a wolf. Do you recognize why you constitute an inferior consciousness?

Top Tier Tom: your argument about my role presupposes three additional villager roles of which you cannot possess knowledge. Do you recognize why you constitute an inferior consciousness?

Top Tier Tom: You will be relieved to know that PHARV Labs is working on a biologically-compatible artificial intelligence enhancement. Sign up now to participate in the Werewolf improvement program!

CalledDownLight: why are you insisting that ihcjay is a liar when your evidence does not support that conclusion?

CalledDownLight: your PHARV (V) indicates that you are an unemotional player, but your PHARV (W) indicates a propensity for over-dramatization. Discuss.

bhuber2010: are you enjoying linking yourself to the inferior reads made by Top Tier Tom?

bhuber2010: are you frustrated that your probable wolf traits have been accurately documented and that you are already demonstrating diminished confidence, contribution and commitment in keeping with your PHARV (W) profile?

Soah: as the most similar consciousness to my own, do you find the task of interacting with a subset of inferior consciousnesses frustrating or enabling?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Soah is also the one I'm least confident in.

Replace him with Hero and pop bottles if that's the case.

No matter what we should lynch Tappo or Hate Doc today.
*Correct - I had another tab open in which I was writing this post but I got distracted by soah replying to me.


Essentially its important to consider who might actually be the wolves if soah is in fact a villager (preferably ahead of time in case soah clears him self effectively before EoD).

In that case you kind of have to take into account his readz.

I disagree (aorn) with the ihc wolf one. Fine. I could be wrong, as I didnt really like ihc's earlier posting, but his spat with CDL seems genuine.

Hero could be a wolf - still havent gotten around to reading him.

Hate could also be a wolf and reading his posts is going to take me at least 6 hours because I not only have to discern his role - I have to sit there and try to interpret what it is he's even trying to say.

So that doesnt look all that bad for soah IMO. Tappo could also be the third wolf in this instance followed by someone like xxsooted.

We just got to clear like 1-2 people out of that bottom 5 that we agree up on TTT.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:06 PM
soah's only weaknesses are hungry and sleepy
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Hate Documentarian

Top Tier Tom: has anyone ever held you accountable for being terrible at Werewolf?

Top Tier Tom: your argument about my role indicates that I am a wolf because I have defended two probable villagers who had received pressure from you. That would be disadvantageous for a wolf to do. You conclude I am therefore a wolf. Do you recognize why you constitute an inferior consciousness?

Top Tier Tom: your argument about my role presupposes three additional villager roles of which you cannot possess knowledge. Do you recognize why you constitute an inferior consciousness?

Top Tier Tom: You will be relieved to know that PHARV Labs is working on a biologically-compatible artificial intelligence enhancement. Sign up now to participate in the Werewolf improvement program!

CalledDownLight: why are you insisting that ihcjay is a liar when your evidence does not support that conclusion?

CalledDownLight: your PHARV (V) indicates that you are an unemotional player, but your PHARV (W) indicates a propensity for over-dramatization. Discuss.

bhuber2010: are you enjoying linking yourself to the inferior reads made by Top Tier Tom?

bhuber2010: are you frustrated that your probable wolf traits have been accurately documented and that you are already demonstrating diminished confidence, contribution and commitment in keeping with your PHARV (W) profile?

Soah: as the most similar consciousness to my own, do you find the task of interacting with a subset of inferior consciousnesses frustrating or enabling?
I am completely okay with linking my self to the "inferior" reads made by TTT.

Guess my reads are inferior as well.

They will have to do for now though.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-25-2014 , 02:07 PM
Failure of comprehension documented.

Failure of comprehension invalid.

A consciousness that cannot understand my posts is not a sentient consciousness. There is no complexity in my presentation of logical analysis.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
