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Slow Vanilla Game Thread Slow Vanilla Game Thread

03-03-2014 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by soah
A prime example of blatant dishonesty and manipulation. The last two villagers to get NKed had me as lock clear. At least one of the other dead villagers had me as a villager. And you think they were just.... wrong about me?

I sat with my vote on Hero literally from the start of d2 until 40 seconds left in the day when I chose between the wagons. I'm a wolf because I.... didn't vote off-wagon at EOD? [responding to a comment from his multiquote here]

Tom quotes me calling for Hero votes at eod (while ignoring another post I'd just made about Hero) when Hero was a completely viable candidate.... and his analysis is that that's wolfy? It's ****ing wolfy to call out a wolf for lurking eod and call for more votes on him.

And he calls out CDL for making the only possible vote to save himself for being lynched. Tom, of course, ignores this obvious context to the situation.

And then Tom continues to follow this up in his next post by lying about how I didn't make an effort to get Hero lynched. I used up the last of my posts to argue that Hero was a wolf with 2 hours left in the day when he was the lead wagon. Then I got stuck having to defend myself because Tom had made me the lead wagon. And then Hero's wagon disappeared and he disappeared and I drew attention to both things and called for his lynch again. I had my vote on Hero the whole ****ing day. When he was the lead wagon. When I was the lead wagon. When **** was going down. Tom derailed Hero's wagon d2. Tried it again d3. And he's calling it wolfy of his wolf suspects to actually try to lynch a wolf. And his assertions of how that's wolfy is refuted by simply reading the posts in the thread and seeing that nothing happened like he said it happened. And it's even easier to see the hypocrisy in claiming we did nothing to try to lynch Hero Value while listing him as a wolf, when Tom himself had Hero in his wolf team YET DERAILED THE HERO WAGON EACH DAY.



While falling asleep I was thinking more about this and I don't feel comfortable going Tom first. It's vital we get a wolf first because even if our POE list is correct, we may not get the last two lynched if we pick the wrong one first.

And I still think that the lock wolf is Perdition.

I was thinking over mucks posting from yesterday (Sunday) and realized that he should be in play. My recollection going from memory, since I wasn't on the computer, was that a lot of his play was just a bunch of fence-sitting and "ohhh who should I trust, jay or Tom?" and not a lot of real work. He says things like he's sure Tom is a villager and that he likes Tom's cases, but I feel like there's been a distinct lack of actual analysis coming from him. Any wolf can login and say "I've played with Tom before and this is a village game. And I agree with what he's saying." So what makes him not a wolf? If he is a wolf, buddying up to Tom and following him on mislynches is exactly what he has to do, since Tom is doing the work for him and taking any other route will just get Tom to call him a wolf. It really bothers me that he says he agrees with Tom's cases, yet gives no specifics, when Tom's cases have been thoroughly refuted and are so obviously flimsy in the first place.

Maybe this isn't fair because I was just doing a mental review and maybe it's not right. Maybe his posting is better than what I remember. But I want to get this out here early in the day while there is still time left. If it's Perdition/mucks then lynching Tom today is disastrous. I mean, we can still lynch him tomorrow and have the satisfaction of both lynching and also winning the game. Also Perdition's posting seems more consistent with him being a wolf with mucks than Tom.

So I really feel like Perdition has to go first. Plus there is a greater chance of getting the remaining villager to go along with a Perdition lynch than a Tom lynch.

I'm running out of posts, so I can't do much today. So I need you to make a good enough case on Perdition to get this done. I've already made the case. I just don't have the posts left to keep repeating it. His first post today basically makes him a lock wolf. He's had me/CDL/wn as his wolf team for days and had Hero Value as a villager earlier. Yet when the three of us spend two gamedays getting Hero Value lynched with basically no help from anyone else, his reaction is just basically "Well, CDL is still a wolf, one of wn/soah is just a bad villager". The complete lack of thought exposes him completely as a wolf. Please hammer him on that, as well as the complete lack of thought throughout all of his posting, compared to all of the thought that shows in his village games. It's really obvious. Get him lynched today.

soah, just respond by voting tom, but not quoting or saying anything else if you agree with what I am saying in my reply. If you disagree then revote perdition.

I believe that lynching tom will blow open the game a lot more than lynching perdition. The case for lynching tom is twofold:

1. Mucks has had him as a villager and has simply been sponging him for days now. If we lynch tom then mucks has to admit he is wrong AND come up with an actual defense in order to stay alive. I have shown several posts from redd on d1 that look really bad in retrospect and I believe that mucks would either fold under pressure or show us that we need to lynch perdition and bhuber to win the game (we'd still have our mislynch and surely me/you/wn would eat 2 NKs and have one of us in the f3). I feel more confident in us getting this right than getting tom lynched tomorrow after he makes a nk tonight even if we are right on perdi.

2. If we are wrong on perdition then tom redoubles his efforts from Sunday where he spent precious posts talking about how perdi was WRECKING US. I think that this basically ALWAYS loses us the game.

In no way do I think perdition is more likely a wolf than tom, but obviously me/you/wn will be voting as a block today. I'm willing to go in whatever direction bhuber votes as he clearly is the one that is making the decision here. I can't see mucks/perdi moving so no one else really has a say.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by well named
so I didn't do this entirely on purpose, but after I got all fired up again last night and voted tom I thought it would be interesting at least to see what would happen with soah and CDL

soah wanting to go back to perdition, and his reasoning behind it, is super villagery in this spot, although you have to know I'm a villager to really appreciate it. As a wolf, he has every reason, especially as he's low on posts, to just let me drive the truck here. I don't know if I agree that it should be perdition instead of tom but the fact that he is thinking about it and putting it out there is villagery

Obviously I am discounting the possibility of a TTT/soah wolf team but I think that is pretty straightforward. Also what I said about wanting to hold TTT responsible for a soah mislynch (and thus wagon TTT against soah) doesn't really apply from soah's side. I'm fairly sure no matter what I think if we lynch perdition today and he flips villager soah or CDL will get lynched next.

So basically I just see no reason for soah as a wolf to ever want to disagree about whether we should lynch TTT or perdition
Is the wolf team actually YOU and Soah and not Soah and CDL or something? I would swear there are four wolves with the way you're riding Soah's wolf dick in this game. Are you a wolf or are you the most gullible and misled villager I Bink I have ever played with? Like my mind is repeatedly BLOWN when I see this kind of post from you asserting that something Soah did is villagery WHEN I NEVER AGREE WITH YOU?! WTF!
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:09 PM
Tom: again, calling me either a wolf or terrible is all you've done all game, and I don't give a **** what you think

you are a wolf and I am lynching you, you remember that right?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Perdition
If I'm wolf then who is my wolfbro?
well, it would either be mucks/ttt if you get lynched today. given that we have a mislynch in that scenario it doesnt really matter which one it is.

Originally Posted by well named
so I didn't do this entirely on purpose, but after I got all fired up again last night and voted tom I thought it would be interesting at least to see what would happen with soah and CDL

soah wanting to go back to perdition, and his reasoning behind it, is super villagery in this spot, although you have to know I'm a villager to really appreciate it. As a wolf, he has every reason, especially as he's low on posts, to just let me drive the truck here. I don't know if I agree that it should be perdition instead of tom but the fact that he is thinking about it and putting it out there is villagery

Obviously I am discounting the possibility of a TTT/soah wolf team but I think that is pretty straightforward. Also what I said about wanting to hold TTT responsible for a soah mislynch (and thus wagon TTT against soah) doesn't really apply from soah's side. I'm fairly sure no matter what I think if we lynch perdition today and he flips villager soah or CDL will get lynched next.

So basically I just see no reason for soah as a wolf to ever want to disagree about whether we should lynch TTT or perdition
I'm possibly just being lazy, but I am discounting the idea that either you or soah is ever a wolf itg. Soah rocking the boat is villagery in the exact same way that what I did to save him on d2 was villagery. I don't know what it will take for bhuber to realize it, but that is what has to happen for us to lynch a wolf today.

I don't think perdition is the right lynch despite being a likely wolf.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Tom: again, calling me either a wolf or terrible is all you've done all game, and I don't give a **** what you think

you are a wolf and I am lynching you, you remember that right?
But you're 100% wrong.

So there's two options of what's happening here, as I see it:

1. Soah/CDL are wolves, and you are INCREDIBLY misled.

2. Bhuber/Perdition are wolves, and I am INCREDIBLY misled.

I believe that Soah is far and away the person that firs best with Hero as a W/W team. Soah has been one of my wolf suspects since D1 and Soah is in all of my wolf team solves.

I'll be voting for Soah today and if I'm right about him being a wolf I want you to realize that what you've done in this game is incredibly counter-productive and foolish. Okay? Okay. Thanks.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:14 PM
lol tom
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by soah

I had CDL on ignore so I was wondering why I was lock clear

then I clicked on CDL's post and it suddenly all made sense
ignoring leveling exercises which I think are pretty incredibly unlikely, soah and CDL can't be w/w in this game because soah wouldn't have had CDL on ignore.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
But you're 100% wrong.

So there's two options of what's happening here, as I see it:

1. Soah/CDL are wolves, and you are INCREDIBLY misled.

2. Bhuber/Perdition are wolves, and I am INCREDIBLY misled.

I believe that Soah is far and away the person that firs best with Hero as a W/W team. Soah has been one of my wolf suspects since D1 and Soah is in all of my wolf team solves.

I'll be voting for Soah today and if I'm right about him being a wolf I want you to realize that what you've done in this game is incredibly counter-productive and foolish. Okay? Okay. Thanks.

I mean, soah was probably the single most important driver of the hero wagon. Why on earth would he bus there? I know this is slightly easier to see since I know I am villa, but it makes absolutely no sense.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight

I am not planning to post much today (or the first day of any gameday save Friday) so that I can post fluidly in a more substantial thread the next day. I will be reading, but please don't make me waste posts today. 80 posts for 36 hours is pretty limited and will be a big hindrance if we all post anytime we see something worth posting. I encourage people to only post when we can get a bunch of people active at once so the game plays out normally.
again, CDL does not bus, and CDL absolutely does not open a wolf game with a case like this on his wolf bro

soah and CDL cannot be w/w
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by soah
What makes this game interesting? Are you a wolf?

How likely do you think it is that the seer peeked you already?
soah does not throw heat at a noob wolf teammate early on d1 when no one else is talking about him in a 13-er.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
So if he's a wolf, who is his partner? The only person it would be is Bhuber, right?

Do you think Bhuber is a wolf?

Why do you think Redd, Ivers and Jay (for a while anyway) thought CDL/Soah were wolfing together? Tappo was suspicious of both Hero and Soah, but not of me; that doesn't tell you anything at all considering I have both been W/W and V/V with tappo recently?
More blatant dishonesty.

ihcjay had me and CDL as LOCK CLEAR when the wolves decided to nightkill him.

Other people can be wrong, or wolves.

Why are so many villagers hardclearing me in this game? The question works just as well that way.

Other blatant dishonesty: citing some of tappo's reads while ignoring others. tappo spent the whole entire day shouting about how ReddBoiler was a wolf. Whereas with his read on me he explicitly said that he was tired and might change his mind once he has more time to read my posts carefully. And of course, citing tappo's reads kind of ignores the fact that a lot has happened since then. This is not the first time that Tom has cited tappo's reads to support his arguments and I'm pretty sure that in the other instance(s) he was also ignoring the ones that didn't serve his agenda. And lest we all forget, while we're on the subject of tappo, tappo had all but announced that he'd be going hard on Hero Value once his d1 noob pass expired, and Tom responded to that by wagoning the holy ****ing **** out of tappo to get him lynched before that could happen.

So Tom kind of has a credibility problem.

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Huh? What even happened just now? You don't think I'm a wolf anymore? Because I'm making, according to you, agenda-pushing cases on you and CDL that ignore large portions of what "actually" happened and because of that I became LESS wolfy than Perdition?

Again willfully misrepresenting my posting. I have Perdition as a lock wolf. I want to lynch my highest probability wolf first. Which is exactly what I just said in the post you're responding to. I didn't actually say anything at all about you.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
soah, just respond by voting tom, but not quoting or saying anything else if you agree with what I am saying in my reply. If you disagree then revote perdition.

I believe that lynching tom will blow open the game a lot more than lynching perdition. The case for lynching tom is twofold:

1. Mucks has had him as a villager and has simply been sponging him for days now. If we lynch tom then mucks has to admit he is wrong AND come up with an actual defense in order to stay alive. I have shown several posts from redd on d1 that look really bad in retrospect and I believe that mucks would either fold under pressure or show us that we need to lynch perdition and bhuber to win the game (we'd still have our mislynch and surely me/you/wn would eat 2 NKs and have one of us in the f3). I feel more confident in us getting this right than getting tom lynched tomorrow after he makes a nk tonight even if we are right on perdi.

2. If we are wrong on perdition then tom redoubles his efforts from Sunday where he spent precious posts talking about how perdi was WRECKING US. I think that this basically ALWAYS loses us the game.

In no way do I think perdition is more likely a wolf than tom, but obviously me/you/wn will be voting as a block today. I'm willing to go in whatever direction bhuber votes as he clearly is the one that is making the decision here. I can't see mucks/perdi moving so no one else really has a say.
I think any wolf lynch today cracks the game open and any mislynch outside of me/you/wn is likely to lose it. Given the way the lines have been drawn, it hardly matters which wolf gets lynched. If you/me/wn lead any wolf lynch then we are all 7000% lock clear and if we lead a mislynch then we're ****ed.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:26 PM
WN, I think you have extreme naïveté of wolf actions or planning. Maybe that's why you fall for it when I'm a wolf: because I think through the "little things" and exploit the holes in your misconceptions? For example: saying "CDL never buses" is silly because tangs the first thing a clever wolf team would want to exploit. (I AM assuming Soah is clever, he seems to be.) How is asking "are you a wolf for being interested in the game" putting heat on him? That's the exact kind of comment that I think is W/W distancing. It's not a serious attack attempt, it's a little quip-and-run so that when either of them flips wolf later, the other can say "see? Never W/W here." And apparently you're falling for it completely... how many WW games have you played? How do you not see this? It's so obvious to me... it's so obvious to me that I feel like you must be openly trolling me right now. I have a really hard time believing you're this oblivious.

So there's only two options that I can see: one of us is 100% wrong. I think it's you, so, I'm gonna keep pushing what I think is correct.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:39 PM
obviously if you are a wolf I expect you to push what works for you, and if you are a villager I expect you to stick with what you think is correct. I would never ask anyone to do otherwise

where I have a problem with you is your constant bull**** insulting me and trying to prevent me to do the same. I've told you very explicitly what you have to do to get me to think you are a villager. And yet, even though I think you are a wolf, I engage with your arguments, try to read them fairly, do research, and respond, which is more than you can say
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:40 PM
basically, I've told you what you can do if you think that I can't be a villager. Lynch me. Me and you today, I am happy to be your counterwagon

otherwise as far as I care you can go pound sand
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:40 PM
soah, I do agree that the game is very likely won or lost today, but in no way do I have perdition as a more likely wolf than tom.

tom, please explain to me how a wolf team would exploit my strategy to never bus? The points I would like you to specifically address are:

1. Which person in this game, or all of POG for that matter, would I allow to overrule me and control my vote?

2. Why would a team of me and soah (two guys with not just good, but elite track records as wolves) decide that this was the game I needed to exploit my meta instead of win normally?

3. Why would a team on me and wn engage in #2 either?

When answering both of the above questions please keep in mind that WN and I were wolves together in a draft game (and I think soah may have been one of the drafters) a while back and we basically bullrushed the village and got mislynches then we killed the seer WHO HAD PEEKED ME WOLF and both of us still fought all day, tooth and nail, to keep me alive by insisting I wasn't peeked. Here is that game:
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:42 PM
caveat: I actually didn't think you were peeked in that game trollololol
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by well named
obviously if you are a wolf I expect you to push what works for you, and if you are a villager I expect you to stick with what you think is correct. I would never ask anyone to do otherwise

where I have a problem with you is your constant bull**** insulting me and trying to prevent me to do the same. I've told you very explicitly what you have to do to get me to think you are a villager. And yet, even though I think you are a wolf, I engage with your arguments, try to read them fairly, do research, and respond, which is more than you can say
Originally Posted by well named
basically, I've told you what you can do if you think that I can't be a villager. Lynch me. Me and you today, I am happy to be your counterwagon

otherwise as far as I care you can go pound sand
In my defense, I have been almost exclusively phone posting during this game. Fetching quotes, editing, writing; it's all a bitch for me to do.

I'm sorry if I've offended you personally, it's just really frustrating for me to feel like we might lose this game if we're both villagers because the two of us can't see eye to eye. Perhaps I should say I think you're BEING an idiot rather than you ARE an idiot? Obviously I don't think you, as a person, are stupid. But I do think you, as a player, might be gullible or overly head-headed at times.

I may not be the best at thoroughly explaining my wolf leans sometimes, but I feel I'm pretty good at wolf hunting, especially as the number of players diminishes.

I am quite confident that the wolf team is CDL and Soah and I'm sorry you don't agree with me.

Your "we have to thunderdome" attitude is extremely anti-village if we are both villagers because it just hands a win to the wolves.

I've said repeatedly now that I think you're more likely to be a villager here despite all rhyme or reason: from where I sit the stances you've taken are impossibly bad. And it's extremely demotivating for you to treat me like I'm just trolling you when I've been putting sincere effort into solving this game, whether you acknowledge it or not. Maybe you'd say the same thing to me.

But who knows, maybe the joke's on me and you're right and I mis-cleared someone and I'm dead wrong somehow. Maybe the wolf team IS exactly Bhuber-Perdition and I'm completely wrong. (I just really doubt it.)

To CDL: there's no way I can tell you what you are thinking. But obviously "I never do that as a wolf" is not a real defense and is something wolves say a lot.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:59 PM
tom, just explain to me why I would decide to break 5 YEARS OF ****ING META to win a vanilla 13er when I randed wolf with a guy who is considered the best wolf on 2p2 by many people? like, in what world would this be a real outcome? if its not a real outcome then how the **** is soah a wolf here?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:59 PM
bhuber, I hope you are reading and considering these deflections.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:00 PM
Votes from post 2480 to post 2869
Night in 5:00:56

3 soah mucksandgravs (42), Top Tier Tom (75), Perdition (34)
2 Top Tier Tom CalledDownLight (29), well named (56)
1 Perdition soah (77)
1 bhuber2010 bhuber2010 (59)
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:01 PM
Re: perdition

Originally Posted by Perdition
Hate doc
His shtick does not disguise his vapidity.

notes from d1

#248-49 CDL and iversonian probably w/v or v/w
#283 TTT extremely wolfy post. Reads as conviluted.
Here is #283

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
You should know what Perdition is like since you have meta knowledge of the rest of us.

Why you gotta be a dick though? You have all these "files" or whatever you remember about players, I'm sure you can put some of them to good use here, if only for meta reads.

Players who have given me reason to believe they are villagers:
-Redd: repeated mindmelds, same sort of knee-jerk reaction tunneling I expect from his villa game
-Bhuber: he boobed out pretty hard when he came back, I've never seen him wolf but this matches his usual villa style
-Tappokone: very much reminds me of the way he played as a semi apathetic villa in the slow game before this one. He's one of those guys that is good enough to be a wolf anyway, but I haven't seen a reason to go after him yet
-CalledDownLight: originally was suspicious of him for ducking the thread, but he's been rather aggressive and genuine in the posts he has made, I'm gonna call him a villa and hope he goes HAM tomorrow
-Perdition: this is his typical IDGAF villager game, IMO. Saw him wolf as Sally in the gimmick game and thought he stuck out more awkwardly there more than he does here

Need to see more from:
-soah: I barely remember anything he said, so he's more UTR than I'd expect from a guy who wrote such good wolf hunting strategy posts. He reminds me of an apathetic well named.
-ihcjay: He hasn't really been wolfy, but something feels off, I can't explain it yet
-Hero Value: new player supposedly, I have difficult separating new players from wolves, but he doesn't seem to be
-Hate Documentarian: I think you know how I feel about you, but my suspicion kept growing due to disagreeing with what I remember of your suspects (like bhuber)

Wolf leans:
-XXsooted: I like the original point he made about bhuber when I thought bhuber was wolfing, but now it appears he's just tunneling on the boob, and he has 7 underwhelming posts.
-Iversonian: I think ReddBoiler (link) and CDL (link) nailed this when they mentioned how he blitzed too easily from his pimp to a CDL vote. Hasn't made much of an impact either
-pimpyoride: obviously playing up the gimmick angle, hasn't been particularly villagery, especially for having XXsooted as a villa lean when I think it's unwarranted given that XXsooted has ONLY tunneled on Bhuber yet Pimp has Bhuber as a "homie"

So this wolf team seems to fit together thus far.
How is this post convoluted? perdition seems to be making things up, it's probably one of the clearer and easier to read tom posts in this game
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
bhuber is a wolf for saying tha tappokone is "engaged, inquisitive poking and pondering." That reads to me like a wolf who knows tappokone is a villager. I don't think a villager would think that bc tappo is just asking ppl why they made their random entry votes, not exactly inquisitive.
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
implying the wolves are purple this game. I just assumed they were red like every other game. Would have to be a woof woof to know that they're purp purp


Originally Posted by Hero Value
Sup guys, looks like this will be an interesting one for my first game.
So far this made sense:

I'd like to think that these two quotes that Hero quoted by XX and Redd spew Bhuber very likely villa? Your thoughts, WN?

CDL: again, you're asking me a question I can't answer. But the obvious answer would be: to exploit your meta.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:09 PM
I think bhuber is more likely to be a villager than a wolf, although I was just researching a thing he said about it not being hero's first game. Tappo asked about that and I'm looking for a response

That said, saying "hmm" to it is a lot different than voting bhuber. comparison to his votes on latvian willi (or on CDL) is worth doing. I did not end up thinking I could draw a ton of conclusions on people from hero spew though, it just seems like there's enough ambiguity in his treatment, and most of the posts I thought were clear spew were unfortunately on dead villagers like hate doc and latvian willi
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I'd like to think that these two quotes that Hero quoted by XX and Redd spew Bhuber very likely villa? Your thoughts, WN?

CDL: again, you're asking me a question I can't answer. But the obvious answer would be: to exploit your meta.
I'm pretty comfortable treating bhuber as a villa still.

Why is this the obvious answer when people have tried to convince me to do this for years and when I wolf I make sure my whole team knows that I will not tolerate bussing unnecessarily and still won't engage or like it even in the event that it happens? You are avoid the ****ing question because you know its not true and there is no explanation you can find to actually justify your read on soah and I as wolves.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Re: well named

Havent got to look at your posts on the last page since I just got home other than to briefly skim one of them from my phone.

The reason I said you've or someone has been hilariously wrong (myself included) is because I think someone is failing to look at the game from a logical perspective and is just trusting their own "reads" over objective information that is literally SMACKING them in the face (I really dont want to be that person, but if I am, I'll get it in post game...okay).

Since I was a CDL voter and Hero is now a dead wolf, I know for a fact that unless the wolf team is EXACTLY TTT/perdition. That Hero was likely bussed by BOTH wolves yesterday.



So, with that out of the way.

I see it one of two ways:

TTT/perdition is the wolf team and I am hilariously wrong. Fine.

Other than that, I am pretty much willing to bet that 2 wolves are in, soah/CDL/well named and mucks.

I singled you out well named because I thought (as of yesterday night at EoD) that you and mucks were the two villagers amongst them.

I could be wrong on any one of those variables. However, if CDL is "spewed" clear by Hero there (which literally baffles me but I will consider it once I am completely caught up). That means the wolves are most likely within, soah/well named/mucks. I dont think this is the case, but if you keep insisting that CDL is clear. Than I am just going to have to believe that you're hilariously wrong, or that you have more information than me (wolf, ldo). Like I have no clue what you think the wolf team is even if you think perdition is a wolf. Who is his partner (TTT/mucks I guess)?

I feel like Hero yesterday was a coordinated, "unified" bus if that makes any sense...meaning I dont think one wolf split their voting to save him and one voting to lynch him as that makes 0 sense.

It also makes 0 sense that CDL could be a villager IMO when it would have only taken 1 vote by either of the wolves to get CDL lynched OVER hero. WTF.

I also dont think that Hero voting CDL ever spews CDL villager (again, unless the wolf team is exactly TTT/perdition and then lolme...I'll be the butt-end of post game).


I dont want to start talking in circles but as I stressed earlier. The ihcjay kill makes 0 ****ing logical sense IMO if TTT/perdition are the wolves. Like none...They have 3 players in well named/soah/CDL that ALL make for better lynches from a SPK standpoint.

So hopefully you (well named) or CDL, or soah, whichever the HELL of you is a villager, begins to see what I am saying in that I think that ONE of you is HARD miss-clearing someone inappropriately and its ****ing MIND boggling to me.

I actually began to think that Hero MIGHT be a villager yesterday (which is actually why I stayed on CDL) because it made sense as a logical miss-lynch opportunity for whomever the wolves were. I basically felt so wary of soah/CDL that I wasnt actually willing to lynch Hero there for fear that he might just be THAT bad and flip villager (and I thought he was wolfy as **** all game).

I saw that he had enough votes to be lynched with or without my help and thats why I stayed on CDL (its also why I objectively know that its unlikely that Hero wasnt bussed HARD by both bro's unless the wolf team is exactly TTT/perdition).


Some people are HARD clearing people inappropriately this game its beginning to piss me the **** off. I just cant tell who it is and who they're clearing wrong.

It might even be me. And thats why I cant see it

And WN, what of this pretty basic point that Bhuber and I kept bringing up yesterday?

Basically: that if either of Bhuber or Perdition is a villager, Hero *HAD TO* be bused yesterday, meaning it becomes wayyyyy more likely that the wolves bused Hero to save CDL simply because CDL is the stronger player or to protect that EOD2 wagon information. Do you still disagree with that fairly basic idea? I remember you saying the wolves couldn't lynch villager CDL without outing themselves, but I just don't think that's the case considering I would have been most at blame for that.

And do you just outright disagree with Bhuber's Hero spew analysis that cleared me "a million times over" or whatever he said? You think there's absolutely no merit to that? Because I am a villager and your continual refusal to at least entertain the idea that I am is maddening.
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