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SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

01-27-2024 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Round 5:

Cards used: 5

Guessers: bolt/filthy

The Board:

B | DL | C | S | JOVW | T | A

The target word:
I've pmed it to ibd/zeus/d1/ervin
for the new page

thinking about what clues i'd come up with if the word was "horse" or whatever else

"jockey" would be an obvious J6

or saddle s6
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-27-2024 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
So a bridle is either the leather thing that goes in a horse's mouth or it's the leather straps attached to the thing that goes in the horse's mouth. Or it's both of those. And for the life of me I can't think of a T6, B6, B7, or L4 that is related to anything to with horses. And I can't even think of a D3, which should be pretty easy to come up with.

Then there's a broader definition of bridle which is a verb, and it's something like showing distaste or disdain or being offended. "Bolt and Filthy both bridled at the suggestion that they couldn't quickly come up with the answer to the game on 2P2." So maybe we should be going down that path.
oh good thought on bridle the verb, like to get offended. that might be the direction they're trying to lead us

would be funny if they meant bridal, and misspelled it lol

and idk if it makes a difference, or if im even right lol .... but i don't think the bridal is the part that goes in the mouth. i think that's called "the bit", which might be part of the bridle? lol idk... but i think the bridle is the headgear that connects the reigns to the bit, and the horse's head
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-27-2024 , 11:46 PM
D3 dog
L4 lead
T6 tether

could it be leash?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-27-2024 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Hmm as we discuss this might be america v usa.

In uk l4 is a lock but i dont know what b6 is and given its a synonym i should
Originally Posted by bolt2112
D3 dog
L4 lead
T6 tether

could it be leash?
lead is a UK word for leash that isn't really used in the states
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 12:03 PM
I'm still stuck on d3 being dog. And a bridle for a dog is a leash.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Why go d3 ever when lots of b words can do the same thing? better to leave us with 2 different L4s that get it every time

Unless b6 is the same thing as the L4s, but I can’t think of a b6 that is an L4
does this post work with leash?

what are lots of B words that can do the same thing as dog? breeds of dogs? like bulldog or basenji?

and what are 2 L4 words that get it every time? lead is one, but what is the other?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 01:37 PM
but if it's not leash, i can't think of another good guess

i can't think of anything if the clue is for the other meaning of bridal, getting defensive
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 01:38 PM
i think we're gonna have to guess leash either way, and probably be wrong, but sounds like we'll get it on the next one
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 01:50 PM
If it's bridle the verb I think they clue "bridled" to distinguish it.

And if they misspelled bridal that's not on us.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 02:39 PM
bold leash? i say go for it
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:16 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:17 PM
Good job
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:18 PM
The L4s were lead or line

I was a bit worried you’d go collar or even muzzle for bridle since reins are more like the leash but y’all figured out lead and d3 dog was good that I initially missed, worried about bridle getting you on horse terms

And t6 was indeed tether
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:24 PM
Round 6:

Cards used: 6

Guessers: filthy/zeus

The Board:

DL | C | S | RG | JOVW | T | A

The target word:
I've pmed it to ibd/bolt/d1/ervin
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:25 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:26 PM
L8 is decent
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:28 PM
Oh, A7 could be really good
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:29 PM
L8 is first thing that comes to mind for this
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:31 PM
Yeah, I’m on A7 and nothing else. It’s literally the same.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:31 PM
No way DZ doesn’t get this. Filthy too probably!
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:31 PM
A6 also in the domain but gets them to guess something else instead
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:34 PM
I’m strongly on L9 now

I can’t imagine going anything but this for that clue
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:35 PM
L9 does it for sure. I still want to go A7, but I’ll back off.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:37 PM
I don’t think I know your a7 yet, but intrigued

I know an a7, but a few words it can get so I don’t think it can be your a7
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:41 PM
If you knew it you’d love it in this spot. But yeah, I wouldn’t clue it with most of the rest of the team guessing.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
