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SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

12-28-2023 , 09:32 PM
We weren't even told how close we were either.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:05 PM
Nich not giving us a % and just firing off the Q5 I mentioned without any consultation from the team seems to indicate that you and I might w just lost the penguin/seagull coin flip.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:36 PM
Yeah, that seems like a fair assumption. I'm good to fire it off if you are.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:53 PM
****ing seagull
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:58 PM
Of course, for all the reasons you laid out

I think Galapagos side tracked d1 from considering your posts more, but you soul read me and always get my logic so always trust IBD when guessing my clues

I’ll be 80 and reminiscing about the time 2 of the top players, including the one who can read my mind, guessed penguin for a BEACH clue given by 5 different clue givers (and then somehow called it a coin flip)
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:58 PM
G9 is Galveston, Texas

No clue what n7 is and nobody else said they knew that either
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 10:59 PM
Well balls. I almost would’ve preferred it wasn’t seagull.

Was G9 in fact Galapagos?

What was N7?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:00 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
I don't know what a sand dollar is.

Apparently there’s a type of sand dollar found on parts of the Australian coast, which doesn’t seem too widely distributed, but they’re all over the place where I grew up on the west central cost of the Gulf of Mexico.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
G9 is Galveston, Texas

No clue what n7 is and nobody else said they knew that either
Bolt wanted to clue the n7 and ervin said it was similar to all the others. Besides, we obviously had to consider it seeing as it was brought up lol.

Also, I did consider ibd's posts. Why do you think we ****ing guessed penguin? G9 was obviously a huge red herring and would've been better if it was never mentioned.

Tbh I think we did pretty well to get as close as we did seeing as all we had to work with was beach.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin

Apparently there’s a type of sand dollar found on parts of the Australian coast, which doesn’t seem too widely distributed, but they’re all over the place where I grew up on the west central cost of the Gulf of Mexico.
Yeah, can't say I've ever seen one.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:17 PM
Gotta love nich getting mad at us for guessing the wrong bird on turn 1 when we didn't even know if it was a bird at all. Classic nich.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-28-2023 , 11:24 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 12:05 AM
Not mad at all, just amused

Just IBD posted like 4-5 posts on why it was seagull and yall decided to check for bird with *checks notes* penguin for a unanimous clue of beach

One beach in the world with penguins on them (not Galapagos, tho I swam in the ocean with Galapagos penguins, the only type that far north, which was awesome)

Sandcastle woulda been a coin flip guess because it just so happened to fit with Queen king royal lol…what are the odds

Seems the lesson is that lots can fit the clues that are hinted at (I know; I got caught up on iguana and got blinded to not thinking of dragonfly and insect)
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 12:06 AM
Ervin said “if” n7 was similar to r/q/k

I don’t think anybody knows n7 still

I’m def interested to hear what it is
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Bolt wanted to clue the n7 and ervin said it was similar to all the others. Besides, we obviously had to consider it seeing as it was brought up lol.

Also, I did consider ibd's posts. Why do you think we ****ing guessed penguin? G9 was obviously a huge red herring and would've been better if it was never mentioned.

Tbh I think we did pretty well to get as close as we did seeing as all we had to work with was beach.

Also I said Galapagos sidetracked y’all; there were 2 posts right before Galapagos epiphany where he even asked “thoughts?” and I never saw a response, but I think that’s because Galapagos red herring got y’all off track

And yeah, y’all did great; but I still find it funny (without thinking yall suck or did bad, nothing malicious) that penguin was guessed over seagull for beach…that’s all
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 12:14 AM
The idea for guessing emperor penguin was to get an idea of whether we were on the right track with either galapagos or king/queen or both. Neither of us thought it could be correct and said as was guessed to rule other stuff out for next turn.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
And yeah, y’all did great; but I still find it funny (without thinking yall suck or did bad, nothing malicious) that penguin was guessed over seagull for beach…that’s all
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
If we’re going to guess a bird, I’d much rather we guess something like seagull over emperor penguin. Beach is absolutely not top-of-mind for me when I think emperor penguin and literally everyone on the team had beach as their B5. That has to mean that, if the target word is some kind of bird, they are known for being on beaches.
It’s on me for backing off seagull, even after I posted this. D1iab made it clear he didn’t have a preference between the two. I made my preference clear and should’ve gone with it.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 01:25 AM
emperor penguin and flying iguana both elite guesses lmao

and i think they are legit great guesses! but also wrong in a hilarious way
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 01:25 AM
That’s the charm of the game
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 01:38 AM
My initial thought was "owns".
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 02:05 AM
Round 13:

Cards used: 18

Guessers: d1/filthy

The Board:

T | M | S | DL | C | IH | RG

The target word:
i've pmed it to ervin/zeus/bolt/ibd
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 02:07 AM
I like r9 for a one shot
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 02:29 AM
That’s the only single shot I can think of. And if we don’t hit then H5 or some variation is set up nicely.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-29-2023 , 04:15 AM
Got a good m8 thatll work butdont know the r9 you have- so- gofor it
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
