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September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread***

09-12-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by semper fidelis
mrsbuttons voted andy over aao => andy should be clear b/c mrsbuttons tried to divert/tie up vote to save aao

aao was ROLEBLOCKER power wolf

if andy was vanilla wolf, then she votes andy to try to save the roleblocker

andy is NOT clear
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
i'm more clear than just "no counter claims"

i left a post d1 saying i was shooting lucky...unless i hit a 1/21 shot, i'm vig
Yea true.

More of a typo but I've been considering you 100% clear either way.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:07 PM
I think my list of four is the only four we can be reasonably sure of.

Also, bsball is a wolf
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:07 PM

andy isn't clear but we shouldnt be voting him anytime soon.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
These are pretty much the only for sure villagers we have, right?

well named
Well actually McAvoy isn't a for sure villager. Its possible they had no idea who the seers were last night so set up Mac to be cleared... in other words he's still a godfather candidate but its unlikely.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:08 PM
Why do we think Andy is clear, again? Because of D1?
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27

aao was ROLEBLOCKER power wolf

if andy was vanilla wolf, then she votes andy to try to save the roleblocker

andy is NOT clear
Not 100% clear, correct.

But I have a pretty strong village lean on him and that's only part of it.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:09 PM
how are well named and mcavoy cleared btw? i missed some posts
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:09 PM

What are your thoughts on dustin?

What do you make of jenfox's reactions last night?
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:10 PM
mcavoy for "seer hunt"

is well named hiv's mason?
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:10 PM

well named is mason with HIV

i have no idea why mcavoy is clear
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
how are well named and mcavoy cleared btw? i missed some posts
well named and HIV claimed to be masoned.

well named left a code and now that HIV is a dead mason its confirmed.

Mac was wahoo's "peek" last night so is clear from seer hunt. Its not 100% because of the godfather but he's clear enough for now.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
how are well named and mcavoy cleared btw? i missed some posts
well named claimed masons with HIV, who got modkilled and we were told he was a mason, so likely well named is. Wahoopride, likely killed by a seer hunt, said McaVoy was the only villa he was sure of yesterday.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:10 PM
wahooo could have easily peeked buttons = wolf and has nothing to do with mcavoy
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx

well named is mason with HIV

i have no idea why mcavoy is clear
Read like my first 3 posts today.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
wahooo could have easily peeked buttons = wolf and has nothing to do with mcavoy
Open to interpretation and all the posts are there.

I disagree with this though. Mac = villa was the most "peek-like" post there.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
wahooo could have easily peeked buttons = wolf and has nothing to do with mcavoy
the wolves could also be FPSing. A move that McAvoy himself did in the last game where he was a wolf.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:12 PM
dunno yet; i'll have to reread now that we have 2 known wolves

last night was easy b/c had 25% chance of hitting double-voter thanks to rand killing holdem

i'm only partially 'clearing' mcavoy for seer hunt...he should never be considered 100% villager because of fact, if i'm a wolf and mcavoy is godfather, then i'm killing whomever most likely "peeked" mcavoy yesterday to save him because otherwise he's dying today/soon
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
the wolves could also be FPSing. A move that McAvoy himself did in the last game where he was a wolf.
The only way I see this being the case is if they had no suspects for seer and Mac is the godfather.

If that isn't the case then I strongly doubt the kill was FPS. With 2 wolves dead already (1 when they sent their kill but still) and 2 seers out there I don't think they can afford to not seer hunt last night.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:14 PM
nice xpost nich!
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:14 PM
so then can we just vote bsball today
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:14 PM
I have a theory on a possible godfather candidate but I'm not 100% sure its provillage to share it right now.

Its pretty off the wall anyway
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:15 PM
Alright I'm AFK for a little bit.

Be back later.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
0 Soah - aao
0 gtpitch - andynan
0 BitchiBee - aao
0 zhaorx - aao
0 Birdman - andynan
0 Youngplayer - bsball
0 Mrsbutton - andynan
0 LuckyDevil - aao
0 Nicholasp - hiv
8 aao - hiv
0 McAvoy - andynan
0 toedder - hiv
8 Andynan - aao
0 wahoopride -
1 bsball - andynan
0 semper fidelis -
0 norseman -
0 DanTheMan - aao
0 JennFox -
0 ElliotR - andynan
0 DustinG - aao
0 well named - andynan
0 holdme - andynan
3 HIV - aao

Final vote count.

If the lynch is randomized it will not be told.

All that will be shown is the lynch result

PM me corrections by 7:15
based on this, good double-voter had to be on aao...we also know from d2 that good double-voter is one of:


youngplayer was on bsball so can't be it

so good double-voter is either bitchi or dustin

bitchi claimed so she is double-voter unless dustin counter claims at some point
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
09-12-2009 , 12:20 PM
This is the Day 1 Votes:

0 Soah - aao
0 gtpitch - andynan
0 BitchiBee - aao
0 zhaorx - aao
0 Birdman - andynan
0 Youngplayer - bsball
0 Mrsbutton - andynan
0 LuckyDevil - aao
0 Nicholasp - hiv
8 aao - hiv
0 McAvoy - andynan
0 toedder - hiv
8 Andynan - aao
0 wahoopride -
1 bsball - andynan
0 semper fidelis -
0 norseman -
0 DanTheMan - aao
0 JennFox -
0 ElliotR - andynan
0 DustinG - aao
0 well named - andynan
0 holdme - andynan
3 HIV - aao

aao (wolf) voters:
soah - confirmed village
bitchi - likely village double voter
zhaorx - 100% villagee (in my shoes)
Lucky - 100% villagee
Andy - ?
Dantheman - ?
DustinG - ?
HIV - confirmed village

There are 8 people with votes on aao. If there isn't 1 or posibbly 2 wolf voters from Andy, Dantheman, or DustinG it will be the first time I have seen something like this ever. I kind of buy Dustin as a villager and am slightly leaning villager on Andy right now. I really like a Dantheman lynch/shot today. I don't hate an Andy lynch either as a) he could be a wolf and b) he was the 2nd leading wagon and we can deduce how/why people voted him once his role is clear.
September 10th Vanilla(ish) ***Game Thread*** Quote
