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Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread

09-20-2009 , 01:10 PM
Starting this early because I know there are people in this game that still have PM issues and I want them to get sorted out. If you have not received your PM, my AIM is bsball8806, send me an IM and I will tell you your role. There are instructions in the sticky on how to set your account to be able to receive PM's. Day is longer (31 hours for d1) so that we will be able to get everyone set straight.

Also if a mod reads this can I please be allowed to lock threads/whatever cool things game mods can do.

It is still night, do not post
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:20 PM

The island was a beautiful place. White, sandy beaches sprawled for miles juxtaposed with the crystal clear water. Tall trees, on the edge of a vast wood, lined the edges of the sand. Their branches hung low with ripened fruits, uncharacteristic of a September crop. One could see mountains in the distance, and the chirps of birds were muted only by the crashing of the waves against the shoreline. It was Paradise, at first glance, to anyone who happened to live there.

The crash survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 had no idea what was in store for them. Some idealists believed rescue was imminent, and it would only be a matter of hours before they were saved. More practical thinkers were prepared for the worst- a long layover on a deserted island. These realists were partly right. Help, as it seems, was not coming. However, they had yet to learn a dark, and potentially deadly secret: they were not alone on the island.

It is still night, do not post
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:23 PM
As the survivors huddled together for safety, they began to realize the gravity of their situation. It appeared the Others, ever elusive, had some sinister plan in store for them.

As the struggle for power on the island ensued, a third faction appeared, also intent on taking control. Led by Charles Widmore, an exiled Other, this group used force to accomplish their goals, the extent of which have yet to be seen.

In this game, Charles’s Widmore and Co. are a neutral team.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:39 PM
Role claiming in this game is permitted, however it is extremely discouraged. You may be put on “The List”, in which case giving away your role could be a matter of life and death. Please do not quote your PM.

The vanilla villager PM is:
You are XXXX. You are a member of the village. You win by eliminating all of the non-good characters in the game.

Night will fall every night (Saturday and Sunday will count as one day) at 8 pm (8:01 no good) Nights will last until 1 am at the latest, but will likely not be that long. Night actions are due by midnight, and may be submitted earlier. If you are not going to be around for night, you may submit your action earlier. There is no majority lynch. Masons have 24h chat, as do wolves.

Please PM me all questions as opposed to asking them in the thread. Angle shooting and night posting will result in a modkill.

You MUST participate in this game. Bold your votes, try to avoid bolding anything else so that it’s easier for us to count votes. Nicknames are fine, as long as we can tell who you are voting for. If this is your first game, we encourage you to look at an old game (PM me if you need help finding old games) to see how the game flows. One post per day with a vote will NOT be tolerated. You will be modkilled if I/wahoo feel you are not participating.

Be civil. Arguments are encouraged, but insults and threats are not. We don’t want this game to be stickied as “how not to behave during WW”.

Have fun! We put a lot of effort into making this game as balanced as possible; hopefully being randed wolf this game won’t be a curse like it has been lately (unless you play against me, ldo). For you LOST fanatics, we tried to stay as true to the show as possible for a ~40 person game without making it so complicated that everyone else was completely lost (horrible joke). If we designed the game perfectly based on LOST, there would be about 40 different teams consisting of one player each.

The game is based roughly on the first five seasons of the show.

It is still night, do not post
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:42 PM
Player List (38 players):

Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:46 PM
“If we can’t live together, we’re gonna die alone”
-Jack Shephard

It is day!
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:16 PM
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:16 PM
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Youngplayer9
klagjasgjawgiowayt8y2t72 mtk
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:21 PM
I win, mwuahahaha
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:21 PM
And I took the time to read what the mod had to say!
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:26 PM


Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:27 PM
thats why i lost
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:31 PM
first first ive ever posted. probably the last.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 02:47 PM
i know what you mean, this was probably my only chance
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:00 PM
im pressing the button for u guys
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:02 PM
What button, oh noes, don't do it Not yet atleast!
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
Night will fall every night (Saturday and Sunday will count as one day) at 8 pm (8:01 no good)

Originally Posted by bsball8806


this must be the 108 minute clock. enter the code or planes will start falling and weird stuff will happen.

i assume there are a certain number of players responsible for entering the code. ie. desmond, locke, eko, etc. this might have to be done in-thread or by or pm.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:11 PM
Hello guys, I'm new to this forum. Yes, that means you will probably have a hard time reading me, but it's your lucky day, seeing as I'm a regular "vanilla" as you call it on this forum. I will do my best to spot teh evils.


These two are obviously no good. I mean - one of them has a boat, and the other one claims the ability to fly? Why are they still on the island then? One of them definitely needs to be lynched.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:16 PM
^ you must be hurley.

do you like peanut butter?
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Hello guys, I'm new to this forum. Yes, that means you will probably have a hard time reading me, but it's your lucky day, seeing as I'm a regular "vanilla" as you call it on this forum. I will do my best to spot teh evils.


These two are obviously no good. I mean - one of them has a boat, and the other one claims the ability to fly? Why are they still on the island then? One of them definitely needs to be lynched.
LOL, i like this guy already.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
^ you must be hurley.

do you like peanut butter?
i can get some, if you do
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Hello guys, I'm new to this forum. Yes, that means you will probably have a hard time reading me, but it's your lucky day, seeing as I'm a regular "vanilla" as you call it on this forum. I will do my best to spot teh evils.


These two are obviously no good. I mean - one of them has a boat, and the other one claims the ability to fly? Why are they still on the island then? One of them definitely needs to be lynched.
LOL. Newbies even want to lynch me d1.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:20 PM
It may be a while before I post again. I'm going to win the Sunday 1/4 million.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:20 PM
Btw seeing as I'm not used to this variant of "mafia", I don't know what to do about the event... But I will try and write this, and see if anything happens:

'4 8 15 16 23 42'

For those unfamiliar with the show, these are the numbers that are to be typed every 108 minutes for the island not to act weird or something.
Sept 21: LOST WW Game Thread Quote
