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Secret Hitler TURBO Signup (5-10 players) Secret Hitler TURBO Signup (5-10 players)

12-13-2015 , 06:06 PM
There is a randomly shuffled deck of 17 policy cards: 11 Fascist cards and 6 Liberal cards.

Object of the Game

The Liberals win
--by playing 5 Liberal cards or
--by killing Hitler.

The Fascists win
--by playing 6 Fascist cards or
--by electing Hitler as Chancellor any time after the third Fascist card has been played.

--5 or 6 players - The first two Fascist cards played have no powers, and the third Fascist card played requires the President to examine the next three policy cards in the deck.
----5 players
------3 Liberals
------2 Fascists who know everyone's role
--------1 Hitler
--------1 Vanilla
----6 players
------4 Liberals
------2 Fascists who know everyone's role
--------1 Hitler
--------1 Vanilla

--7 or 8 players - The first Fascist card played has no powers, the second Fascist card played requires the President to examine the identity of a player of his or her choice (e.g., Hitler comes up as "Fascist," not "Hitler"), and the third Fascist card played requires the President to call a special election, naming the Presidential candidate of his or her choice.
----7 players
------4 Liberals
------3 Fascists
--------1 Hitler
--------2 Vanilla who know everyone's role
----8 players
------5 Liberals
------3 Fascists
--------1 Hitler
--------2 Vanilla who know everyone's role

--9 or 10 players - The first and second Fascist cards played require the President to examine the identity of a player of his or her choice (e.g., Hitler comes up as "Fascist," not "Hitler"), and the third Fascist card played requires the President to call a special election, naming the Presidential candidate of his or her choice.
----9 players
------5 Liberals
------4 Fascists
--------1 Hitler
--------3 Vanilla who know everyone's role
----10 players
------6 Liberals
------4 Fascists
--------1 Hitler
--------3 Vanilla who know everyone's role

The fourth and fifth Fascist policy cards played require the President to kill the player of his or her choice. Liberal policy cards never grant powers.

All players must communicate entirely within the thread; there is no Fascistchat.

Each election cycle is one day. The length of each day is:
--d1=14 minutes
--d2=13 minutes
--d3=12 minutes
--d4=11 minutes
--d5=10 minutes
--d6=9 minutes
--d7=8 minutes
--d8=7 minutes
--d9+=6 minutes

n0 actions
--The Mod sends each player his private list of votecodes (explained later).
--The Mod rands the player list and puts in it in the opening post of the game thread. The top name in that list is randed President.
--Within 2 minutes, the President must PM the Mod his 2 nominations for Chancellor.
--The Mod PMs the President the first 3 policy cards in the deck.
--Within 2 minutes, the President must PM the Mod the 2 policy cards he wants to pass on to the Chancellor. This step is done even if all 3 policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell.
--The Mod rands the Chancellor from the President's 2 nominations and PMs the Chancellor the 2 policy cards passed on from the President.
--Within 2 minutes, the Chancellor must PM the Mod which policy card he wants to play. This step is done even if both policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell. If a Fascist policy card is played with 9 or 10 players, the Chancellor also tells the Mod which player's identity card he wants to examine; the Mod replies by PM "Fascist" or "Liberal."

d1 actions
The Mod opens the thread announcing
--who the President picked as Chancellor,
--whether a Liberal card or a Fascist card was played
--what action was taken (if any)
--the next name in the player list as the new Presidential Candidate, who should begin and end all posts with a "P" for ease of identification
--that it is day 1.

Each Election Cycle/Day
Discussion is had about the decisions made by the prior President and Chancellor. The new Presidential Candidate is the next name in the opening post player list, who names a Chancellor Candidate by choosing a player who was neither the last President nor the last Chancellor* in underlined red. The Chancellor Candidate should begin and end all posts with "C" for ease of identification. The Candidates campaign for support among the players.

Each player has a list of 20 (more than needed) pairs of 3-digit votecodes--one pair for each election cycle/day. The first votecode of each pair means "yes," and the second votecode of each pair means "no." All players vote in the thread by posting their votecode in bold before the deadline. Players may change their mind--the last vote by the deadline is what counts, just as in werewolf. This allows the automatic votecounter to tabulate results quickly and accurately. Players may say they are voting one way while their votecode actually means they are voting the other way.

If the presidential ticket is voted "no" (no majority), the Mod announces this fact and how each player actually voted; we skip night to move straight to the next day for a new election cycle.

*In 5-player games, only the last Chancellor is ineligible.

n1 actions
If the presidential ticket is voted "yes" (majority), the Mod announces this fact and how each player actually voted; it is then night for 4 minutes while the following 2 PM exchanges occur:
--The Mod PMs the President the next 3 policy cards in the deck.
--Within 2 minutes, the President must PM the Mod the 2 policy cards he wants to pass on to the Chancellor. This step is done even if all 3 policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell.
--The Mod PMs the Chancellor the 2 policy cards passed on from the President.
--Within 2 minutes, the Chancellor must PM the Mod which policy card he wants to play. This step is done even if both policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell. If a Fascist policy card is played with 7 to 10 players, the Chancellor also tells the Mod which player's identity card he wants to examine; the Mod replies by PM "Fascist" or "Liberal."

d2 (election cycle 2) actions
The Mod opens the thread announcing
--whether a Liberal card or a Fascist card was played
--what action was taken (if any)
--the next name in the player list as the new Presidential Candidate, who should begin and end all posts with a "P" for ease of identification
--that it is day 2

Play proceeds per the above section "Each Election Cycle."

When the Chancellor plays the 4th or 5th Fascist policy card, the Chancellor PMs the Mod which player he wants to kill. The Mod then opens the thread announcing who the Chancellor killed. If it was Hitler, the Liberals win. If it was not Hitler, play continues without a reveal of the killed player's affiliation. The killed player is dead just as in werewolf (no posting, etc).

After enactment of the 5th Fascist policy card, the Chancellor is no longer necessarily forced to enact one of the two policies handed down by the President. The Chancellor may now VETO them. When this happens, the Moderator informs the President that the Chancellor vetoed the policies. The President may then ALLOW or FORBID the Chancellor's veto. If the President forbids the Chancellor's veto, the Chancellor must implement one of the two policies just as before. However, if the President allows the Chancellor's veto, both policies are discarded, and the next player in the opening post player list becomes the Presidential candidate.

After 2 consecutive elections with no majority support for the presidential-chancellor ticket, the next policy card in the deck is played WITHOUT its powers (if any), and the next Presidential Candidate in the opening post player list may choose a player for Chancellor Candidate regardless of whether the Chancellor Candidate was the last President or Chancellor.

If we run out of policy cards, the discards are shuffled and returned to the deck.

--Everyone should claim to be a liberal. Since the Liberal team has a voting majority, it can easily shut out anyone who reveals he is a fascist. Liberals who claim to be
fascists put their team at a significant disadvantage.
--Slow the game down and discuss every decision. Consider what powers the president will gain if a fascist law is enacted, and ask potential presidents how they’ll use their powers. Liberals generally want to slow the game down to a
crawl and think about every vote and decision. Fascists generally want to blow through the game and hope that the group makes sloppy mistakes.
--Although they have a majority, it’s extremely hard for the Liberals to win. They need to establish trust with one another and use their voting power to prevent the Fascists from getting elected and using the special powers of the President.
--Pay careful attention to the position of players in the list and who’s going to be President next; you don’t want to be forced into a situation where you have to vote
for a fascist ticket. The “special election” Presidential power is very powerful - make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands!
--In most cases, Hitler will want to play as a staunch Liberal - that way, the group will be amenable to installing him or her as Chancellor later in the game.
--Fascists want to investigate Hitler early and name him as a Liberal - this prevents a Liberal President from outing Hitler as a Fascist.

See this thread started by thediceman for additional information.

Also thanks to Carl_Spackler for guiding me toward this turbo adaptation which should be much more user friendly and easier to mod than my original adaptation. His feedback is here.

Last edited by Zorkman; 12-13-2015 at 06:31 PM.
12-13-2015 , 06:25 PM
12-13-2015 , 06:26 PM
Searix--a true player and a gentleman. 4-9 more guinea pigs, please.
12-13-2015 , 07:42 PM
I'll give it a shot, vote codes are a good idea to try
12-13-2015 , 07:49 PM
3 more
12-13-2015 , 07:52 PM

I'm sure this was covered somewhere but what are the starting policy card amounts again?

And I'm I right in thinking cards are never returned to the the deck until less than three cards, and then the whole thing is reshuffled?
12-13-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler

I'm sure this was covered somewhere but what are the starting policy card amounts again?

And I'm I right in thinking cards are never returned to the the deck until less than three cards, and then the whole thing is reshuffled?
17 cards of which 11 are Fascist and 6 are Liberal

Discards are re-shuffled and returned to the deck when we run out of cards. So if there are 2 cards left in the deck but we need to draw 3, we dispense the last 2 cards and draw the third card randomly from the discards which will then comprise the new deck.
12-13-2015 , 08:03 PM

When the 5th player says "in," we will rand with those 5 unless a 6th player says "in" within 5 minutes of the 5th player saying "in." And so on and so forth until we get to 10 players.
12-13-2015 , 08:23 PM

Under "n0 actions," the last bullet point, change it to read:
--Within 2 minutes, the Chancellor must PM the Mod and the President which policy card he wants to play. This step is done even if both policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell. If a Fascist policy card is played with 9 or 10 players, the President PMs the Mod which player's identity card he wants to examine; the Mod replies by PM "Fascist" or "Liberal."

Under "n1 actions," the last bullet point, change it to read:
--Within 2 minutes, the Chancellor must PM the Mod and the President which policy card he wants to play. This step is done even if both policy cards are identical to avoid giving a timing tell. If a Fascist policy card is played with 7 to 10 players, the President PMs the Mod which player's identity card he wants to examine; the Mod replies by PM "Fascist" or "Liberal."

Finally, change the first two sentences of the paragraph underneath "Play proceeds per the above section "Each Election Cycle" to read:
"When the Chancellor plays the 4th or 5th Fascist policy card, the Chancellor PMs the Mod and the President that he is playing the Fascist card. The President PMs the Mod with which player he wants to kill. The Mod then opens the thread announcing who the President killed."

Thank you for your understanding on this our inauguaral run of this event.
12-13-2015 , 09:24 PM
I am up for starting this anytime we have enough players tonight. This is still a thing as of right now.
12-13-2015 , 11:23 PM
Sorry, have to out.
12-13-2015 , 11:24 PM
I understand, Carl. I will periodically offer this until it finally flies. Any constructive criticism is welcome via PM.

I am no longer available to host this tonight. Hopefully Wednesday evening.
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