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SE/POG WW Game Design Help SE/POG WW Game Design Help

02-29-2012 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by soah
I still don't understand why people want to play with a group of people they don't know, who don't want to play with outsiders, when there is ample opportunity to play in games open to everyone.
Probably the same reason people would want to help a group of people they don't know, who don't want to play with outsiders, with game design.
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02-29-2012 , 11:10 AM
It's funny because I love both POG and SE but they are vastly different in terms of culture IMO.
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02-29-2012 , 11:16 AM
Posting in epic crossover thread. I know there is some animosity between SE & POG, but I got nothing but love for both. If it wasn't for reading SE 2.0, I wouldn't have started playing this awesome game. The more people that play in both POG and SE, the better, imo.
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02-29-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
did the pokemon game have inthread attacks?

i think i want to do a 151 player pokemon mega mishmash where everyone gets a character and a move set

in fact this sounds like the best idea ever on 2p2.
potential update: start everyone out as a basic and let people evolve since 151 players is too optimistic (or maybe?)

then no one would be stuck as magikarp or metapod forever
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
lol, in all honesty this is why I didn't play HP and also why I skipped the girl with the dragon tattoo game.

It is also the reason why I signed up for the South Park game, the Save Our Souls mishmashes and the SE games. I played because the themes intrigued me.

I agree with those saying we should be giving reasons as to why people shouldn't be playing in SE but it's a community based game that people want to play with people they know. It's not we are excluding people in our community even though we love to troll them sometimes (hotwings).
Me too, actually, why I skipped Harry Potter. Even though I played in pokemon and my little pony despite knowing nothing about either one.
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02-29-2012 , 11:19 AM
Just rig me as Mewtwo and we'll go from there.
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02-29-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by fanmail
Me too, actually, why I skipped Harry Potter. Even though I played in pokemon and my little pony despite knowing nothing about either one.
Ya this is why I am fine with a community based game like SE has. POGers definitely are not excluded.


Among others have all played and it's because they have links to SE. The situation with Sun probably should have went like this.

Sun: Can I play in this?
SE: Well that depends...
SE: Do you know anything about sports or do you play in SE?
Sun: No
SE: Sorry we want to play with people who are actively involved in SE.

If Sun says Yes...

SE: Welcome to the game!
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
potential update: start everyone out as a basic and let people evolve since 151 players is too optimistic (or maybe?)

then no one would be stuck as magikarp or metapod forever

72off, you are magikarp, a useless pokemon. You are a villager. If you survive till level 18 you evolve into a mighty gyrados.

butnahhhhhh, what 72off didnt know is that his owner is power levelling him and will keep him as a magikarp forever
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
potential update: start everyone out as a basic and let people evolve since 151 players is too optimistic (or maybe?)

then no one would be stuck as magikarp or metapod forever
If you're caterpie before metapod it isn't quite the death setnece
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:24 AM
Pokemon, yet another them I would have no clue about
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02-29-2012 , 11:26 AM
Theme definitely affects whether people play or not, its the reason why I played my only pog game ever, HP4. Also i can't imagine playing HP4 without knowing anything about Harry Potter, the plot and characters of the books were integrated quite deeply into the game.

definitely a lot different than an SE game and i doubt i'll play in POG again unless theres a really badass theme
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02-29-2012 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Theme definitely affects whether people play or not, its the reason why I played my only pog game ever, HP4. Also i can't imagine playing HP4 without knowing anything about Harry Potter, the plot and characters of the books were integrated quite deeply into the game.

definitely a lot different than an SE game and i doubt i'll play in POG again unless theres a really badass theme
lots of people played HP without knowing the first thing about HP. It really isn't a requirement.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Theme definitely affects whether people play or not, its the reason why I played my only pog game ever, HP4. Also i can't imagine playing HP4 without knowing anything about Harry Potter, the plot and characters of the books were integrated quite deeply into the game.

definitely a lot different than an SE game and i doubt i'll play in POG again unless theres a really badass theme
Ya I read the first day and a half of Harry Potter game thread and had no idea wtf was going on.
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02-29-2012 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
lots of people played HP without knowing the first thing about HP. It really isn't a requirement.
Of course, but that game was a lot easier to follow/figure out if you knew your HP imo
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:30 AM
I played the HP game and it was awesome because I know everything about it.

I played the LOTR game and it was pretty fun because I watched the movies and generally knew what was going on.

I played the GoT game and it was meh because I dont know anything about it except emiliaclarkenude.wmv
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:39 AM
I like all the big mishmashes I have played from lotr (once watched 15 minutes of a movie and turned it off bc it sucked) to GoT (saw two episodes then got too busy to keep watching) to pokemon (I used to sell the cards at huge markups in 7th grade but thats all I know). theme only matters to me in that its an added bonus if I know it and like it.
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02-29-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
They were practically all your posts from the post game. They were on 2 pages I think, everyone can go and read it in the correct context and it will still look pretty bad.

I see you get really involved in a game you play, but there is simply no reason to bash a mod like that, even if his game was flawed. It was built with the best intentions.

How about you design a game and let SE play? You will be surprised how much work/effort and fun comes with it and maybe after having seen the other side, you will be a little more comprehensive vs mods in the future.
Grunching but again this is a cultural difference.. so was the response to Sun. That isn't rude in SE. Their words are more abrasive than POG, but aren't actually mean.

The mod bashing and trolling is part of the game lol
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
I played the HP game and it was awesome because I know everything about it.
It was awesome? I only remember you complain. Lame events, stupid roles, ******ed exemptions, etc.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:43 AM
Gabe showing exactly why SE games should not be open to everyone ITT
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02-29-2012 , 11:44 AM
meh, everytime I try to say something mildly trolling or offensive in SE I get a ban. rigged modding imo.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:45 AM
Gabe has lost the plot.
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02-29-2012 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
Gabe showing exactly why SE games should not be open to everyone ITT
you are showing exactly why poggers should not help mod SE games.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
meh, everytime I try to say something mildly trolling or offensive in SE I get a ban. rigged modding imo.
Calleddownlight - Hurricane smack
calleddownlight - circumventing ban

Well 2nd one is an auto ban, dunno what the hurricane smack was about. Try harder.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
you are showing exactly why poggers should not help mod SE games.
Then don't? It was a request and if someone doesn't want to that's completely fine. I wouldn't hold that against them.

But if Gabe thought they were rude to Sun and should change.. or that the trolling afterwards was a problem.. or whatever.. that shows a really strong culture difference. It's quite clear he wouldn't be a good fit.. and as I said that is probably true for most of POG. This is aside from the fact that SE prefers to play with people they know.

If someone has a problem with that they shouldn't help.. and it isn't wrong if they don't. Hoya had a lot of fun being very involved in SE3.0 and is now completely welcome and part of it. Lots of poggers have played there. And because of those games it is growing the playerbase in POG. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to want to help. If someone feels they shouldn't because of other reasons that is completely legitimate too.

edit: I can't even tell if your passive aggressive response was even disagreeing with me? Gabe's post just show a distinct misunderstanding of the culture of SE.. and asking they act differently is pretty absurd.

Last edited by chim17; 02-29-2012 at 12:05 PM.
SE/POG WW Game Design Help Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Calleddownlight - Hurricane smack
calleddownlight - circumventing ban

Well 2nd one is an auto ban, dunno what the hurricane smack was about. Try harder.
He made some joke to Noze about wanting Katrina to happen again I think.
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