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SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD

11-18-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
vyk dies tonight because unfortunately the wolves started with 14.

i am going to change my vote to colorman/vyk

however, the wagons that we were on (or about to be on) before everyone decided they wanted to grow up to be a seer were:


there are some interactions between manji/lineguy/etc. that could possibly be looked into a bit. i am honestly not sure where i stand at on manji, imo he is posting as if he were a wolf in tone (i believe he's trying to be "manji" without actually "manjiing," saying cliche things here and there like "come at me bro" but actually just kind of laying low). however, that is not nearly enough for me to want to call him a wolf. i also don't think those guys are at the top of our list.

it seems like we have to hold off on the whitegoose thing for now, even sb was clearly paranoid about the colorguy thing. sb and whitegoose, i GUESS are legit? honestly i don't know, i wouldn't put all my weight behind it.. at this point i think the wolves are probably pretty well hidden. there's a good chance that when the hinges flew off of the c-vig train, the rest of the wolves were just laying low (as dudd was). of those guys, i'd imagine we could be looking at guys like mjw/heels/daer/some of the other guys who have hardly been mentioned. i'd say the people that did the least talking in the last 48 hours while watching us self destruct are most likely.

i still trust meb the most. he'd literally be the best wolf of all time if he pulled tuma out of his ass while he was laying low and successfully put a bandwagon together for a lynch only to super level us in the end. it seems unlikely.
did you just openly admit to me being a villager accidentally playing for the wolf team and then vote to lynch me?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:46 PM
holy **** vyk what is wrong with you
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:46 PM
Im reading a lot and posting little,

smiecimackaa is our best bet tonight.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:48 PM
whatever im staying on smietard cause that's the only thing i feel comfortable with right now and i dont have much time

honestly i will try to vote this weekend from my phone but i also dont want to listen to the wrong person when choosing who to vote for. if i am not confident with my vote, i will be not voting end of sunday. ill be watching ELIte Manning pwn the eagles tho so that'll make up for it.


wait is there a reason vyk isnt being snap killed?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
i jsut got home from work and i have to leave in 45 minutes to drive to another state. i dont have time to read the thread. i also will be away all day saturday and sunday and will miss that entire "day." i told the admin or whoever that was the case.

can someone give me a cliffnotes of whats going on
I went full ****** mode, self destructed, and blew up my own game to the detriment of the village b/c I was too f*cking ******ed to notice that kkcountry got modkilled this morning while following through on my village FPS fake seer claim today

it was an inexcusable action that resulted from my absolute stupidity, which I want to apologize to every single player in the game for

I want to repent and make amends
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
holy **** vyk what is wrong with you
I honestly for the life of me have no idea how I possibly missed kkcountry getting modkilled this morning

I just.... uhhhhhh


I'm terrible at this game

I repent

I seek forgiveness
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:49 PM
how are you not being strung up from a tree while posting lolcats as we speak can someone explain that

also how is fake peeking someone who is actually a villager as a wolf ever helpful
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:50 PM
actually i can see how it theoretically could be helpful but it still seems pretty stupid

i knew you werent a seer
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:51 PM
Karak, I want to apologize to you personally for including you in my fake peek clusterf*ck of a disaster

I was legitimately certain that you were a villager, whose inclusion would rouse the suspicions of the wolves and possibly help me take 1 for the team for the village during the Night Kills
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:51 PM
explain to me how fpsing ever in a thousand years is even remotely intelligent as a vanillager after the village was on cruise control just owning souls every night. like what could possibly go through your mind as someone with even 4 seconds of experience at this game that makes that the correct move?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:51 PM
If I survive tonight and you people don't lynch vyk07, starting tomorrow and for the rest of the game I'm snap voting for people who keep saying to leave the closest thing we have to a lock wolf alone because we've identified him, we can kill him later or let the vig clean up our mess. What a load of crap. I'm so tilted by this right now I can't even believe it. The object of the game is to kill the damn wolves, not to make fancy moves. We have had an advantage since night 2 and we're in danger of pissing it away chasing fake wagons when there is an obvious choice for the kill. I let myself get talked out of it yesterday just like most everybody else but not today.

There are at least two possibilities here:
1. vyk is a tard. I don't want to believe this. I don't think it's true. If he flips villa it might be though. The "villager FPS" excuse rings hollow to me.
2. vyk is a wolf.

Vyk, if you're really a vanillager, why fake peek kkcountry as a wolf? That makes no sense. Once you're dead the village is going to need to take a hard look at who you were trying to protect.

SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:51 PM
hay guize

I just realized something.

if vyk flips vanilla AND steriodboy IS actually a seer, then we just got a really, really good piece of info.

the wolves chose to roleblock SB last night instead of vyk for a reason. Most likely: they didn't believe vyk was actually a seer - because AT LEAST one of Nath, DCIAce, and Karak is a wolf.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:51 PM
how are you and steroidboy both alive
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
how are you not being strung up from a tree while posting lolcats as we speak can someone explain that

also how is fake peeking someone who is actually a villager as a wolf ever helpful
Originally Posted by Karak
actually i can see how it theoretically could be helpful but it still seems pretty stupid

i knew you werent a seer
I'm sorry Karak

my propensity for fancy play got the best of me

I executed terribly and it all fell apart along the way

I was hoping to take a bullet for one of our actual seers if my fake peeks were correct, as well as Seer Hunt Clear the 3 of you for the rest of the game

I had absolutely no intention to expose any of our PRs, I only wanted to lay cover for our seers
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Woodfox
If I survive tonight and you people don't lynch vyk07, starting tomorrow and for the rest of the game I'm snap voting for people who keep saying to leave the closest thing we have to a lock wolf alone because we've identified him, we can kill him later or let the vig clean up our mess. What a load of crap. I'm so tilted by this right now I can't even believe it. The object of the game is to kill the damn wolves, not to make fancy moves. We have had an advantage since night 2 and we're in danger of pissing it away chasing fake wagons when there is an obvious choice for the kill. I let myself get talked out of it yesterday just like most everybody else but not today.

There are at least two possibilities here:
1. vyk is a tard. I don't want to believe this. I don't think it's true. If he flips villa it might be though. The "villager FPS" excuse rings hollow to me.
2. vyk is a wolf.

Vyk, if you're really a vanillager, why fake peek kkcountry as a wolf? That makes no sense. Once you're dead the village is going to need to take a hard look at who you were trying to protect.

I mean I understand why I need to be lynched

But I openly admit to being a tard

so there's that

do what you wish
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
you don't wanna know bro. just vote smie or vmf or someone for the next few days consecutively so we kill an obvious wolf or a spazzy villager.
vmf and vyk gotta go down today.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:54 PM
need a count here pretty soon
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
explain to me how fpsing ever in a thousand years is even remotely intelligent as a vanillager after the village was on cruise control just owning souls every night. like what could possibly go through your mind as someone with even 4 seconds of experience at this game that makes that the correct move?
it was seer cover turned into a seer claim b/c of a poor wording issue in my original fake seer cover statement

I'm Lithuanian and English isn't my 1st language, so I want to apologize for the poor construction of that post, which ultimately f*cked me into committing
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:55 PM
Votes as of post 7018
Night in 02:05

13 smiecimackaa g-bebe (9), Geddy Lee (12), Karak (18), LuckyLloyd (14), master3004 (1), McBeef (11), Palo (9), pvn (21), showerman9 (14), tweedybirdd (1), vixticator (34), vyk07 (83), Whitegoose (1)
10 vyk07 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ (9), 72off (9), aejones (15), Booker Woodfox (13), Chilltown (9), DukeSucks (8), JumanjiBoard (11), MEbenhoe (40), nath (8), Steroid Boy (15)
7 VarianceMinefield nutshot2 (16), EADGBE (11), LurchySoprano (1), NozeCandy (9), riverboatking (18), smiecimackaa (27), Victor (48)
1 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ DCIAce (61)
1 Chilltown VarianceMinefield (101)
1 pvn McAvoy (15)
1 Whitegoose rmthawk64 (5)
5 not voting mjw0586 (7), tarheeljks (4), wiper (1), Daer (2), Debo9 (1)
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
hay guize

I just realized something.

if vyk flips vanilla AND steriodboy IS actually a seer, then we just got a really, really good piece of info.

the wolves chose to roleblock SB last night instead of vyk for a reason. Most likely: they didn't believe vyk was actually a seer - because AT LEAST one of Nath, DCIAce, and Karak is a wolf.


either that or SB's claim was a lot more believable than mine was

but I have to ask, since SB was roleblocked then who was successfully angeled exactly?

I have 1 out in this game to clear myself and it's if our remaining angel protected me last night, which would confirm me being a villager

it's the only likelihood of salvation that I see
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:56 PM
This is how it went down with 90 minutes left in day 1.

1. Meb starts a wagon.
2. I am the second vote on the wagon, after Tuma gave it away by being particularly vague, I said "oh yea bro, you're a ****en wolf."
3. The wagon gains traction that the wolves couldn't have possibly seen coming, C-vig tries in vain to derail it (or rather, successfully derails it, only to help us kill him as well).

It should be noted that I did NOT vote for Tuma on day 2 because I knew he'd get vig-killed, and I received a lot of info that it was a bad idea to lynch someone who was a sure vig-kill death. It didn't matter, they all ended up dying anyways.

Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
I'm going to start a wagon for Tumaterminator.

This is based on his posts in the thread today which seem to mostly offer no info and be distracting and then the sudden bandwagon jump out of nowhere.

Lets see what happens.
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
How about a couple villagers who voted for LL change to Tuma? I think we need to even things out between LL and IRM anyways.
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
Help start the Tuma wagon for informational purposes. Need to get it up to 5 for it to be taken seriously imo.
Originally Posted by aejones
personally, i think we should just jump on someone random instead of the ppl ahead right now. i'd rather vote someone a little suspicious who has been quiet than the ppl at the top, fwiw. if someone starts a relatively convincing bandwagon (nath?) i'll probably jump aboard it.

im okay if that bandwagon is tuq, i really think he's gonna wind up being a wolf, but my only reasoning is his first post in this thread.
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe

Jump on the tuma bandwagon
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
nothing like wolves scrambling last minute to change wagons
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
I find it interesting that no one will join the Tuma wagon. Look back at all his posts today and then take into consideration that he just popped in to pile on the LL bandwagon.
Originally Posted by aejones
ok i am going to unvote tuq

and my vote wil lnow me for TUMAwhatever
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
this is intense
Originally Posted by aejones
oh yea bro, you're a ****en wolf.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:57 PM
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:58 PM
vmf delenda est!
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
vmf and vyk gotta go down today.
you can rightfully call me a horrible ****** all you want VIctor, but your getting nowhere by telling the village that 2 villagers need to go down today

kill me and then when I flip vanilla, consider variance villa

I know he's a villager
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-18-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Still not getting the smie wagon, really doubt that many wolves would be thinking HEY LETS DRAW AS MUCH ATTENTION TO OURSELVES AS POSSIBLE which would basically have been their strategy by having him sucking off cvig as much as he did before cvig just came out and said he was a wolf. It was obv cvig was going down all day long and he almost certainly would have been told to cool it somewhat instead of making himself one of the ldo targets for a wagon over the next few days.
He was all on CViggys nuts before we thought he was wolf
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
