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SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD

11-16-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
i wish you'd stop lumping me into this group. look back at my posts. i'd been questioning ut all day
i noted that your timing was different than theirs. it doesn't absolve you though
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:02 PM
Ok I'm turning this **** off.

Go after Karak and Needle imo
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:02 PM
All I hope is they can sort through my bad posts (most of them) and good ones if you guys kill me. If I'm right about EOD2 you guys must be freaking out.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:04 PM
wow that tuma post "there wont be for him" when there was no basaint wagon is pretty funny. hindsight man gonna hindsight even though i did vote for tuma. gonna read some more day 2 soon.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyLloyd
Both of these are good points. You do remain on my wolf list though because of the 'don't lynch tuma argument, vig get him instead arguments'.
i got that advice from a few players who had played the game before-- and frankly, it made perfect sense to me. hell, it still makes some sense to me. i recieved that advice from dudd (who turned out to be a wolf) and, before him, i think tarheels? either heels or mjw, i don't remember. actually, probably mjw. either way, like i said, it seemed smart.

on one hand i think it's pretty reasonable to think i was a wolf because i've been involved in some pretty weird stuff (aka everything associated with assani, sigh). on the other hand, i led the tuma charge on day 1 and only backed off it on day two because i figured vig would kill him so getting two other wagons would get us some info (and i think it did, i now think ut is likely a villager, and there is some weird stuff going on with everyone who was anti- victor, which was another competing wagon for a while that day). i would look closely at me, but i think there are a half dozen people that need to die first.

also, you have to admit i've been a pretty good villager. i'm active and i don't go crazy with personal accusations.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by smiecimackaa
Vix is such a cancer. I hope nobody ever listens to him
You're always attacking people, just calm down and stop insulting good posters.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:07 PM
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
i got that advice from a few players who had played the game before-- and frankly, it made perfect sense to me. hell, it still makes some sense to me. i recieved that advice from dudd (who turned out to be a wolf) and, before him, i think tarheels? either heels or mjw, i don't remember. actually, probably mjw. either way, like i said, it seemed smart.

on one hand i think it's pretty reasonable to think i was a wolf because i've been involved in some pretty weird stuff (aka everything associated with assani, sigh). on the other hand, i led the tuma charge on day 1 and only backed off it on day two because i figured vig would kill him so getting two other wagons would get us some info (and i think it did, i now think ut is likely a villager, and there is some weird stuff going on with everyone who was anti- victor, which was another competing wagon for a while that day). i would look closely at me, but i think there are a half dozen people that need to die first.

also, you have to admit i've been a pretty good villager. i'm active and i don't go crazy with personal accusations.
You're no Smie! But let's say Dudd came up villager, people would have said he was a 'pretty good villager'. Taking an easy tone and appearing helpful does not mean villager in of itself.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:08 PM
Also I started the vote for BASaint. Tuma jumped on to agree. Why did I accuse BAS? Look through the conversation. He came right out pointing the finger at me so I did the same back to him. We hashed it out for a while and both ended up on Tuma. BASaint completely dropped his line on me and I dropped mine on him. It's all there.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
what actions are you using to clear each one?
MEb jumped from Assani (villager) to lead a wagon on Tuma (wolf) on d1 and never backed down when it got going big time, he encouraged it as it got stronger iirc

vix, nath, Booker, DCI all essentially cross posted a potentially deciding vote on Tuma last night at EOD

Victor and ut are based on last night's wagons. I think there were probably several wolves on them trying to divert the attention from Tuma. Victor was especially impressive as a villager, calling out late voters on ut even though it was helping him survive.

ut is the weakest on there, but I think he's much more likely to be a villager based on last night's wagons
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
aejones is not cleared lol
how many peopl are you ready to clear on day 3 of like a 20 day long game with no seers dead yet
you are an idiot. when people say "cleared" they almost certainly mean for like the next 3 days. and that is a perfectly reasonable thing, to clear someone for 3 days. for instance, nothing could make me vote meb in the next 5 days basically, because there is no ****ing way a wolf just starts another wolf's wagon with NO other help on day 1, when it's a total shot in the dar kand the wolves should be watching us scramble aimlessly.

Originally Posted by DCIAce
Assani/ae chat means nothing to ae's role, good or bad.

If you mean thread interaction afterwards, I agree somewhat.
Originally Posted by vixticator
It's based on aejones responses since my accusation. I should prob dig these up at some point.
i don't think the chat means much, nor does my association with assani. i think my actions in the thread, which have been pretty aggro for a first timer and also pretty helpful imo, should give me some rope (lol) for a few days.

Originally Posted by tarheeljks
aejones is possibly a wolf. he is in the group of people who wanted to vig tuma and also voted ut2010 along with mjw, dye, and debo
could you please explain why that makes me a wolf? i will then point out the posts where veterans (and supposedly villagers, although i think dudd was one of them) told me that it was smart to get on other wagons if one person was so likely to die by the vig. can i really be blamed for listening to them?

also, can you explain why it is bad strategy?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
ok here's something thats been bothering me a little all game

early on mjw said something to the effect of:

" i remember the first time i was a wolf. i spewed a lot early and then in wolfchat, i was told to shut it down"

here in this game we've had tuma and wiper spew early (the former who flipped wolf, the latter who is wolfy imo). tuma shut it down yesterday, and his only real action was voting at the end. wiper eod1 said "if i were a villager", a constructed post, couldve needed to be edited, but its obvious through the confusing statement that he's thinking too much when posting. since then he's responded to criticisms, and hinted at posting reads.


the wiper line is different than tuma, but the trend of their vibe seems the same
I did say that, but I think you're stretching here big time to implicate me as the one who did it. A wolf (even if inexperienced) could have easily read that, said "yeah, that makes sense" and given the same advice to wolves in chat.

If I was a wolf, I wouldn't have posted that in the thread. I would have just told them in chat and not mentioned it in the thread and tried to spin their improvements as new players getting a handle on the game.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
i got that advice from a few players who had played the game before-- and frankly, it made perfect sense to me. hell, it still makes some sense to me. i recieved that advice from dudd (who turned out to be a wolf) and, before him, i think tarheels? either heels or mjw, i don't remember. actually, probably mjw. either way, like i said, it seemed smart.

on one hand i think it's pretty reasonable to think i was a wolf because i've been involved in some pretty weird stuff (aka everything associated with assani, sigh). on the other hand, i led the tuma charge on day 1 and only backed off it on day two because i figured vig would kill him so getting two other wagons would get us some info (and i think it did, i now think ut is likely a villager, and there is some weird stuff going on with everyone who was anti- victor, which was another competing wagon for a while that day). i would look closely at me, but i think there are a half dozen people that need to die first.

also, you have to admit i've been a pretty good villager. i'm active and i don't go crazy with personal accusations.
Originally Posted by aejones
you are an idiot. when people say "cleared" they almost certainly mean for like the next 3 days. and that is a perfectly reasonable thing, to clear someone for 3 days. for instance, nothing could make me vote meb in the next 5 days basically, because there is no ****ing way a wolf just starts another wolf's wagon with NO other help on day 1, when it's a total shot in the dar kand the wolves should be watching us scramble aimlessly.

i don't think the chat means much, nor does my association with assani. i think my actions in the thread, which have been pretty aggro for a first timer and also pretty helpful imo, should give me some rope (lol) for a few days.

could you please explain why that makes me a wolf? i will then point out the posts where veterans (and supposedly villagers, although i think dudd was one of them) told me that it was smart to get on other wagons if one person was so likely to die by the vig. can i really be blamed for listening to them?

also, can you explain why it is bad strategy?
Don't think it means anything but lol. Next line.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:18 PM
vix comes off more villaish the more i read through day 2. cvig vs someone from eod 2 is the right call.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:18 PM
lol, i guess it should have read that i don't flip when people criticize me, but lol c-vig can you rly blame me?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:19 PM
As I said I doubt it meant anything but the Manji ghana lol since it was the very first sentence of your next post.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:24 PM
alright, there is no chance of a needle wagon i suppose. i'm still keeping him high on my wolfdar though.

c-vig evidence is out there. i'm not going to be surprised if he flips villa though, i couldn't see trying to save a wolf on d1 like that, basically outing yourself in the process
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:26 PM
Don't think we're gonna learn as much from EOD tonight if (when?) C-Vig is wolf. Wolves likely learned from last night. We should pursue all angles from last night until we get stuck.

Also I didn't follow much of the Dudd fallout. Did he implicate anyone with him? (I know some of you have been on this trail just remind me).
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:30 PM
wheres karak?
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:30 PM
Btw do we find out if wolves try to kill someone and angel protects them? Based on Bango and BASaint getting hit I expect nath, myself, tarheel, or Victor will get got tonight.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:31 PM
And if EADGBE gets got we have to hit up Karak
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Don't think we're gonna learn as much from EOD tonight if (when?) C-Vig is wolf. Wolves likely learned from last night. We should pursue all angles from last night until we get stuck.

Also I didn't follow much of the Dudd fallout. Did he implicate anyone with him? (I know some of you have been on this trail just remind me).
there is a good multiquote of all of dudd's posts (by meb or karak or heels or mjw i think, lol) but it's a few hundred posts back. it implicates some people who he was trying to clear or steer people away from in a very passive aggressive way. i think they are probably some good wolf candidates tbh, but right now getting rid of cvig and smie for the noise they put in this thread is more pressing.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
could you please explain why that makes me a wolf? i will then point out the posts where veterans (and supposedly villagers, although i think dudd was one of them) told me that it was smart to get on other wagons if one person was so likely to die by the vig. can i really be blamed for listening to them?

also, can you explain why it is bad strategy?
it makes you more likely to be a wolf b/c we know the wolves espoused this strategy. it's bad strategy b/c while there are times when it makes sense to shoot someone, the time is not when said person's wagon is being resisted. also the point is not that every single person who did this is a wolf, b/c villagers are always going to get mixed in these lists. point is that we know the a wolf did it so it is a great place look for lynch candidates b/c it is unlikely that dudd was the only wolf pushing that agenda
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:32 PM
"If C-Viggity is a wolf, he's a genius. No way he'd throw this all away to protect Tuma who's a goner anyway"
fair point. esp since cvig was the last voter and putting tons of time into this thread
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:36 PM
Fill in the blank.

If C-Vig is villa _________________________.
SE MegaElite Werewolf Crossover GAME THREAD Quote
