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Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel

10-04-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
If he was at 113 then 126 seems like one of the best stations for him to be at right now, 1 move away from the Underground or a Boat.

I'm leery of us completely selling out to chase South when there's the chance he was on 80 and took a Taxi to 63 and then a Bus to 34.
Another selling point for the station at 126 is that he can just take a Taxi across the river to 127 and then push further South or double back to the Boat at 115.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:26 PM
possibilities from 113

double taxi to:

or he could taxi to 100 and bus to:

111 is his best choice for covering distance but at least we'll know that's where he went if he uses an underground ticket next turn
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:28 PM
I agree that 126 is his best choice of the taxi/taxi spots
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:02 PM
To add to his possibilities he could also have moved away and then back to 113 but I don't think that has a lot of utility given that he has to reveal himself in 2 or 3 moves.

I really need a ruling on whether his double move counts as 1 or 2 game moves.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
To add to his possibilities he could also have moved away and then back to 113 but I don't think that has a lot of utility given that he has to reveal himself in 2 or 3 moves.

I really need a ruling on whether his double move counts as 1 or 2 game moves.
I'm pretty sure it's one turn which is the relevant metric here

using his double-moves doesn't alter game chronology
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:07 PM
kind of like how advancing a pawn 2 squares is a type of double move but it doesn't count as 2 moves toward time controls etc
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:13 PM
Ya I think it's one turn as well but Dwetz listed it as move 5 and move 6 which is what's throwing me off.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:17 PM
yeah, it should just be move five

and again, I'd rather say turn
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:27 PM
My gut instinct says he's headed either...

North: 80 > 63 > 34
or East: 80 > 63 > 65

assuming we're going to head South. East would get him to the underground at 67 in one more turn, which could then take him to 13 or 89.

Also, obviously move for me if I'm not about. The 5 of us are basically controlling 5 generic counters anyway rather than having individual moves. Weekends aren't great for me, so I might not be around as much, but weekdays I should be here a lot of the time.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:38 PM
These are the potential starting stations for all 6 players:


Gabe, can you confirm that Mr X also started from one of these stations?

I have to assume he did as that's one of the rules and such.

Given that he went Taxi, Taxi, Bus for his first 3 moves before arriving at station 100 Dwetz must have taken Taxi-Taxi to one of the Bus stations at 63, 82 or 111.

This means that his only 2 starting points were 34 or 138 and give the starting points of the Detectives I think it's unlikely that Mr X would have headed straight towards us from the beginning, therefore I'm gonna say that his starting point was 34 and his moves have been:

Taxi to 48
Taxi to 63
Bus to 100

Now how does this help us?

Given our starting points I believe that Dwetzel has been heading South the whole game so far and that it would be quite difficult for him, psychologically, to head back to 80 on Move 4 and hope to sneak back past us to the North. I think he wants to get to the Boats or the deep South and I have further ideas as to his ultimate plan but I don't want to start talking about that right now for obvious reasons.

I really feel like he's on 126 right now and that we should plan around that.

If he went back the way I suspect he came to station 100 then lolme I guess.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:51 PM
We can still have jay cover the North and head to 63 and then 34, I could then then make my way to the Underground at 67 in 3 moves which would give me a lot of range.

That would leave bloo, sun and neil to converge on the 126 station.

Last edited by The Moocher; 10-05-2013 at 12:07 AM. Reason: nit spelling
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:52 PM
And for those reasons I think my next move has to be Taxi to 100.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:55 PM
To be clear my moves would be Taxi to 100>Bus to 82 and Bus to 67.

This would also cover Mr X if he did indeed go 80>63>65 and plans to turn South again because I can intercept him at station 82.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:58 PM
good stuff
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i know we don't really have a proxy system agreed upon aorn but instead of the usual POG thing where we debate all the different angles we're just gonna take the sensible option and implement it immediately
That's fine

Originally Posted by jh1711

Edit: New rule for SYard only, if two or more Detectives make a move for an absentee Detective the move counts.
I kind of hate this rule. Sometimes in Scotland Yard someone has a hunch that Mr. X took a chance or so and make an unexpected move, ending the game or (if it was a wrong hunch) putting the Detectives in a suboptimal position. This really is not a high participation game and you *should* be able to at least have a look at the thread a couple of times/day.

Originally Posted by The Moocher
Does the 2x move card actually count as 2 separate moves?

If yes then Mr X has to reveal himself in 2 moves time, but if it's technically only 1 move then it's 3 obv.
I think he will self reveal earlier now.

Originally Posted by The Moocher
Gabe, can you confirm that Mr X also started from one of these stations?
He started from 34 (see the post where he self revealed, I think it should be standard to show his moves when he self reveals).
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:27 AM
Current game state:

Sun Tzu774--101

TurnDwetzeljh1711BloobirdSun TzumexineilMoocher

Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:30 AM
You think?

I guess Dwetz can prolly confirm tho.

And I don't think you should reveal his moves when he self-reveals if that's not part of the standard ruleset as it gives the Detectives more info.

Although I had obv already worked out that he started from 34.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
btw this site says that Mr X should only start with the following tickets and not the infinite amount he has here:

- 4 taxi tickets
- 3 bus tickets
- 3 underground tickets
- 2 double move pieces (2x)
- as many black tickets as there are detectives
That is true, but there is an additional rules that says all tickets spent by Detectives are handed over to Mr. X. In practice that means he has infinite Taxi, Bus and Underground tickets.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
That is true, but there is an additional rules that says all tickets spent by Detectives are handed over to Mr. X. In practice that means he has infinite Taxi, Bus and Underground tickets.
Ya I saw that but I think giving Mr X infinite tickets is exploitable in certain circumastances.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:47 AM
Only 2 moves until the next reveal changes things so I'm not quite sure of our moves right now.


Bloo needs to go to 115 to block the Boat, Sun can go to 114 which means that if Mr X is on 126 he can't go to either of those spots next, if he goes to 127 then Bloo can capture him next turn, which means he can only go to 140 but neil can take a Bus to 153 and then the Underground to 140 the next turn.

Which means that if Dwetzel is on 126 we can capture him for sure.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:48 AM
Or at least we force him to use his last double-move.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:52 AM
I like it
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:01 AM
And I think that means myself and Jay should head Northish so we can at least start to contain him if he headed that way.

So I'm feeling like this is optimal:

jay-taxi to 63
bloo-taxi to 115
sun-taxi to 114
neil-bus to 153
mooch-taxi to 100

This means that if Mr X is at 126 right now then we get him every time, if he has struck North then Jay and myself can start to contain him and myself and Sun will be in good position if he has tried to double-back and hide near his last reveal point.

Bloo will end up on 127 after 2 moves but he can take 2 Buses to the 67 Underground station.

I think this all makes sense.

In about an hour I'll be going out for the day so you can ofc make my moves for me.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:11 AM
I think it's better if Jay takes a Taxi to 62.

If Mr X was on 80 before his double-move he could have just taken a Taxi to 48 with the intention of cutting across to 62 and leaving Jay chasing his own tail if he goes to 63.

The added benefit is that if Mr X did indeed go to 34 and wants to get to the Underground at 46 then Jay can intercept him at station 47.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:20 AM
jay-taxi to 62, with the intention of taking a Taxi to 47 next move.
bloo-taxi to 115, he then MUST go to 127
sun-taxi to 114
neil-bus to 153, he then MUST take the Underground to 140
mooch-taxi to 100, with the intention of taking a Bus to 63 to prevent any doubling back along that route.

Not sure on Sun's best 2nd move because if he goes to 132 or 126 with the intention of using the Underground at 140 Neil will already be there and Sun moves before him, is problem.

Possibly it's best to just send Sun back to 101 again, meaning he will play the pivote role, much like Sergio Busquets at Barcelona.
Scotland Yard Game Thread - The hunt for DWetzel Quote
