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Scattergories reveal thread Scattergories reveal thread

06-04-2019 , 03:20 PM
Red arrows should be fine, they're with the RAF
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06-04-2019 , 03:20 PM
and lolme thought I said rainbow for things with wheels for a sec
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06-04-2019 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by PokerCrazy94
Red arrows should be fine, they're with the RAF
Ah, OK. Yeah I think that works. Will fix
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06-04-2019 , 03:23 PM
How are robots not valid? Have you never seen robot wars?

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06-04-2019 , 03:26 PM
Some tricky ones here.

There are two senses of the word "tickets" which opens up a bunch of possibilities.

Question 3: Things you get tickets for

ACES - 1:

racing - Alchemist
REM concert - ArcticKnight
ramones concert - bolt2112
Rush - CrimsonFox
Reunions - eleanor60
Revving an engine - Eric
Ratt - eyebooger
rally truck race - insanity31
Rockettes - JMurder3
Rave - killer_kill
revue - Nicholasp27
Rap concert - PokerCrazy94
running over people - Priptonite This one is borderline... is this a ticket, or an arrest?


radiohead concert - D1iabol1cal
radiohead - lukethefluke
Reading your phone while driving - True North The difference between this one and the ones above is that I've never heard someone talk about getting cited for "reading" their phone. It's close, though.
Rodeo - Bob Dobelina
Rodeo - Booker Wolfbox
Rodeo - derwipok
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06-04-2019 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
How are robots not valid? Have you never seen robot wars?
It is close for sure. I'm trying to be consistent with prior modding, for example on the "spotted things" question.

I wonder if at least half of robots have wheels. Maybe so
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06-04-2019 , 03:30 PM
Mmm rollerstakes
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06-04-2019 , 03:31 PM
lol if you only get a ticket for running over someone
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06-04-2019 , 03:33 PM
I think enough robots have wheels that it is good. Should be fixed in this scoring.

Scores after question 3:

4 - eyebooger
2 - ArcticKnight
2 - insanity31
2 - killer_kill
2 - lukethefluke
1 - Alchemist
1 - bolt2112
1 - CrimsonFox
1 - D1iabol1cal
1 - eleanor60
1 - Eric
1 - Priptonite
1 - True North
0 - Bob Dobelina
0 - Booker Wolfbox
0 - JMurder3
0 - PokerCrazy94
-1 - derwipok
-2 - Nicholasp27
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06-04-2019 , 03:38 PM
LOL running over people can't possibly be valid. You don't get a ticket for vehicular assault.

Running a red light is right there.
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06-04-2019 , 03:39 PM
Question 4: Famous females (First or last name can count – but put both. Must have wiki page)

I think these are all good except Roxanne

ACES - 1:

Rachel Hunter - Alchemist
Rosa Parks - ArcticKnight
Rachel Ray - Bob Dobelina
roberta flack - bolt2112
Ronnie Spector - Booker Wolfbox
Helen Reddy - CrimsonFox
rahda mitchell - D1iabol1cal
Maria Riesch - derwipok
Rachel Riley - eleanor60
Rhonda Rousey - Eric
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (please stay alive) - eyebooger
rachel mcadams - insanity31
Rudolph, Maya - JMurder3
Regina Spektre - killer_kill
rachel stevens - lukethefluke
rene russo - Nicholasp27
Reanne Evans - PokerCrazy94
Rachel Carson - True North


Roxanne - Priptonite

Last edited by Carl_Spackler; 06-04-2019 at 03:41 PM. Reason: Poker's answer is not rooster
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06-04-2019 , 03:40 PM
I’m used to getting 2 points for Rene Russo because both start with R tho I know that’s not a rule here; just made me think of her first because of it (followed by Rousey who I felt was more likely to be duped; you’re welcome, Eric)
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06-04-2019 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
LOL running over people can't possibly be valid. You don't get a ticket for vehicular assault.

Running a red light is right there.
Probably not. I think the severity would depend on circumstance but ~never a ticket.
Scattergories reveal thread Quote
06-04-2019 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
LOL running over people can't possibly be valid. You don't get a ticket for vehicular assault.

Running a red light is right there.
lolme for not thinking of red light
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06-04-2019 , 03:48 PM
I think farm animals was on the last series and was one of the most contentious questions.

Question 5: Farm animals

ACES - 1:

I found evidence of both rhino and rat/rodent farms on the internet.

Rhinos - ArcticKnight
Rodents - Bob Dobelina
rat - Nicholasp27


5 - lukethefluke
rabbit - bolt2112
rabbit - D1iabol1cal
Rabbits - Eric
Raccoon - derwipok
Racoon - killer_kill
Ragdoll - eleanor60 - Is this a thing, farm wise?
Rams - Booker Wolfbox
Ram - True North
rooster - Alchemist
Rooster - CrimsonFox
Rooster - eyebooger
rooster - insanity31
Rooster - PokerCrazy94
roosters - Priptonite
Runts - JMurder3 This is more of an adjective that describes a farm animal
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06-04-2019 , 03:51 PM
Maybe ragdoll is for the next question? Is ragdoll a character?

EDIT - oh, a cat breed. Hmmmm
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06-04-2019 , 03:53 PM
Starting with that sweet -1 bcause I managed to submit 3 seconds too late
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06-04-2019 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Question 2: Things in the sky

ACES - 1:

Radiowaves - Booker Wolfbox
rain cloud - D1iabol1cal
Roc - eyebooger
rotors - lukethefluke Kind of borderline, but I think it works


- - insanity31
Rainbows - Eric
Rainbow - PokerCrazy94
Rana - eleanor60 I don't know what this is, and Google reveals nothing that works
ravens - ArcticKnight
Raven - CrimsonFox
raven - Nicholasp27
Realtors - JMurder3
Red arrows - Bob Dobelina Superfluous adjective
robin - Alchemist
robins - bolt2112
Robin - derwipok
Rockets - killer_kill
rocketships - Priptonite
Rockets - True North
Realtors aren't allowed to fly anymore? Pretty sure there are numerous realtors in the sky right now.
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06-04-2019 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Question 2: Things in the sky


Red arrows - Bob Dobelina Superfluous adjective
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06-04-2019 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Realtors aren't allowed to fly anymore? Pretty sure there are numerous realtors in the sky right now.
Not buying it, sorry
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06-04-2019 , 03:58 PM
I fixed the red arrow thing
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06-04-2019 , 04:00 PM
Still thinking about the cat thing, but here's the next one

Question 6: Fictional characters (Must be well know enough to be found online)

Ron Weasley - 2
True North

ACES - 1:

Ryu (street fighter) - Alchemist
Romulans - ArcticKnight
Ren (+ stimpy) - Bob Dobelina
rocket raccoon - bolt2112
Ron Burgundy - Booker Wolfbox
Romeo - CrimsonFox
roger ramjet - D1iabol1cal
Ronald McDonald - derwipok
Rosie (from Rosie and Jim) - eleanor60
Rand Al'Thor - Eric
Richie Rich - eyebooger
Red Robin - JMurder3
Reven (star wars) - killer_kill
remus lupin - lukethefluke
Robin Scherbatsky - Nicholasp27
raichu - Priptonite


- - insanity31

Edit - will invalidate Ron Weasley
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06-04-2019 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
I fixed the red arrow thing
My bad somehow missed that.
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06-04-2019 , 04:02 PM
He means those remax hot air balloons I guess?
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06-04-2019 , 04:02 PM
I've been on a few farms in my day, and they all had a ****load of cats. Gave the point.

Hopefully, these scores are correct.

Scores after question 6:

6 - eyebooger
5 - ArcticKnight
4 - eleanor60
4 - killer_kill
4 - lukethefluke
3 - Alchemist
3 - Bob Dobelina
3 - bolt2112
3 - CrimsonFox
3 - D1iabol1cal
3 - Eric
3 - insanity31
2 - Booker Wolfbox
2 - JMurder3
2 - True North
1 - derwipok
1 - Nicholasp27
1 - PokerCrazy94
1 - Priptonite
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