bigger, my initial thoughts are:
- elliot is either a villager or more powerful than THC
- the THC wagon probably had wolves pushing it from the beginning because i don't understand the wagon at all. it was created out of nothing. i don't trust anyone that hardcore pushed him all day.
- no clue on jdalla
- BEG can be safely lynched. it doesn't really matter whether or not she's a wolf
- why should we think wahoo is a wolf? just curious
- i think this game has a lot of "forced" action that is required which makes it difficult. i also think people are focusing too much on mechanics, especially for a game where villagers are going to do anti-village things. thats part of the theme. you have to look past that. one of the reasons why i think elliot isn't necessarily evil
Wahoo is just a hunch. That's usually all I ever have. I'm wrong a lot, though.
I agree that elliot has to either be villa or more powerful than thc.
My thought on elliot is, it was so uber-obvious he killed pointer. Pointer was obviously a big asset to the village. So, even if elliot did turn out villa, how in the heck could they get a wagon with more votes than someone who just blatantly killed a good guy? It makes no sense to me.
The mechanics thing, though, is important. People that do things anti-village turn up village? So, how are we supposed to sort all that out? I dunno.
Yeah, I could probably vote beg here too.