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Saw WW Game Thread Saw WW Game Thread

10-19-2009 , 08:42 AM


Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
I couldn't decide and it was a split second decision. I made the wrong choice...I screwed up. It happens. THC and Elliot were both good wagons, and I thought both of them are wolves. I wasn't buying the "I was given instructions" stuff. And, the fact that he disappeared to "go for a run" really, really made me doubt him. I think he ran right to the wolf cave to come up with his b.s. story. You notice that I had my vote on THC for a long time. I only decided to switch it, because I was uncomfortable with how fast the movement was going off of Elliot. It looked like wolf movement to me to save Elliot.
the tl/dr of above = "sorry i made the wrong choice"

followed by...

Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Save your breath, drubell. They just don't get me. DUH!!

Listen....My role states that I choose between forgiveness or vengance.
I just chose vengance last night. I am deeply sorry....but, you know....woman's scorn and all. Atak shouldn't have gone running his mouth, and pissed me off like that. All I ask is for a little cooperation.....just a little all choose to laugh at me instead.

So, here we are. I can either save you....or I will kill you....period.

Night one.....I voted to save Danika. I did save her....but someone else killed her. I know...because I asked if I was role blocked, and that's what I was told.

Night two....AGAIN......I chose to save the they can laugh at me some more......and NOOOOOO......I was role blocked.

So, last night.....I lost my head. So sue me.....lynch me....whatever....I get no respect anyway.

"but i'm still going to vote the wrong choice and threaten the village in the process"
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:47 AM
Things I don't understand:

Why elliotr wasn't lynched
Why elliotr isn't going to be lynched
How thc turned up wolf
Why jdalla isn't up for lynching
Why jdalla keeps claiming
What beg is up to
Why no one else thinks wahoo is a wolf
This game
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:52 AM
bigger, my initial thoughts are:

- elliot is either a villager or more powerful than THC
- the THC wagon probably had wolves pushing it from the beginning because i don't understand the wagon at all. it was created out of nothing. i don't trust anyone that hardcore pushed him all day.
- no clue on jdalla
- BEG can be safely lynched. it doesn't really matter whether or not she's a wolf
- why should we think wahoo is a wolf? just curious
- i think this game has a lot of "forced" action that is required which makes it difficult. i also think people are focusing too much on mechanics, especially for a game where villagers are going to do anti-village things. thats part of the theme. you have to look past that. one of the reasons why i think elliot isn't necessarily evil
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by JDalla

My only defense is my play doesn't make sense as a wolf, and I voted for THC over Elliot, and advocated others do the same (and THC was a strong PW.)
See, I'm not all that convinced. thc wasn't a "strong" pw imo. This looked more to me like saving elliot. In this game, though, whotfknows.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by dmk
bigger, my initial thoughts are:

- elliot is either a villager or more powerful than THC
- the THC wagon probably had wolves pushing it from the beginning because i don't understand the wagon at all. it was created out of nothing. i don't trust anyone that hardcore pushed him all day.
- no clue on jdalla
- BEG can be safely lynched. it doesn't really matter whether or not she's a wolf
- why should we think wahoo is a wolf? just curious
- i think this game has a lot of "forced" action that is required which makes it difficult. i also think people are focusing too much on mechanics, especially for a game where villagers are going to do anti-village things. thats part of the theme. you have to look past that. one of the reasons why i think elliot isn't necessarily evil
Wahoo is just a hunch. That's usually all I ever have. I'm wrong a lot, though.

I agree that elliot has to either be villa or more powerful than thc.

My thought on elliot is, it was so uber-obvious he killed pointer. Pointer was obviously a big asset to the village. So, even if elliot did turn out villa, how in the heck could they get a wagon with more votes than someone who just blatantly killed a good guy? It makes no sense to me.

The mechanics thing, though, is important. People that do things anti-village turn up village? So, how are we supposed to sort all that out? I dunno.

Yeah, I could probably vote beg here too.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:46 AM
Ok guys,

sorry for ranting and raving like crazy the other night. It was all in the span of 10 minutes and I wanted to overcome a nolynch and get something accomplished. i didnt know at the time that we would still lynch someone even though nolynch had the most votes. Even though i didnt kill Bingo, i take responsibility for getting him vigged. My reasoning that night is that I took 3 players off the keanu wagon and pushed them hard. Other than his suspsects, Bingo actually looked very villagery. My bad again.

Ok, so BEG. WE need to keep our villagers alive. I would guess that you win along with the rest of us when we get all the wolves, so now that we know you are Jeff please more saving and less sacrificing.

Jdalla is most likely a wolf because none of this makes sense, so Jdalla

I need to get reaquainted with this elliot thing but kinda want to lynch him too.

Biggerboat is right on with his last few posts. ( i tend to agree about yahoo as well.)
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:50 AM
dmk, I agree.

everyone is talking about antidotes and traps and all this nonsense that we have had limited "who is a wolf" discussion.

I can see why you would want to lynch BEG since she is taking out villagers (mainly deuces out of spite) but the fact remains she is probably villa.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:52 AM
So, WIN and POINTER were antidote givers, and unless I'm mistaken, another person gave coordi his antidote. Coordi, dont identify the person but tell me if it was one of these two or someone else
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1
2 wolfy votes
That kinda depends on whether or not Elliot is on our side or not.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:57 AM
and i could see voting elliot because no matter what role, he probably knew pointer would die.

I say if we lynch Jdalla and he is bad, that gives us two cleared villas. His back and forth claim/unclaim/reclaim is enough reason here.

And I still feel that one of ewalsh/wahoo is a wolf
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Save your breath, drubell. They just don't get me. DUH!!

Listen....My role states that I choose between forgiveness or vengance.
I just chose vengance last night. I am deeply sorry....but, you know....woman's scorn and all. Atak shouldn't have gone running his mouth, and pissed me off like that. All I ask is for a little cooperation.....just a little all choose to laugh at me instead.

So, here we are. I can either save you....or I will kill you....period.

Night one.....I voted to save Danika. I did save her....but someone else killed her. I know...because I asked if I was role blocked, and that's what I was told.

Night two....AGAIN......I chose to save the they can laugh at me some more......and NOOOOOO......I was role blocked.

So, last night.....I lost my head. So sue me.....lynch me....whatever....I get no respect anyway.

Are you roleplaying your role?
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:03 AM
Updated (red is evil)

1. theHuntcontinues
2. DannyKGB,Seth,can make his vote count 0 peeked by luckydevil as villager
3. MoneyMatt1,?,dispensable,tear villager to pieces, or vital to one's survival
4. WinEvryRacex,?,has antidote - cured coordi and drubell
5. Thingyman
6. honeybee/Dueces Mucked(atakdog),Mark,needs antidote and needs code to get multiple antidotes
7. drubell,Xavier,needs antidote - has 1 peek per night - dies if the peek is an agent or wolf, but kills a villager - got antidote
8. Youngplayer9
9. BingoBango
10. biggerboat,Trevor,In a trap with atakdog/Art - only one escapes - dispensable,tear villager to pieces, or vital to one's survival
11. dmk
12. Dropkick Brian,?,Needs posts every 15 minutes or will die
13. JDalla,Brenda,Morgan,dispensable,tear villager to pieces, or vital to one's survival
14. trevorwc/Bodie Broadus(essederius),?,needs antidote
15. Scuzzlebutt
16. LuckyDevil,Agent Dan Erickson every other night seer - peeked dannykgb seth/villager
17. jonnyd
18. G1982/KeanuReaver
19. essedarius,?,needs razor wire votes
20. PointertoVoid,?,wants 1/4 of the players to vote ijwtkwgo or he dies of poison
21. globetrotter
22. ElliotR,?,got instructions to post phrase that killed pointer, peeks evil - miller post
23. ewalsh420
24. MinusEV
25. OnThInIcE911,?,needs antidote
26. Nicholasp27
27. Cadaz,?,Restricted posting
28. semper fidelis/mrs. johnnyd
29. Jennifer Garner/Fullonrapist138(Aaronk56sSon)/zinx(BingoBango),?,needs antidote
30. BrownEyedGirl
31. atakdog - ,Art,In a trap with biggerboat/Trevor - only one escapes
32. Aaronk56's Son,?,N1 lets someone freeze to death to get a vig kill
33. wahoopride
34. McAvoy
35. TJT11/norseman1066
36. coordi,?,needs antidote, sees(peek) people who have been poisoned - healed[/QUOTE]
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
Are you roleplaying your role?
Haha, I was thinking the same thing.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:08 AM
How come you keep leaving out the part where you QUOTED POINTER when you said the phrase?????

Originally Posted by ElliotR
1) I was given instructions, I don't believe I had the option to discuss first.

2) I had no reason to know what would happen. I still don;t know if it was connected to pointers death for sure or not.
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Also, I didn't know until I saw the writeup that I am responsible for pointers' death. Like I said, I got instructions, They did not appear to be optional; they did not indicate what the results would be,
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:09 AM
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:10 AM
Seriously though, BEG, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who killed Danica (I targetted akson, at least, and the writeup seems clear I made the kill). But if you are being roleblocked, you need to think of who it is.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:11 AM
I take back what I said about beg for now. Beg, if you are good, please focus. We are getting our butts kicked and we need good kills.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by PointerToVoid
^^ The phrase has to do with my character the only thing it says is I can choose a seer peek or antidote, and can not be NK'ed. I doubt their is game wide implications that no one knows and if it effects other players no one has said anything. The village can not afford to wast a day with the number of NK's happening.

Also sorry to ElliotR, I did not sleep last night( Played WW instead) and am a bit tired.
Did anyone catch this? The wolves had to do what they did.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Did anyone catch this? The wolves had to do what they did.
I meant to bold the part where he said he could not be nkd. So, they had to do a day action.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:17 AM

Who still needs antidote?

I don't have any, but please answer. thanks
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by DannyKGB
dmk, I agree.

everyone is talking about antidotes and traps and all this nonsense that we have had limited "who is a wolf" discussion.

I can see why you would want to lynch BEG since she is taking out villagers (mainly deuces out of spite) but the fact remains she is probably villa.
up until last night i have been working hard for the village. Atak betrayed me, insulted me, & mocked me & it felt great pulling the trigger. It had to be done, and it's over with. I am on the village team. I ask for forgiveness & i will give forgiveness. All is not what it seems. . . And i am not allowed to say anything else about that. i can save a villager again tonight. . . AND I WILL. so. . . Make a choice
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
up until last night i have been working hard for the village. Atak betrayed me, insulted me, & mocked me & it felt great pulling the trigger. It had to be done, and it's over with. I am on the village team. I ask for forgiveness & i will give forgiveness. All is not what it seems. . . And i am not allowed to say anything else about that. i can save a villager again tonight. . . AND I WILL. so. . . Make a choice
If you're being roleblocked then you'll probably be disappointed again tonight. Do you have any clues on who's blocking you so we can lynch?
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I meant to bold the part where he said he could not be nkd. So, they had to do a day action.

he could still be xavier, though, considering he's the one that killed jonas in the movie
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
If you're being roleblocked then you'll probably be disappointed again tonight. Do you have any clues on who's blocking you so we can lynch?
drubell, did i read that correctly above? are you saying you killed deuces last night?
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
