I did not mean to cause sucha stir here, I think there is alot of misunderstandings right now
Originally Posted by 72off
Birdie, i really don't think what she did was an angleshoot at all
also, i don't think your dead post was all that bad, but it's still best to say as little as possible with those
Angleshot might be a bad word, but it really did change the game. And its not the emo outburst, its the mistake of eod that damages the game.
A week or two ago a first time player nightposted as wolf and was modkilled, couse it was perceived that she couldnt be in wolf chat at the same time... I mean there is a double standard here
Originally Posted by domer2
birdie raging against the machine itt
yeah, giving a **** when its not my turn to give a ****
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Um, the difference is... what you did was against the rules and I quoted them from the sticky for you, in case you weren't aware.
What I did is not against the rules, and it is not an angleshoot for the reasons Felix pointed out.
It didn't damage the game, it damaged your butthurt. Good day to you.
lol how old are you
Originally Posted by FN2339
one of my least favourite aspect of the game now(thanks henrik /suspectface) is the emotional appeals
i've done it myselfbut when i see one these days i go blerrrrgh
that said xnerd's posts werent anywhere near angly imo. she was playing within the game 100%. and it can go either way depending on meta so it's not like it's a sure fire way to clear someone/implicate someone anyway (thanks henrikjkasdflklsdfj)
and fwiw your night post imo was close to the borderline but not over it
see above.. I still think the eod thing is abit touchy, you aint allowed to ask itt what eod is, i think it follows the same logic
Originally Posted by domer2
yeah but take that logic to the next level birdie
what if she was a wolf PRETENDING to not know that its eod? then her post was 100% effective on you.
ofc, ...
but if someone ask what eod is in thread he is thought not to be a wolf right? and thats angleing...aint this the same thing?
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
ive made that post as a villager and wolf and i dont see whats wrong with it
seriusly? i doubt it, its not so much one post as alot of them combined that makes it "dead villa gg" = 100% villa.
you all need to adjust your radar
Originally Posted by FN2339
that's the thing. depending on meta it can be interpreted either way
for eg in the FFIX game henriK(who had a history selfvoting and playing the woeisme card as a villa before) did the same thing. some people gave him a clear status after that for that act alone.
it can go either way
ofcourse, but some things are hence not allowed to be talked about in thread, like number of wolfes, eod ... this falls in to the same category to me
I might have used wrong wording or what ever but crossnerd did affect the game unintentionally